Hunting High School

Chapter 118 Direction Of Business Expansion

Because of Lin Guo's brainstorm at the apology plenary meeting, Zheng Qingmao suddenly realized that he not only found a way out for the "excess" production capacity of his cat subordinates, but also helped the hunting team's unopened business on the pedestrian street. The store has found a 'hit product';-although selling mice is a one-shot deal with a time limit, it can't stand the high demand in the short term.

So, starting from a few days ago, Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao and others took advantage of the afternoon after class and after dinner to digest food, and called his group of cat subordinates to catch mice.

This time, the young public finance students relaxed a lot about the conditions for the rats. Regardless of physical disability or mental depression, as long as it is a live mouse, he will.

The reason for not wanting dead rats is that on the one hand, it is limited by the poor storage conditions—the store facing the street on the pedestrian street is very small and does not have separate refrigeration facilities, so it is very difficult to keep a bunch of dead rats; on the other hand , also for price considerations, no matter at what time, the living is always worth more than the dead.

Although it is a bit troublesome to take care of live mice, for example, Zheng Qing and the others need to prepare cages, food, clean water, and post a few talismans from time to time to dispel the plague or keep the rats calm, but due to the higher price, The benefits of keeping surviving mice are relatively higher.

In the glade.

The black cat walked around the pile of rats, walking leisurely; Dr. Xiao Da held a notebook, writing and drawing next to it, recording today's income; the group of cats squatted obediently not far away, watching The two big bosses who are waiting to accept the "tribute" look forward to their early liberation; as for the little foxes, they hide behind the bushes and tree stumps, hoping to have some fun.

There is also Lingo, with his little hands behind his back, his eyes are jumping from one mouse to another, squinting, looking carefully, I don't know what he is looking at, and he looks at it with great interest.

"By the way, captain!" The little wizard looked up suddenly as if remembering something, and looked at the black cat: "I've always been curious about one thing, how did you convince your cat subordinates to hand over the mice they caught to you? , instead of giving them to their real owners? If I remember correctly, the reason why many cats here are bought is to catch mice."

"In the world of cats, as a human being, don't make wild guesses." The black cat gave the little wizard an inscrutable look, and said slowly in a low voice: "As for these cats, they can't help their masters catch mice? If they can't be caught, will their owners sell them again?"

"Many people keep cats, they just need an excuse." Xiao Xiao also added.

Lin Guo nodded half-understood, did not continue this topic, but changed another question:

"Then how did you get your cats to arrange the mice they caught so neatly and tie their tails together! I've never seen cats catch mice so 'cleanly';!"

In Lin Guo's impression, cats and mice often bite their prey beyond recognition, and some soft-hearted ones will inevitably use their sharp claws to open a few transparent holes in their prey.

And like the prey captured by Zheng Qing's cat group, he has never seen such a situation where the prey is clean, without any damage, and neatly put together in a sleepy state.

"Hey!" Hearing the words, the black cat immediately squatted down on the ground, raised its paw, and wiped its nose triumphantly: "This is our core competitiveness. Son, there is no customer willing to buy it."

"As for the method, on the one hand, these cats are very smart. I just gave a few simple gestures, and they all learned how to stun mice with their paws, and how to tie a mouse's tail into a bow."

"On the other hand, luckily, there is a 'comatose cat' in this group of cats; well, it is the Egyptian cat squatting diagonally behind the forest cat. It has inherited the blessings bestowed on pets by an unknown generation of Egyptian pharaohs. , any mouse touched by its paw will fall into a coma."

"Of course, so far, we have only found that its ability is useful for rats. Perhaps the Nile River was flooded with rats, so the Egyptian pharaohs specially developed this 'special cat species';?"

Having said that, Zheng paused, thought for a moment, finally shook his head, and added: "Maybe we can try other small animals, such as eight-eyed spiders, red chain snakes, or corpse beetles. I remember that there are also some in Egypt. The subspecies of corpse-eating beetles were also rampant back then, maybe this cat's ability is also useful for those bugs."

After Zheng Qing finished speaking, before Lin Guo had time to speak, a slightly sharp voice suddenly came in from the side.

"I mean, you plan to collect some corpse beetles too?" Ding Dong's head popped out from behind Linguo's shoes, looked at Zheng Qing, and asked, "Alive or dead?"

"Of course it's alive!" The black cat replied subconsciously, then looked up at the little mouse in clothes, "Hey? You're still here, I thought you left just now."

"You have so many mice here, how could I go back empty-handed!" Ding Dong flicked his tail, his tone slightly anxious: "If I exchange your mice with corpse beetles, will you change them?"

"Corpse beetle?" The black cat narrowed its eyes slightly.

The "abnormal species" that invaded the campus this time; besides mice, there are many other small animals such as spiders, snakes, and corpse beetles. Jiuyou Academy was arranged to clean up the rats, while Alpha Academy was arranged to clean up the carrion beetles.

Although it seems that corpse-eating beetles are much cleaner than mice and are easier to catch, but for many aristocratic wizards who are obsessed with cleanliness, especially psychological cleanliness, letting them catch corpse beetles is better than eating frog livers raw.

After all, eating frog livers can improve eyesight, while catching corpse beetles is a completely 'unlucky' thing. For many wizards with certain historical burdens, this matter is a bit taboo.

"Can you provide corpse-eating beetles?" Xiao Xiao, who was counting the number of mice, suddenly stopped the quill in his hand and looked at Ding Dong's ears: "I mean a lot of corpse-eating beetles?"

"Of course!" Ding Dong's ears patted his chest without hesitation: "Fried corpse beetles are our favorite snacks, anyone who doesn't have seven or eight hundred bugs at home is ashamed to invite others to visit! "

The black cat couldn't help but glance at Dr. Xiao Da.

The two pairs of eyes of one person and one cat suddenly lit up.


Cats are not very good at catching corpse beetles or eight-eyed spiders, but mice are good at it!

Because the mice they caught were all wild mice with low intelligence, it was naturally inconvenient to instruct them to catch bugs. Although it can be controlled by magic, both the time cost and the magic cost will become very high, which is extremely uneconomical.

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But it's different now.

The "Clothed Rats" headed by Dingdang Ears; this is the name the black cat just named them - they are mice and intelligent life, let them help catch corpse beetles, d&k The business can easily expand to Alpha Academy! (to be continued)

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