Hunting High School

Chapter 112: The Book Of Business

At this moment, the black cat's attention was also focused on the clothed mouse on the tree, and it didn't pay special attention to what the little bugs were doing at its feet.

It's just that looking up at that little guy all the time makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, what's the matter with you coming to school?" The black cat held his breath and tried to grow himself up again, so that the height of his head was just enough to look at the mouse among the branches.

This time, Poseidon finally did not fall. Maybe it was because the black cat didn't eat him alive after growing up two times before; it might also be because the little fox was scared twice in a row, and a little bit of immune bacteria was born in the little fox's body. In short, this time, the little fox was a little more courageous. Although he still looked like he was fighting in four directions, he still bravely stood where he was, which made the black cat very satisfied.

Similarly, even the other big and small cats and foxes around were braver. Even if individual little guys retreated a movie or two, on the whole, their performance is much stronger than when they first started.

This time, the only one who was terrified enough was the gray mouse in clothes hanging between the branches.

"Fuck! What kind of mouse are you! How can you keep getting bigger!"

The mouse in clothes screamed indiscriminately, flicked its long tail vigorously, turned over suddenly, and then with a force, it jumped a lot towards the higher part of the branch.

Only when it felt that it was out of the hunting range of the black cat's tongue did the mouse in clothes turn around with lingering fear, looked at the huge black cat's head, and shouted with lingering fear: "Speak well! The appearance of the mouse is too creepy!"

"I just happened to meet you and heard your chat. Those mice, if you are inconvenient to deal with, how about giving them to me? I can exchange them with beautiful stones!"

"Correct me first, I am a human, not a mouse." The black cat did not immediately answer the transaction of the guest on the tree, but first corrected a certain misunderstanding of the mouse.

"I've never seen a person with black hair all over his body, four limbs on the ground, mouth full of fangs, and red eyes." Ding Dong held thin branches in his ears, and his round mouse eyes were full of vigilance: "I don't read much, don't lie to me." I!"

Hearing this, the black cat immediately rolled its eyes red.

"If you know that you don't study much, don't wander around in the university!" The black cat's tone showed a bit of displeasure, and the eyes that looked at the mouse became a little more dangerous.

At this moment, he felt a little pain in own's leg hair.

Lowering his head, he saw that Dr. Xiao Da was pulling a tuft of black hair on his leg and pulling it hard, while raising his head. Seeing the black cat lower its head, the doctor immediately let go, adjusted his glasses, coughed twice, and raised his voice slightly: "Ask that mouse, what beautiful stone is he planning to give!"

"That's right!" That guy Lin Guo seemed to have come back to his senses, and yelled, "Tell him, we don't want stones without magic power! Elder said before that when dealing with other intelligent creatures, you must be good at cheating or getting caught." The preparation of man pits our common sense is of no use to them!"

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The Elder is Zhang Jixin. Many of his elder brothers have studied in No. 1 University, so he has passed down a lot of life skills on Phuket Island, and he has passed them on to the members of the Forgiveness Knights on weekdays.

On the branch, Jingdang's ears were covered with black lines.

"I can hear you!" cried the clothed mouse, rushing down the tree in an unusually hurt tone. "Don't think we're as immoral as wizards and profiteers! things to trade!"

"The problem is, the mouse that is very valuable to you is not very useful to us." The black cat tilted its head and added calmly.

Ding Dong's ears were suddenly speechless.

After a pause, the gray mouse stretched its paws to its crotch, touched it a few times, and finally fished out a black stone that was bigger than its head, held it in front of the black cat's nose, and shouted: "Did you see that?" ?! See it! Very precious black gold! A super alchemy product that can powerfully amplify your fire magic and make your magic more powerful!"

Seeing the black stone approaching, the black cat tilted its head back subconsciously—the stone appeared in such a special position that the young public finance student couldn't ignore the hidden hidden stone attached to it. harm.

"I just said, I will never make a deal with you with worthless things." Ding Dong's ears may have taken the black cat's vigilant gaze as concentration, and his voice suddenly became triumphant: "Now it's all right...hellip; I'll take this piece of black gold and exchange it for the few dying mice on your hands, let's say yes first, I don't want the dead ones, they must be alive!"

The black cat stared at the stone with a tangled face, hesitating whether to stretch out its paws to take it.

"What did he take?" Under the tree, Xiao Linguo shouted anxiously, "If the thing is not good, don't just agree!"

Because of the angle, the doctor and Lin Guo under the tree only saw the mouse take out a stone, but they couldn't see where it was taken out.

The black cat's eyes rolled, and the corners of its mouth suddenly grinned.

"Why don't you throw the stone down first and let them palm your eyes?" He very kindly made a suggestion to Ding Dong's ears, and before it could refuse, he added quickly: "Don't worry that we will hack you This is the first university, we are students of this school, will we do such immoral things?"

"Besides, if the transaction goes well, we can still do business for a long time. Maybe you don't know. Recently, our association plans to open a store in Beta Town. The products in it include rats--all kinds, live and dead. , white mice, gray mice, black mice, guinea pigs, hamsters—whatever you can think of, we can catch for you."

"At that time, we won't need such a one-to-one transaction with a few mice and a few mice. It can be done in volume! Large quantities, standard contracts! Accounts can be handled by Sam Chase, who is in the first university every day. All the colleges have set up branches, and the nearest one is less than 800 meters away from this grove - if you find it inconvenient, you can also open a private trading account at the Wandering Bar, I and the Wandering Wizard I'm very familiar with it, where else can gold card members get discounts on transactions. It's just that you can't issue invoices through cash transfers there, you need to know this in advance."

The black cat waved its paws and talked endlessly. Every time it said a word, its momentum rose a bit. After it finished speaking, the mouse on the opposite side almost shrank into the tree hole.

As a matter of course, the black stone that was originally held in its claws was thrown down inexplicably. (to be continued)

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