Hunting High School

Chapter 92 Hard Currency

Nicholas wants to pick the most beautiful one from the snowflakes dancing in the sky and give it to Little Sister.

The young public fee student had neither experience nor patience, so after clumsily comforting the old student, he left annoyed after breaking his mouth and the gradually thinning snowflakes in the sky above his head.

However, this shallow unhappiness quickly dissipated in the whistling wind—the more important reason is that Zheng Qing asked Elena to meet in the pedestrian street. As long as he thinks of the bright eyes of the gypsy witch, his mood will always be Involuntary improvement.

After the adventure on the Xiayuan Festival, the relationship between the two has suddenly become much clearer.

Although the gypsy witch still often misses the normal class time, she never misses the "Talesology tutoring class" every weekend. Zheng Qing was very happy, so he made an appointment with the witch after the last weekend's tutoring class to relax this weekend and go for a walk in the pedestrian street.

Although the pedestrian street is the leading commercial street in Beta Town, the area limited by the town is not that big, so the length of this commercial street can be imagined.

The so-called strolling in the pedestrian street is just a "date" that the wizard bravely changed to another word.

Maybe it's because the study has been very hard recently, and the ancient talismans that the two of them interpreted have become more and more difficult recently, and they often spend a busy afternoon without gaining much, so the witch just thought about it for a while, and then happily agreed The wizard's invitation.

Today is the weekend, which is the day they agreed on.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, a little later than the usual time to go to the library, but a little early for an appointment. Zheng Qing originally wanted to postpone the meeting until around five o'clock in the afternoon, so that after going shopping and having dinner, there might be a chance to spend the day before and after.

But this suggestion was rejected by Elena.

"There is still a regular class meeting tonight. It is said that Lao Yao wants to report the latest developments of Silence's resurgence and asks all members to come." In the paper crane returned to the public fee students, the gypsy witch wrote: "And the temperature has dropped these days It’s snowing, it’s not good for your health to be outside for too long.”

I don't care about cooling down!

I love snowy days!

Go to the fucking class meeting! Go to the fucking silent resurgence!

Although roaring like this from the bottom of his heart, Zheng Qing couldn't ignore the witch's opinion after all. Under the compromise, the two meet at 3:30 in the afternoon - in this case, they have about three hours of dating time for eating and shopping.

As a date, this time seems a little tight. But for young public grant students, it doesn't matter if they can have a real, dedicated date, even if it is for a short time.

In order to prepare for today's date, for the past week, the wizard has been seriously researching which store in the pedestrian street has special food, whether the waiters in the store need to tip, which store has unique and novel gifts, and who walks from the pedestrian street. How long does it take to get to the other end, how should he show his bravery and invincibility if he encounters a monster attack on the way shopping, and so on.

And all plans are based on a bulging money bag.

Before entering First University, Zheng Qing knew very little about the wizarding world, and he had almost no wizarding currency. Instead, use a method similar to 'payment' to settle directly with bookstores, clothing stores, pharmacies, etc.

The cash-strapped public finance students even had the idea of ​​selling talismans for money at one point.

However, it is gold that shines everywhere. At the beginning of the school year, at the first class reunion of Class Tianwen 08-1, the young public-funded student who helped Li Meng draw the suppression talisman came into the sight of the owner of the wandering bar through an on-the-spot performance.

Because of this, he got a gold card from the homeless bar. Relying on this gold card, Zheng Qing has been doing flip-flop business for a period of time, earning a lot of spare money in bits and pieces.

Later, organizing hunting teams, participating in hunting competitions, catching monsters, etc., all gained a lot of benefits - especially in the campus cup hunting competition more than a month ago, Zheng Qing's forgiveness hunting team won the championship of the freshman competition, It even won him a large sum of 'bonuses'.

It's just that this bonus is not issued by the school. Because the freshman competition is a derivative event, the hunting committee has limited sponsorship and only provided medals for this competition. The so-called bonus is actually the bonus that Zheng Qing won before the hunting match, betting on his own hunting team.

The benefits are huge.

Taking Xiao Xiao as an example, he bet five golden beans, and at high odds, he finally got back nearly four hundred golden beans, equivalent to more than forty jade coins.

Compared with him, Zheng Qing's betting odds are low, but he bets a large amount—a total of three credits, five silver horns, and eighteen coppers—so in the end, his profit is also very considerable, changing a full Ten credits!

In First University, there is a saying that "currency is not credit, credit is currency." 'It means that as the scale of the first university's knowledge evaluation system, credits are not real currency in their own sense; A very strong 'currency'.

According to the official circulation rules provided by the school, one credit is equivalent to one jade coin, and only supports one-way exchange—that is, you can exchange credits for wealth, but you cannot exchange wealth for credits—at this exchange rate, If you have ten credits, you can exchange them for ten jade coins at the Academic Affairs Office at any time. But if you have ten jade coins, there is no way to exchange them from the school for the corresponding amount of credits.

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That's the overlord clause.

Although the terms are a bit overbearing, they have virtually become the most powerful endorsement of credit value. With the price of on-exchange transactions, the price of off-exchange transactions is naturally derived.

Given the supply mismatch between credits and jade coins, over-the-counter exchange rates often fluctuate wildly. On the surface, one credit can only be exchanged for one jade coin, but in private, the price of credits among students is often fired to the price of two to three jade coins, or even higher.

And generally there is no price.

You should know that credits are a must for students in their studies and are in constant consumption. Regardless of upgrading, purchasing experimental supplies, going in and out of the library, and using the laboratory, every necessary consumption must consume credits.

But there are very few ways for everyone to obtain credits. Tasks assigned by professors, awards for school activities, funding for participation in projects, etc. Under normal circumstances, a student should be able to obtain about 120 credits in one academic year. In addition to preparing one hundred credits for upgrading, the other twenty must support him in using all the equipment in the school.

Stretching is the most painful memory of every First University student.

This has caused credits to become the hardest currency among students, none of them. (to be continued)

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