Hunting High School

Chapter 60 Mission

"The ecosystem is a very delicate chain, and any deviation at any point will cause a very wide range of changes in the entire chain."

"Fish schools migrate ahead of time, and they will compete with the protozoa in the Silent River for bait, causing some hungry creatures to flee to the school grounds for food; moreover, there will be no fish migrating in the early spring of the next year, and the animals that wake up from hibernation in the Silent Forest will It will inevitably expand the scope of hunting, and the harassment will inevitably be within the scope of the school's control."

"Besides, the ray is a very ferocious creature. Their confrontation with different creatures on both sides of the silent forest during their migration can effectively reduce some 'uncontrollable risk factors' in the forest, which is very important for maintaining The calm and tranquility of the whole forest is very effective."

"The above three points will have a very direct impact on the safety of the school and even Beta Town."

"The destruction of the biological chain also means the death of a large number of creatures—including but not limited to hunger, competition for living space, decreased oxygen supply in lake water, etc.—death will bring a large number of dead bodies, and dead bodies will cause Yin Qi to rise. Besides carrion animals, the only thing these corpses will attract is the cleaners in the forest, that is, carrion beetles."

"The proliferation of carrion beetles, in turn, affects the populations of certain small animals that feed on the bugs."

"Like a mouse."

"According to what we have learned so far, a large number of rats of unknown origin have appeared in many areas of First University, including Jiuyou University - the school working committee has issued a notice calling on capable students to help deal with these annoying small things."

"To sum up, the biggest impact of the resurgence of silence on First University is campus security."

Having said this in one breath, Xiao Xiao seemed a little tired, so he stopped and rested for a while.

"Very good, very good!" Lao Yao didn't hesitate at all to own the applause, and clapped his hands again and again, full of praise for Xiao Xiao's answer: "This answer is very comprehensive... I can't say more. Then, reward classmate Xiao Xiao One credit, everyone has no opinion!"

There were sparse responses in the classroom.

They are all my classmates, and there is only one credit. Only a broken-headed person will stand up and say that he has an opinion.

The professor nodded in satisfaction, put the pipe into his mouth again, and exhaled a large puff of smoke: "Since Xiao Xiao has already said what I was going to say..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Zheng Qing knew the reason why Lao Yao stopped talking—in fact, everyone in the classroom knew—because Dr. Xiao Da, who had just received a credit award, interrupted Lao Yao in a very loud voice: "I haven't It's over!"

The young public fee student tugged at the corner of Xiao Xiao's robe nervously, motioning him to shut up and sit down.

I've never seen such a stunned child, who has already received credit rewards, why are you still standing there talking about it! It caused a lot of trouble for no reason.

Sitting in front of Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, Zhang Jixin and Xin Fatty straightened their bodies together, raised their heads and chests up, as if they wanted to use their broad shoulders and huge heads to cover some ignorant nerd behind them— — but apparently, their efforts have yielded little. Not only could they not hide Xiao Xiao's figure, but they also couldn't hide the strange glances cast in front of them.

Surprised, amazed, thoughtful, mocking, etc., all kinds of eyes are dizzying.

"Have you finished yet?" On the podium, Lao Yao repeated Xiao Xiao's last sentence.

"I haven't finished yet." Xiao Xiao pursed his lips and adjusted his glasses, as if he had made up his mind.

Lao Yao changed his posture, picked up his teacup, took a big sip of tea, then raised his head to look at Xiao Xiao again. Maybe because the tea was a little cold, his expression seemed a little weird.

But he did not order Xiao Xiao to sit down after all.

"What else do you mean?" Although the professor's tone was still very gentle, his attitude was obviously more cautious than before: "Let's listen."

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"Silence returns to the tide ahead of time, which means that when the scorpion rays pass through the middle and lower reaches of the Silent River, they will not encounter sniper attacks from the herds on both sides of the river... This also means that a large amount of fresh food will be sent to the depths of the Silent Forest place."

"Although neither the school nor the Wizarding Union has ever made it clear what is in the depths of the Silent Forest, but based on previous news clips, we can speculate that many terrible creatures should be suppressed there. The fish that resurface every year in Silence, They are all delivering supplies to those creatures... and this year, the amount of supplies is obviously too high."

"A monster that is full, and a monster that is hungry and exhausted, the combat effectiveness is obviously not at the same level."

Having said this, Dr. Xiao finally closed his mouth contentedly, and sat down.

The young public-funded student turned his head silently, and carefully looked at the doctor's round, medium-sized face—the kid said he was dumbfounded, but he knew what he meant; he said he was smart, obviously The tacit 'rumor', he took it to the class to talk about it.

The matter in the depths of the silent forest is something that he, a first-year little wizard, can casually talk about?

That kind of thing, like the 'black prison' where monsters are held, or the 'relevant department' that manages forbidden spells, can only exist between gossip and rumors with everyone-even if there is reliable evidence, it cannot Talk about it in public.

detrimental to social health and stability.

In front of the classroom, Professor Yao was holding a teacup, walked back and forth on the not-so-long podium, and finally nodded with a smile: "Well, Xiao Xiao's guess is also very interesting... In short, like his As said, this year's resurgence of silence will be brought forward, which will have a certain degree of impact on the school's security situation."

"The main thing is that it has had a very serious impact on the ecosystem of the entire Phuket Island. In the past two weeks, we old guys were investigating how bad the situation along the Silent River is. Because this river also runs through some small The secret realm of the secret garden, so the investigation time is slightly longer than expected."

"However, our troubles have almost been dealt with...the rest is your troubles-the school work committee will issue a series of announcements recently, including dealing with those scurrying rats, corpse beetles, and those from the Silent Forest. There are other weird things that come in. Every college has been assigned a task."

"As my student, I have applied for the job of catching mice for you - compared to those creepy carrion beetles, poisonous red chain snakes, eight-eyed spiders, five-legged monsters and other creatures, mice seem much more normal .”

"So, starting from this week, everyone must catch a hundred mice a week and send them to the school work committee. The school work committee will issue a receipt note, and you will hand it back during the regular weekend meeting."

"Those who have completed the task will be evaluated by 10 counselors at the end of the term."

"Those who can't complete the task... Well, think about what to do for yourself."

The implication is that people who can't even catch a few mice should not expect high marks from the counselor's assessment. (to be continued)

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