Hunting High School

Chapter 74 The Meeting Is Over!

A little mouse in a blue vest clasped its head in its paws and lay trembling on the ground.

In front of it, squatting a black cat covered with dark clouds and snow, staring at it without blinking; Its tail keeps it immobile. On the left and right sides, there are six strong big cats, eager to try, seeming to pounce on it at any time and tear it to pieces.

Outside the cat circle, there is another circle of wizards.

Dr. Xiao Da is holding his notebook, holding an emerald green quill, and is moving his brush like flying on a piece of straw paper, outlining the image of the little mouse; With silkworm leather gloves, a dissecting attack was prepared at hand, and when the captain gave an order, he stepped forward and cut the little mouse into seventeen or eight pieces.

Xin Fatty picked up his bucket of fried chicken nuggets again at some point, regardless of whether there was cat hair or cat saliva in it, he still ate the beer with relish; Blue Bird and Zhang Jixin crossed their arms and stood At the outermost edge, I was bored looking at those focused figures inside, completely unable to understand why they were so curious about a mouse.

This stalemate has lasted for almost five minutes since the little mouse failed to escape and was caught by the puppet cat.

It is impossible to kill directly.

Although the school has set up a "transformation forbidden area" in the whole Phuket Island because of the task of "catching mice", and it is strictly forbidden for any wizard who transforms to appear as a rat animal to transform within the specified time and place, but this is not completely guaranteed. No one violated the ban. After all, the ban was issued for people to violate.

The black cat thinks that even he himself will wander around the school on the day of the Lantern Festival, a certain wizard becomes a mouse during the ban period, playing adventure and heartbeat in this capture and kill, what can't be understood What about?

Therefore, it is definitely inappropriate to kill this mouse that is wearing clothes and has ghost spirits. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if it is really changed by a wizard, it will be terrible.

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But letting go made the black cat hesitate.

Not to mention the task of "catching mice" released by Lao Yao, which is related to the final assessment and must be taken seriously. Any mouse is very important to everyone; Culture', it made the black cat feel like being caught by a cat. He was too curious about the place where the mouse was raised.

Looking up at the sky, it's still early.

The black cat squeezed its paws and calculated. It would be a few hours before his transformation technique expired, so it should be enough to do something.

"Why don't you go back first?" The black cat tilted its head and glanced at the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team: "I'll walk around with this little mouse and send it home..."

"Then the next afternoon, the school received a notice and found that you were tied up in the depths of the Silent Forest by a group of rats, your belly was ripped apart, and your intestines leaked all over the place." Xin Fatty immediately described a very terrifying possibility to the black cat, which made you The fur on the black cat's back was blown up.

"It's not enough to disembowel and disembowel." Zhang Jixin shook his head, denying Fatty's guess, but at the same time agreed: "But it's really inappropriate to just follow up like this... Who knows where this rat's nest is."

"Elder is wearing a hunting suit and brought tools. He can go with you, and he can take care of him." Xiao Xiao compromised the opinions of several people: "I won't go with Fatty, I will help you take these things away." Ship it back."

As he spoke, he pointed to the messy pile of 'tributes' on the ground.

Although Zheng Qing dismissed most of the tributes, Xiao Xiao insisted that he respect the dignity of every cat, not treat the tributes differently, and transport them back to the dormitory for processing. A guy who just rolls around besides licking his hair, do you know how to write the word "dignity"?

It's just that Dr. Xiao Da is willing to work hard, Zheng Qing will never dampen his enthusiasm, simply push the boat along and agree with him. But he repeatedly emphasized that after returning these things, they should be piled up in cardboard boxes on the balcony and isolated safely with magic.

"Actually, if you want me to say, it's easiest to just crush this little thing." Zhang Jixin broke his fingers, made a crackling sound, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "It's rare that the school implements a 'special policy' within the scope of Phuket Island. Hunting and killing rodent creatures... I don't know what you are struggling with!"

The little mouse slapping on the ground seemed to feel the murderous aura coming from the red-faced wizard. The little paws hugging its head became tighter, and the trembling on its body became more obvious. The puppet cat holding its tail was even curious. The little mouse leaned forward and sniffed, meowing, wondering what the little mouse was doing shaking like that, thinking it was playing a fun game.

"Big chest and no brains." The black cat glanced at the red-faced wizard's well-developed chest muscles, and scoffed at his suggestion.

Xin Fatty listened to it, and laughed so hard that he couldn't hold it back for a moment, and sprayed all the chicken in his mouth all over the floor, causing a group of kittens to rush over to grab the residue.

Zhang Jixin was dumbfounded, and raised his fist to the side of the black cat. Before he could make a move, he saw a paw that was getting bigger and bigger appeared in front of him.

The corners of his eyes twitched, he compared the size of his head with that paw, and finally decided that the adults would ignore the kitten and not be as knowledgeable as that black cat.

"It's just a cat." He comforted himself from the bottom of his heart, muttering in a low voice: "The beast scolded you, do you want to scold you back? You can't drag yourself to the level of a cat..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt much calmer.

"If you don't want to go, you can change it with Fatty." Xiao Xiao glanced at Zhang Jixin, and corrected his own opinion: "Anyway, Fatty has nothing to do... If you eat, you can eat it anywhere, even on foot."

Fatty chewed on the fried chicken, nodded without making a sound.

"Actually, I don't care, I obey the organization's assignment." The red-faced wizard laughed, but he took a small step towards the retreated inconspicuously, expressing his own opinion calmly.

"If he doesn't go, I'll go...I'll go! I know the school well, I've been wandering around here since I was six years old!" Lin Guo raised her small arms and yelled loudly. She volunteered and looked at the school expectantly. The black cat tried its best to express its own role.

It's just that whether he can go depends on the blue bird.

"Only within the walls of the school." Lan Que hesitated for a moment, but finally did not object clearly, and rarely spoke a long sentence. The little wizard jumped up and down, twisting and turning on the back of the black goat, and the big goat frowned.

The black cat man stood up, patted his paws silently, coughed twice, and finally said clearly:

"Then, Fatty and I will send the mouse home... Lin Guo can take a look at it. The doctor and Elder will work harder and help send this pile of cat gifts back."

"The meeting is over!" (to be continued)

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