Hunting High School

Chapter 75: Banshee's Wanted Order

Wanted (Class C) Nikita


August 31, 2012 at 1:35 pm.

There was a monster invasion incident on the special plane of the First University.

The demon involved, Nikita, is a female, a new-generation Lich within a hundred years.

He was an outstanding graduate (candidate) of First University Alpha College.

Height 170cm, weight 56kg, black hair.

At the time of transformation, it has reached the standard for registered wizards, and the five majors have achieved excellent results.

Now suspected to be the disciple of Ulrich the Evil Sir and Grand Lich.

C-level hunting teams and above are recommended to be listed as priority hunting targets.

For the hunting team that successfully hunts down this demon, 100 jade coins will be rewarded by the First University Monster Hunting Fund; 100 jade coins will be rewarded by the Three-pronged Sword Wanted Fund; an additional 100 jade coins will be rewarded by the Council next month; the registration points of the Wizards Union registered hunting team will increase by 100 points .

Attachment 1: Nikita's recent photos.

Attachment 2: Nikita's recent activity area (only C-level and above hunting team captains can check).



"That is to say, this little elf who just boarded the ship has become a big figure in the wanted list, and those of us old guys who have been on the ship for more than ten years have not even been remembered by the wizards!" Ryan said Collar, snarling and pacing about on deck.

He waved a brand new wanted warrant in his hand.

On the wanted notice, Nikita stood sideways in front of a messy bar, raised her chin slightly, her eyes were charming but arrogant. A bloody snake lay limp under her feet, and behind her were a group of trembling figures.

"And, what did she do to that cute little bug! This is revenge! Unscrupulous revenge!" Ryan stood in front of the bow sail and stomped his feet heavily.

On the slanted foremast, those coiled big snakes spat out their letters and rubbed against Ryan's heels pitifully.

On the wooden platform at the top of the cabin.

Harry was still wearing his pink polo shirt and white and green beach shorts, lazily slumped on the deck chair, without saying a word.

He could understand Ryan's tantrums.

Because there was anger in his chest too.

The basic law must be taught when a beautiful woman is on the wanted list, Harry is indignant.

There is an old saying in Bai Ding's world: If anyone in this world understands you best, it must be your enemy.

This sentence couldn't be more appropriate for wizards and demons.

As opponents who have been entangled for thousands of years, wizards have a very complete and profound understanding of monsters.

This understanding is clearly reflected in the arrest warrant issued by the Wizarding Union.

At the beginning of each month, the Wizarding Union will issue the latest arrest warrants around the world. Many Fu Zhu's wanted orders for monsters will be cancelled, and many newly added wanted orders for monsters will come into people's view.

Although every monster is the target of wizards to hunt and kill, not every monster is eligible to be on the wizard's wanted list.

Being on the wanted list means that you will be hunted first by the wizard hunting team.

It also means that this monster makes wizards feel threatened.

Like Siren King.

Just like four sea monsters.

Like the battle captains on the Misty.

Every one on the wanted list has a great reputation among demons.

So much so that the demons regard the wanted list as a popular list.

In order to be able to board this arrest warrant, many monsters wantonly killed Bai Ding to increase the blood value of own.

Even so, most monsters can only obtain wanted qualifications of 'd' level and below.

"There is a reward of three hundred jade coins, one hundred hunting team points, and it's C-level." Harry muttered, slapping the "Ms. Dodo" in his arms on his face, and his voice was extremely depressed: "Perhaps Nikita will become this year's newcomer king."

The rookie king is what the young demons say in private.

It refers to the monster who enters the wanted list for the first time among the new wanted lists issued by the Wizards Union every year, and has the highest reward amount and level.

According to historical experience, many rookie kings can grow into great monsters.

This means that some high-level monsters have begun to set their sights on the banshee.

The irritable Ryan stopped, tugged at Own's blond hair, looked up at the sky, and let out a long sigh.

An awkward silence fell on the deck.

In the clear blue sky, there was only a big black bird spreading its wings, carefully circling in circles.


Compared with the deck that just fell into silence, the cabin of the Misty has been extraordinarily quiet.

The cold wind from the North Sea whirled around the narrow window, lingering, not daring to enter it wantonly.

The sunlight was extremely cold, and only cast a faint white shadow on the wooden table in front of the window.

There was not a single light in the dark captain's cabin.

It's just that compared with the previous time, there are many more glowing bugs in the room.

They crawled recklessly in every corner of the room, with a green shimmer shining all over them.

Maybe it's the captain's new pet? Nikita knelt in front of the wooden table, staring at a green light bug lying on the wooden barrel not far away, thinking to himself.

The captain of the Misty was lying lazily on the table, resting his chin on one hand, looking at the end of the transition between sea and sky with blurred eyes.

He has maintained this position for a long time.

The banshee kneeling in front of the table moved her body uneasily.

The captain withdrew his gaze and set his eyes on the old leather scroll on the table.

The banshee raised her eyelids and glanced cautiously.

She remembered seeing this scroll when she entered the captain's cabin last time.

"Curious?" The captain threw the scroll in front of the banshee, his voice was very gentle: "Then take a look."

Nikita closed her eyes, lying on the ground in horror, not daring to move.

"It's not particularly stupid." The captain snapped his fingers, and the pale-skinned old elf crawled out from the darkness of the cabin, picked up the scroll, and slowly retreated into the darkness.

"Since you're not stupid, why did you expose yourself?" The captain pointed at the top of his head, and his tone was a little cold: "And he repeatedly came to the ship with his tail?"

Nikita's body trembled violently.

"I don't know." The banshee lay on the ground, sobbing.

"I don't know?" The captain raised his eyelids in surprise, his dark pupils fluctuated slightly.

The answer was a bit beyond his expectations.

If the banshee can find a proper excuse, maybe I will give her a good death.

Like, just pull out her brain.

But the word "don't know" is a bit disappointing and shocking.

Is there any more irresponsible words than these three words?

The captain licked his livid lips.

It's been a long time since I ate a banshee's heart.

Nikita clearly felt a terrifying aura surrounding him, making it suffocating.

"You can check my memory!" the banshee screamed, "You will get a satisfactory answer! Death's memory will be incomplete!"

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Captain Misty was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Nikita's head.

Severe pain spread from the top of the head.

The banshee bit her arm and passed out on the ground.

Silent River...

Silent Forest...

Juggler's parents...

A small piece of brown bread...

Admission letter from the first university...

A pair of green, warm eyes...

The captain of the Misty smiled slightly, and moved his fingers slightly.

The fainting banshee snorted.

First University's private plane...

The hunger and thirst in the banshee's heart and the blood run wild...

The hijacking and confrontation in the restaurant...

The escort of the special plane rushed over...

"I see." The captain murmured to himself, taking his hand away from Nikita's head.

The sweat on the top of the banshee's head wet his palms. He took out a clean white handkerchief, wiped his hands, and threw it on top of the banshee's head.

"Get up," he ordered.

The banshee shuddered and slowly opened her eyes.

Then, trembling, she fell to her knees.

"Since the mission has been completed, then stay on board with peace of mind." Captain Misty smiled gently: "Don't worry, the brains of monsters are tired, I don't like that kind of spicy memory, compared to those mild-mannered wizards Alcohol's memory is more in line with my taste. Besides, the memory you just brought is very good."

Nikita's lips trembled, and he tried to give a dry laugh.

The captain's right hand slid down her cheek and fell on her white shoulder, exclaiming: "It feels so good to be young."

Then he stretched out the sharp nail of his right index finger and carved a curvy 'm' on her shoulder.

As soon as the purple blood spilled out of the skin along the wound, it quickly touched Blacken, leaving a deep mark.

Nikita bent down, crawled at his feet, and kissed the hem of his robe.

"From now on, you will be just like them, just call me Captain."

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