Hunting High School

Chapter 1 Still Starts With Morning Exercises

September 1st, the second day of the eighth lunar month.

Yi, offering sacrifices and praying for blessings.

Bogey, consecration.

Zheng Qing was lying on the bed, yawning, lazily counting with his fingers under the covers.

Not a good day to start school.

He squinted and took a deep breath.

Today is Monday.

There is a Charms class in the morning.

This will be my first class in my college career.

It's exciting.

Perhaps the excitement from yesterday hadn't dissipated yet, Zheng Qing didn't sleep well at night, and was awakened once by a nightmare in the middle of the night, but soon fell asleep again.

He let out a long breath of stagnant air in his chest, and opened his eyes.

It was very quiet in the bedroom.

The sky is only slightly shining, and through the glass of the balcony, the noisy morning birds are faintly heard outside the window.

Zheng Qing climbed out of bed softly.

On the large desk in the center of the dormitory, there are also cardboard boxes of the elves.

He carefully lifted the fine down blanket that covered the carton.

Inside the box, the little ones were still soundly asleep.

Zheng Qing frowned, feeling that things were a little tricky.

Maybe I should ask the professor after class today and ask how to save the traumatized elf.

Right now, there's really nothing he can do.

Zheng Qing sighed, and put the blanket on the carton again.

The fat cat nestled on the windowsill shook its ears, opened its mouth and let out a big yawn, then buried its head deeper into its front paws.

Beside, there was a slight snoring sound from Xin Fatty's bed, and Zheng Qing noticed that a piece of his comforter had fallen to the ground, so he chuckled and helped Fatty tuck him back into the bed.

Dylan's bed was quiet.

I don't know whether it is the coffin that blocks the snoring, or he sleeps without snoring.

Zheng Qing's gaze quickly slid across the edge of the tightly closed heavy curtain.

He didn't want to be tainted with bad luck early in the morning.

After washing up, Zheng Qing came to the balcony, planning to do morning class.

He habitually took out a handful of hamster food from the gray bag and prepared to sprinkle it on the window edge of the balcony.

Then he froze there.

wry smile.

Too used to doing morning lessons with that fat hamster.

I don't know if anyone will feed it after I leave home.

Closing her eyes nostalgicly, and moving her hands and feet a little, Zheng Qing couldn't help frowning.

The balcony of the dormitory is a bit narrow and cannot be stretched out.

"If you want to do early work, you should go downstairs." Xiao Xiao's low voice drifted over: "The dormitory is not a suitable place."

Looking back, Xiao Xiao had already changed into a crimson practice uniform, and was tightening his own belt.

Zheng Qing quickly slipped back to the dormitory to change clothes.

Before going out, he hesitated, smiled at Xiao and pointed to Xin Fatty who was still sleeping soundly, and Dylan who was still silent, opened his mouth, and asked silently, "Where are they?"

Xiao Xiao didn't speak, but dragged him out of the dormitory.

"Do you think werewolves like the day, or vampires like the day?"

Zheng Qing thought of the werewolves on the moon night and the vampires in the dark, and shook his head.

"So, don't use the concept of a day practitioner to observe a night practitioner." Xiao Xiao held his own wide glasses in his hand, and was thinking about whether to stuff them into his schoolbag.

"Then how does he go to class?"

"They don't like the daytime, but that doesn't mean they can't come and go during the daytime. Especially here is No. 1 University. There are many doors and corridors on the campus."

"I see. What about Xin?"

"That Fatty doesn't look like a creature that does early work." Xiao Xiao finally put on the wide pair of glasses, and at the same time hugged the black-shell notebook in his arms, and sighed: "Besides, blue titan or something, it's not you I was born as a scholar. We can only draw strength from books, they only need to guide their own Talent and develop the ability of blood."

Thinking of Xin Fatty who was snoring in bed, Zheng Qing felt that life was unfair.

There are not many students on the campus in the early morning.

On the playground, Zheng Qing observed carefully, most of the students with yellow faces. Few white and black students can easily tell their majors from their stout figures.

"They're all combat madmen."

Seeing a big dark-skinned bald man practicing boxing in heavy shackles, Zheng Qing shook his head repeatedly.

"Zhizhi~" A white figure came out from nowhere, circling around Zheng Qing excitedly.

"Poseidon?" Zheng Qing exclaimed in surprise, grabbed the fox's fur, grabbed it into his arms, and rubbed it hard: "Hey! You bastard!"

"It's almost dawn! Are you here to walk the dog?" Xiao Xiao squinted and snorted sourly.

His old turtle didn't know where to hide.

"This is a fox." Zheng Qing corrected, stroking Poseidon's big tail.

Then he threw the little fox who rolled his eyes on the ground, looked at the sky with only a faint glimmer of dawn, turned to the side and began to practice boxing.

In the world, there are thousands of ways to lay a foundation.

Zheng Qing's foundational method is the channeling technique taught by Mr. Zheng Qing when he was young.

This set of movements is somewhat like Fist Technique, but not coherent. Although every style and every move is not rigid, it can't make people feel like a smooth and mellow Ruyi Scepter.

Zheng Qing also asked Mr. the name of this channeling technique.

The gentleman answered very succinctly: "No punches."

What do you mean by not punching? Does that mean the Fist Technique isn't old enough? Or is Fist Technique not ambitious enough? Or is Fist Technique not Fist Technique? Zheng Qing didn't really understand it all the time, he just thought this set of boxing was just like a gentleman, unpredictable.

After several movements, Zheng Qing gradually felt the dormant power in the depths of his body gradually awake and lively, flowing along the meridians and blood vessels.

In just a moment, he felt that his whole body was enveloped in a wave of warm heat. Soon I was immersed in it, I didn't listen, I didn't ask, I didn't think, I didn't think about it, I went smoothly, and walked naturally.

Not far away, Poseidon was also standing there looking decent, with his back bent, his claws swaying, his tail scratching, scratching, doing all kinds of inexplicable movements.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Its pink nose wrinkled from time to time in the cool air, looking serious.

Xiao Xiao sat on the bluestone under the tree, breathing quietly against the rising sun Breathing Exercises.

The old tortoise with ocher-yellow tortoise shell crawled to his side at some point, poking its head out, half-opening its eyes, motionless, just like the stubborn rock under him.

a little further.

On the wide lawn, under the big tree, and beside the quiet silver lake.

Groups of students gathered together, taking advantage of their vitality, to do morning exercises quietly and enthusiastically.

Gradually, the sky became brighter and brighter.

Crimson's Chaoyang struggled hard on the horizon, and was just a hair away from jumping out of the shackles.

Zheng Qing seemed to have sensed something, and turned to face the rising sun, calmly, with his fists slightly closed, exhaled a long mouthful of foul air, his tongue was unvoiced, and he spit out a long "duh".

At the same time, Xiao Xiao under the tree opened his eyes wide, puffed out his chest, and screamed out his throat.

The other students who were doing morning classes all around also exhaled and uttered their voices.

For a while, voiceless, accented, and various exhaled sounds echoed each other, shaking the campus in the early morning, resounding through the sky, and scattered the surrounding clouds.

The steaming heat is rolling, wantonly displaying the vigor and vitality of own.

In the distance, on the top of the mountain, under the tower.

Several professors in black robes were talking together.

They couldn't help laughing when they heard the shout that trembled around them.

"Drink the glow of the sunrise in the morning, and the youth under the moon in the evening." A thin and hale old professor twirled his short snowflake beard, smiled and pointed out: "They work so hard, but they are not worthy of our hard work. "

"Young vigor." Another chunky old man shook his head and sighed.

"But I don't know whether it's the vigor that makes the youth, or the youth makes the vigor." The last tall old man seemed to have a feeling, and said.

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