Hunting High School

Chapter 37 Friedman's Real Purpose

The Glorious Hunt is a sports magazine founded in 1864 and now owned by the media giant Beta Town Post. Up to now, this magazine with a history of more than 150 years still maintains a reading volume of nearly one million per week, and has more than 300,000 loyal fans—including more than 50,000 subscribers from other places— ——This magazine is also the first magazine that has won the most popular hunting publication of the Wizarding Union three times, and it has a wide range of influence in the entire wizarding world.

It is no exaggeration to say that this magazine's comments on a certain hunting match or a certain hunting team can basically represent the most mainstream views in the wizarding world.

As one of the three major leagues in the wizarding world, the "Academy Cup" was followed by "The Path to Glory" as soon as the game started—from the list of guests attending the opening ceremony, the arrangement of seats, to the opening ceremony. A performance-based hunting game; from the lottery ceremony of the first round-robin match to the entry order of the hunting teams in the final round; even other activities derived from the hunting moon, such as hunting dance parties, hunting painting exhibitions, As well as the freshmen hunting competition, etc., "Glory" gave full reports and comments.

Based on this, the two hunting teams that have sprung up in this year's "Hope Cup" - Judgment Hunting Team and Cheung Kei Hunting Team - naturally received the greatest attention from "Glory".

Needless to say, the ruling hunting team.

As a 'second-rate' hunting team, Judgment was able to defeat the first-ranked school team and teams from four colleges on the hunting ground, and finally won this year's 'Academy Cup' and won the title of best hunter. Glasses all over the place. Such a glorious record has made the headlines in two consecutive issues of "Glory" magazine - even if one of the pages is a newsletter released outside the number, it is also a great honor for the Judgment Hunting Team.

And the Cheung Kei hunting team did not give up.

Due to the excellent results of the team's seventh place in this year's "Academy Cup" - second only to the first university team, four academy teams, and the Judgment Hunting Team - in view of this, "Glory" will Cheung Kei The hunting team's official ranking in the first university has been adjusted from the seventeenth place to the eleventh place, surpassing six hunting teams.

According to the latest analysis report of "The Road to Glorious Hunting Team", similar to Cheung Kei's hunting team's improvement speed, it can be regarded as one of the best hunting teams in the First University in the past fifty years.

"Of course, the commentator article of "Glory" did not use the phrase 'one of the best', they used 'the best'...but I think the term 'best' is a bit too exaggerated."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

While explaining reservedly, Soprano patted a thick magazine next to him, and at the same time slowly added: "...This was just published half an hour ago, the latest Issue one."

Sir Friedman looked as if he had been punched hard, turning blue and pale.

But soon, he cleared his expression, and replied in a nonchalant tone: "Is "Glory" meaningful to the ranking of the first university? This is the first university, and everything must be done according to the school The rules... the ranking given by the "Arkana" of the wand is the most correct."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at his cousin, and taught him a lesson: "Remember, a true Alpha person only reads truly authoritative publications...not some messy gossip."

"Huh?! Gossip?" Soprano laughed angrily at Friedman's words, and couldn't help letting out a short, piercing laugh: "It's the first time I've heard that Glory is a mess. Gossip... Are you going to share this opinion with the editorial department of "Glory"? I remember that they have an office in Beta Town."

Sir Friedman naturally had no such plans.

He was just trying to find some random excuse to deny that the fat wizard had created an advantage and create a more favorable atmosphere for the conversation that followed. Of course, due to reality, all his plans were not fully realized.

Facing Soprano's questioning, Friedman took a deep breath, finally gave up the hopeless 'art of negotiation', and directly clarified the intention of own.

"The meeting will collect 60% of the income from hunting the moon." He said in a dull voice without any ups and downs: "There is also the deal between Linzhong Lake and the murlocs. Any changes based on reality need the unanimous approval of the committee."

The fat on Soprano's cheeks trembled, but he didn't speak.

The "inside" and "committee" mentioned by the Sir refer to the Hemophilia, and the Standing Committee of the Hemophilia. Soprano's current status in Alpha Castle is still due to his series of titles and positions in the Society of Hemophilia.

As one of the two student organizations of the First University, the Hemophilia is far larger than the Cheung Kei Society, which was established less than three years ago, in terms of scale and number of members—not to mention the large number of off-campus "members" of the Hemophilia. sponsorship funds.

Many projects, including Moon Hunting and Linzhong Lake murloc's "recycling of old things", were originally controlled by the Blood Friends. It's just that because of the 'bad reputation', in the past few years, the Hemophilia has already begun to seek external partners, trying to transfer these 'gray projects'.

Since Soprano is also the vice president of the Hemophilia Society and the president of the Cheung Kei Society, he was able to win these two projects with a relatively favorable agreement—for the newly established Cheung Kei Society, there is only gold It's real, reputation or something is not within their scope of consideration.

"Business, that's not how it is done." After a long time, Soprano finally spoke, with a particularly low voice: "According to the previous agreement, the income from Hunting Moon will be 30% for the Blood Friends, 30% for the Wanderers, and 40% for the Cheung Kei Club... If the Blood Friends take 60% and the Vagabonds take 30%, how much will Cheung Kei have left?"

"In addition, according to the agreement, from September this year to the end of August next year, Cheung Kei will be fully responsible for the transaction between Linzhong Lake and the murlocs, and there will be no other arrangements in the meeting..."

"That was just a previous verbal agreement." Sir Friedman interrupted the fat wizard impatiently: "There is no magic contract signed... Besides, this is not a business."

Soprano fell silent again.

This time, he was silent for a longer time.

"Later today, I will go to No. 18 Gamma Street." The fat wizard gave a final answer with a heavy sigh.

Gamma Street No. 18 is the location of the Hemophilia's hall outside the castle. What Soprano meant was that he would communicate directly with His Excellency Augustus—he believed that without Augustus's instruction, Friedman would never have the guts to come to the Cheung Kei Club's site to show off his might. (to be continued)

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