Hunting High School

Chapter 103: Double Reds

"your eyes!"

The gypsy witch screamed, and wrapped her fingertips around the remaining half blade of grass, showing a bewildered expression.

Hearing her exclamation, the cobra, which had been slumped on the ground with hemp rope, seemed to have discovered the New World. It stood up and looked at the young public fee student excitedly. Convulsive rubber bands.


Zheng Qing touched Own's eyelids, feeling a little puzzled. He didn't feel anything wrong with own's eyes. On the contrary, because of the dissipation of those terrifying magic fluctuations just now, he now only has a feeling of relaxation all over his body.

"Well, your eyes turned red again." Lao Yao stretched out his hand a little, and a small stream of lake water suddenly jumped out of Linzhong Lake, formed a ball, and then condensed a watery mirror in front of Zheng Qing.

Through this water mirror, Zheng Qing saw a pair of red, ruby-like eyes.

"Why is it popular?!" The young public fee student cried out, but suddenly remembered something, and closed his mouth.

Just a few weeks ago, his right eye had been 'red' for a while. It was the fifth week of school. He and Lin Guo participated in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake. They met a crappy Kappa demon by the lake. After the battle, they found that their right eye had turned red. Make a clear statement, where did the demon come from—only that time, his right eye did not directly become a 'ruby' like it is today.

At the beginning, his right eye seemed to have been hit hard with a fist, and the white of the eye was covered with large and small red blood scars, similar to the symptoms of eyeball congestion. The school hospital checked him several times, but they didn't draw a clear conclusion. We can only judge that his body is very healthy, and all indicators are normal.

In the following days, those blood scars did not dissipate over time, but spread little by little, and finally filled his entire right eye.

To use an inappropriate example, Zheng Qing felt that his eyes were like white balloons filled with red paint, with several small holes pierced. At first, only the surrounding area of ​​the small hole was overflowing with red. More and more paint flowed out, dyeing the entire white balloon red.

Of course, this example was not recognized by the therapists in the school hospital—those therapists with big bags under their eyes and tired expressions told the young public-funded students very seriously that although there are blood vessels in the eyeballs, they are more of a kind of blood vessels. Transparent and colorless gel-mounted vitreous body, if the eyeball is punctured, it will not only leave a few blood spots on the white of the eye.

As for the reason why his right eye turned completely red, the therapists at the school hospital have studied for a long time, but there is still no definite answer. According to their vague rhetoric, in this magical world, anything is possible.

Until last month, Zheng Qing participated in the freshman competition, and after suffering a series of huge stimuli, his right eye suddenly returned to its original state.

After the examination at the school hospital, he still couldn't give an accurate answer—maybe it was because he experienced the horror of life and death in the hunting game, and he was very sad and happy after the gains and losses; maybe it was because the freshman game was held in a secret place. Realm, the rules of the world are not completely consistent with those of the earth; it may also be because of the 'shadow of the past' that ran away from him.

In short, the only thing the therapists can confirm is that the 'congestion symptoms' in his right eye have disappeared, his body is very healthy, and all physical indicators are within a reasonable range without any abnormalities.

Because Professor Yao participated in Zheng Qing's previous series of physical examinations and treatment plans, he was very familiar with his red eyes, so when Zheng Qing's eyes turned red again, he was the calmest person.

"It doesn't matter. In a few minutes, the staff from the school hospital will come. You can follow them for a comprehensive examination." Lao Yao patted the shoulder of the young wizard comfortingly, and added: "If time is tight, There is no need to go to the class meeting at night, I will tell Downton that it will not affect attendance."

Is now the time to care about attendance? ! The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, he stared blankly at the pair of white rabbit eyes in the water mirror in front of him, his heart was in a mess, he had a lot of things to vomit in his stomach, but he didn't know where to start.

Counting, from the beginning to the present, I have just stayed in the school for fourteen weeks, and nearly one week of it was spent in the school hospital—although it is not as good as those lunatics in the Star Academy who often lie in the school hospital for half a year, but this kind of The frequency and intensity are the only ones in Jiuyou College—— Zheng Qing feels that the whole body checkups he has done in the past two months seem to be more than the total number of checkups he has done in the past eighteen years.

"Does your eye hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital now?" Elena grabbed the arm of the young public fee student, her tone seemed a little anxious: "Many people don't feel pain when they bleed, and it's too late to feel it afterward." I think we should go to the school hospital first!"

Her expression was very resolute, and her tone showed deep concern, which moved Zheng Qing greatly.

"If the professor has nothing else to do here..." The young public finance student looked at Professor Yao inquiringly. If there is nothing they need to do here, then he is very happy to go to the school hospital with the witch for an examination.

In a sense, this can be regarded as prolonging the dating time of two people! The young wizard thought happily.

"As for other things..." the professor pondered, and turned his head to glance at a pale wizard in black robe who was following behind him.

"Although it was an accident that they appeared here, it's for the sake of caution..." He raised his right hand, glanced at the two young wizards, then stretched out his index finger, rubbed his fingertips at the temple, and looked at Yao Yuan. Take a long look.

This is a very unfriendly gesture.

Of course, it is impossible to kill people, and it is impossible to allow random harm to students in the school. However, it is not in the interests of the school to let the two young wizards foolishly observe the school's secrets and leave as if nothing had happened.

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So, most likely, some manipulation of their memories.

For experienced senior wizards, modifying memory is not a very difficult magic.

A chill suddenly rose in Zheng Qing's heart—magic is a very unfriendly tool when it comes to thinking. Because it doesn't need to try luck like ordinary people create amnesia, but can deal with some memories that need to be erased in your mind through fine operations.

Professor Yao turned his head and glanced at the two young wizards and the cobra.

The cobra spit out the letter and wagged its tail fawningly.

"No, there's no need." The dean of Jiuyou Academy twitched his lips, and said to the black-robed wizard in a gentle tone: "Just prepare a suitable silent contract... they are all students of the school, we don't go If you trust them, who else can you trust?"

"Besides, this is the first university, even if there is something wrong, it doesn't matter!"

"What about the snake?" the black-robed wizard asked.

"Well, just put some blood and sign a blood contract, the effect is the same." The professor waved his hand disapprovingly, and then looked at the two young wizards: "I'll go and see the progress of their environment correction, you stay here first, Don't walk around... After signing the silent contract, report to the wizard just now, and you can go to the school hospital."

"If time is tight, you don't have to go to the regular class meeting in the evening, just take a good rest, and you have class tomorrow." (To be continued)

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