Hunting High School

Chapter 95 Food Street

Weekend afternoons are always the busiest time on the pedestrian street in Beta Town.

Without the pressure of class and the troubles of homework, many students slept until the afternoon after a lazy sleep. After they wake up, they are full of energy, and they happen to have plenty of time, so the pedestrian street with many bars, restaurants, and shops is particularly popular.

Xu Shi, the wizard in charge of the climate, felt that today's snow was thick enough. When Zheng Qing left Shuang Tang Ji with the gypsy witch, there were only sporadic snowflakes falling slowly in the sky.

The wind also gradually subsided, and some people who stayed in the house because of the wind and snow, took advantage of the light of the sky and the beautiful snow scene, ran out in a swarm, and walked around the small street with the snow scene.

As the most prosperous commercial street in Beta Town, professional wizards have cleared the snow in the middle of the road in Beta Town Pedestrian Street early on. Only the sides of the road and the roof are still white, which contrasts with the deep colors of the street. striking.

The young public-funded students who had already seen enough snow scenes on campus naturally did not pay attention to those remaining snow scenes. One of his arms was held by the gypsy witch, and his whole body was stiff, not daring to move, for fear of offending the witches around him.

Elena seemed more at ease than Zheng Qing.

Not far along the main street, Zheng Qing glanced out of the corner of his eye at a small archway in a slanted field, and stopped immediately.

"Don't you want to eat delicious food?" The wizard said, the courage that had been lost appeared out of nowhere, and it filled his chest again: "Over there, in the food street on the pedestrian street, there are Lots of delicious food."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the alley where the small archway was located.

The so-called food street is actually just a small alley on the pedestrian street of Beta Town, only a few hundred meters long and less than twenty steps wide. There are no gates on the left and right of the alley, and there are neat tall white walls. It was originally the dividing line between two blocks, but because it is close to the pedestrian street, there are many people, and gradually those peddlers who can't afford to rent a facade gather here. Rule the land and do some small business.

Compared with the famous shops on the main street, these small vendors can provide very limited goods or services to the students of the First University—students can buy Dharma books at Shangyuan Bookstore, buy textbooks and leisure books at Sanwei Bookstore, buy For clothes, there are Fudiwei, Luxifang, and Yunxiangyi; for department stores, there is Green Grocery Store; for watches, there is Hooker Brothers Watch Shop; There is also a homeless bar to take care of the old and gray guys.

After several twists and turns, these small vendors finally found a just-right breakthrough point - the cost of cooking food is not high, and they can take advantage of the abundant passenger flow on the main street. Therefore, this alley has gradually become a professional 'food street'.

The committee that manages the town is belated, but not stupid. After the street took shape, it was sorted out and brought into unified management, and a small archway was erected at the entrance of the alley as a unified facade. This not only expands the market, employment, and adds features to the pedestrian street, but also brings a new income to the town's finances, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Of course, even if they become naturalized and become "full members" of the pedestrian street, small vendors still do small businesses.

Push a small cart, set up an iron pot, boil a few pots of hot tea, arrange a row of bowls and chopsticks, be more particular, and hire a few elves in aprons as waiters, helping to serve tea, pour water, cash register and do chores; not so particular Yes, even the fire in the stove does not use magic, but picks up dead branches and fallen leaves on the edge of the silent forest outside the town.

After the two turned into the alley, they immediately felt the difference from the outside.

The yelling of small vendors, the flickering rainbow lights on the simple magic signs, the crowds of people coming and going, and the noisy voices overlapping in the ears.

It seems that in an instant, they came from the world of "Yangchun Baixue" outside to a world of "Lower Riba People".

This life-like lively atmosphere not only infects the students on the pedestrian street, but also seems to have affected the weather—originally because of the snow, Zheng Qing guessed whether the hawkers here would be out of business.

"It smells so good!" The gypsy witch took a deep breath, her face full of intoxication.

Zheng Qing sniffled, deeply convinced.

As soon as you step over the small archway, you seem to have entered a new world. The air is filled with the smell of all kinds of food: sauce, acetic acid, wine smoked, all kinds of colors, fried, fried, steamed, grilled, all kinds of flavors.

Round octopus balls, oily mutton skewers, rich stewed, refreshing big-leaf tea, all kinds of delicacies rushed into the noses of the guests, stimulating their nasal mucosa; green green bees , yellow Amber lights, fiery red tobacco and wine, seduce everyone's gluttons and stimulate their retinas; there are also shouts one after another in the alley, and the sound of you coming and going back and forth, which is even more entangled in everyone. Pedestrians walking here.

"Well, the spells on this small archway are very interesting. The range of the magic envelope is very well controlled in this alley. No wonder there is a foot of snow outside, and there is not even a little muddy water inside." Zheng Qing Subconsciously commenting on the small archway the two of them just passed by, they showed off their own expertise.

When Elena heard this, she immediately gave him a blank look.

"I've heard that there is a food street in the town, but I haven't had time to come and visit it." The witch turned the topic back to the right track without showing any signs, and her tone was a little more excited: "I must eat enough today!"

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"Sure, sure!" The young public finance student also came to his senses, turned around, took two skewers of fried small balls from the small shop next to him, and stuffed them into the witch's hands: "Try this, it is said to be from Mariana It's made from tentacles chopped off from the old octopus in the trench... but I guess it's just some ordinary octopus balls, at least those octopuses were caught in the western Pacific."

"Hahahaha," Yi Lianna laughed tremblingly: "The boss is still by my side, can you say so?"

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem." The chubby, round-faced owner of the croquette shop next to him waved his hands and smiled happily: "I know it's a long as everyone thinks my meatballs are delicious."

The witch turned her eyes and divided the two strings of croquettes in her hand to Zheng Qing: "Try it too!"

Zheng Qing hesitated for a second, took it decisively, bit down one, chewed, and stretched out his thumb to Elena, admiring: "It's delicious, soft and smooth, oily but not greasy! It's really delicious."

The witch suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes:

"Don't brag to me, brag to the boss!"

"Don't eat too much if it's delicious... I'm going to eat all of this street!"

"Walk slowly, eat with each family, and eat a little bit with each family." (To be continued)

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