Hunting High School

Chapter 99: Forbidden Area


A shrill frog cry suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of the lake. The young wizard and wizard who had just been stuck together suddenly separated as if they were electrocuted, looking around in panic.

Not far away, the cobra slid down from the rockery at some point, holding the hind leg of a spotted frog in its mouth. This poor amphibian seems to have just crawled out of the cave, and has not yet adapted to the severe cold in the icy and snowy world. Its movements are a little slow, and it was accidentally attacked by the long worm.

I don't know if it's because of the long-term contact with the magic world. Whether it's the cobra or the frog with skinned skin, they are very resistant to nature—especially the frog with skinned skin, although it was bitten by a poisonous snake on its hind leg, But still tenaciously pulling on the two front legs, trying to move forward, struggling towards vitality, unwilling to succumb to the scythe of death.

"Crack! Crack! Cack!!"

The frog's two front paws were covered with black mud, white foam was flowing from the corner of its mouth, and it screamed loudly. Even though most of its body was swallowed by the cobra, it still did not give up hope of life.

"Noisy guy."

The young public fee student cursed in a low voice, and had no intention of saving a handful of frogs—he felt that it was very kind of him not to stuff this amphibian into the mouth of the long worm—but immediately, He realized that his own reaction seemed a bit 'politically incorrect', and he couldn't help but glanced worriedly at the gypsy witch next to him.

Fortunately, the witch didn't seem to hear his low curse, but was blushing slightly, looking towards the center of the lake. This made the young wizard slightly relieved.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

The crisp copper bells sounded one after another, forming one piece. It was only at this time that Zheng Qing realized later that the red boats that had been docked on the shore of the lake had left the pier at some point, and were heading towards the center of the lake following the swaying of the bells on the bamboo poles at the bow.

These small boats are called "舴艋船", which are ferry boats on Linzhong Lake. It is said that they can go retrograde along the Silent River all the way to the depths of the Silent Forest. It is a very famous tourist route in the First University. But because of time and money, from the beginning of school to the present, young public-funded students have not had time to experience the scenery on that route.

He only took a boat ride with Nicholas at the beginning of school—from the south bank of Linzhong Lake to the north shore, and experienced a little bit of the feeling of riding this kind of boat—maybe because Linzhong Lake is the reserve of the Murloc tribe, The students have lingering fears about those ferocious lives; perhaps it is because these ferry boats charge six coppers for each round trip. In short, on weekdays, the students in the college seldom take these boats from the front yard to the back yard.

Most people would rather go a little further and commute along the promenade around the lake on both sides of Linzhong Lake, rather than take those boats that ring bells when rowing.

"Where are the people on the boat? Where's the boatman?" The young public fee student exclaimed in amazement, "Why did those boats move by themselves?!"

Zheng Qing dares to swear by his own eyeballs, whether it was a minute ago or now, there is no one in those boats, except for the yellow copper bells hanging on the bamboo poles at each bow, in those red boats , Even the water ghost can't see it.

Not to mention the boatman.

In an instant, a series of images appeared in the mind of the young public fee student-the captain with the head of an octopus, the skull with tattered shells, the creaking mast, the deck covered with barnacles and algae, and the whimpering Ghost crying——Given that he is now in a fantasy world, the images in his mind are becoming more and more vivid under the addition of reality, and his scalp can't help but tingle.

"Those boats are attracted by the sound of the bell."

The slightly hoarse voice of the gypsy witch rang in Zheng Qing's ears, dispelling the random thoughts in his mind. The young public servant glanced at her cautiously - I don't know whether it was because of the time or the weather, the blush that had appeared on the Gypsy witch's face before had faded, and a pale complexion appeared again - this made the wizard a little relieved. Take a breath.

But it also made him even more annoyed at the patchy frog that ruined the good.

Turning his head and taking a glance, the amphibian that had been struggling for a while finally failed to escape the cobra's big mouth, and turned into a wriggling mass of meat, propped in the center of the snake's belly. This result made the wizard feel a little better.

Only then did he begin to think about what the witch had just said.

"Is it the bell on the island in the middle of the lake?" The young public finance student squinted his eyes, looking at the destination of the small boats, thoughtful: "I remember that there is a small white pagoda on the island in the middle of the lake, with a Lots of bells."

"It should be the bell on the tower that summoned the bell on the ship, so these barges followed the sound." The witch added an explanation.

"What are they doing on the island in the middle of the lake!" The young public finance student was puzzled: "Isn't that island a forbidden area of ​​the school?"

First University has many areas that students are forbidden to enter - such as the laboratory of a certain great wizard, such as the abode of professors, such as the depths of the Silent Forest - but in any case, these prohibited areas are known to be For the sake of restriction.

The great wizard's laboratory is very dangerous and confidential. If you enter without permission, it is very likely to trigger an irreversible magical accident; The traps were blasted to pieces; and the dangers of the depths of the silent forest were well known.

In addition to the above prohibited areas, the school also has a 'forbidden area', which is the small island in the middle of the lake near the school. It's just different from other forbidden places - everyone knows that this small island is a forbidden place, but no one knows why this small island is a forbidden place.

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Some people said that the seven-headed demon king with great powers was suppressed in the seven-story white pagoda on that small island, and was imprisoned by the principal of the First University with powerful magic, supporting the operation of the school's waiting formation. And that small island is the eye of the school's guardian formation. For such an important place, it is natural to set up a forbidden area to take care of it.

It was also said that what was suppressed in the seven-story White Pagoda was not monsters, but the 'divine gods' hunted by the school's hunting group outside the territory or the great existence in the depths of the starry sky. Because they are too powerful, even if they are suppressed in the White Tower, they can still easily influence the young wizards in the school, so the school set up this forbidden area for everyone's safety.

Some people also said that the old professor who retired from the school a long time ago lived in seclusion in that small island, as well as some big figures who came back from other places and cultivated their minds and morals in the school. Because big people like to be clean, setting up a small forbidden area is naturally not a troublesome thing. (to be continued)

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