Hunting High School

Chapter 132: Side-By-Side Business

The withered creeper on the wall shivered in the cold wind of early winter, and the dead branches and leaves collided with each other in the wind, making rustling sounds from time to time.

Holding the paper house of the elves in his arms, the young public fee student looked at the two wizards standing at the end of the hall with a little embarrassment, and hoped that some troublesome grass sperm would emerge from the withered vines above his head. To save him from the embarrassment in front of him.

But he knew that this was just a fantasy after all—after all, it is winter now, whether it is tree sperm or grass sperm, all elves with a clear mind have been hiding in deep caves early, waiting for the wetness of the spring rain in the coming year to wash them away. wake.

The two wizards standing at the end of the hall clearly had no idea what was going on in the young public payer's mind.

The mixture of anger and surprise on Jiang Yu's face has not completely dissipated, which makes her look very interesting. For a moment, Zheng Qing really wanted to capture her current expression with the camera. Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought about in private.

After noticing the sight of the young public fee student, the witch quickly turned her head and adjusted her own expression. At the same time, she quickly put away the small wooden box she was holding in her hand, stuffed it into the Kun bag hanging on her arm, and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. The shawl, then turned his head again, and looked at the public fee student with a smile.

Dr. Duzem was as haggard as ever.

His eyes lingered on the young wizard and witch, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"You came so early today!" Jiang Yu was the first to recover, broke the silence in the room, and then briskly walked to the young public fee student, and said with a smile: "Didn't you usually come in the afternoon? Why did you come so early today?" gone."

Indeed, according to Zheng Qing's usual habits, he would take time to come to the Abnormal Life Research Institute to do a physical examination for the elves after waking up from a nap, but this morning, the sun was still behind the morning mist, so he appeared here At the gate of the small courtyard, it is no wonder that the witch is curious.

Just like the witch's curiosity, Zheng Qing was also very interested in the conversation between Jiang Yu and Dr. Du Zemu just now. But it doesn't seem like the right time to ask those questions right now.

"We're going to D&k to clean up the shop in the afternoon. We think that the rest of the time will be tight, so we first come to the doctor's side to help them check." Zheng Qing glanced down at the cardboard box in his arms, and then looked up. At the beginning, he replied with a smile.

"Is that your shop that is going to sell mice?" Jiang Yu seemed to think of something, with a somewhat resentful expression on his face: "I can warn you, you must never sell mice to Li Meng, she is already a college student, you should Learn to be independent and own things to do by yourself."

Hearing the witch's words, Zheng Qing couldn't help but think of a little witch who 'hired' a cat with dried fish to help her catch mice in the grove by the lake. ;Can't help laughing.

"No, of course not." Zheng Qing waved his hands again and again, clearly indicating his own position: "Even if Li Meng wants to come to the store to buy, we will definitely not sell to her!"

Of course, if she wants to snatch it, or if we give her a few mice as gifts, it’s not a breach of own’s promise—thinking of that troublesome little witch, the young public finance student couldn’t help but murmur in his heart, Prepare yourself in advance.

Jiang Yu naturally didn't expect Zheng Qing to think of so many things in an instant, and after hearing the wizard's assurance, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"There is one more thing, you need to pay attention to it." The witch hesitated for a moment, and reminded: "Last week when the class presidents of the college had a regular meeting, Lei Zhe emphasized that the main task of Jiuyou College students is to study, don't Focus on irrelevant things, especially when it comes to the reputation of the academy. Although he didn't specifically name them at the meeting, we guess what he should be talking about is the thing about you opening a shop on the pedestrian street."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing suddenly felt puzzled.

"Who did we provoke when we opened the store?" He raised his eyebrows: "The campus management regulations didn't say that students are not allowed to sell mice, right? Can the president of the student union manage people outside the school?"

Jiang Yu smiled wryly, but didn't explain too much.

"In short, you should also find some decent products and not always sell mice, right?"

"No, of course not." Zheng Qing raised his chin proudly: "Not long ago we made friends with a group of mice wearing clothes. If there is no accident, we will still sell corpse beetles in our store in the future! Believe in Alpha Academy students will love those little bugs,"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu put his hand on his forehead and let out a long sigh.

"Anxin, Anxin, these are private business, we will definitely not show it to the public." Zheng Qing knew what she was worried about, and felt a little funny, but there was also a kind of heartfelt joy, so he couldn't help but say more He explained: "Whether it's mice or corpse-eating beetles, we don't sell them in the shop. What we sell in the store are talismans, potions and other gadgets. As for mice and beetles, they are released by the school after all. Mission, you can play side-by-side, but you will never violate the rules."

"What we actually sell are 'notes'; the person who gets the note can find the corresponding 'coma'; prey at the designated time and place of the school. Xiao Xiao has studied the school's task rules, and we absolutely have no Violation!"

Hearing this, the witch's face showed a bit of relief, but she felt a little funny.

"Don't always use your cleverness in this kind of place. If you have that kind of thought, you might as well ponder over the homework left by the professors or the textbooks for the next semester. As long as you complete the learning content of registered wizards early, no one will care if you have Playing side-by-side on school rules."

"Understood, understood!" Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly. If it wasn't for holding a big cardboard box in his arms, he would definitely raise three fingers up and agree to show his own determination.

"When will your store open? Has the time been confirmed?" Jiang Yu asked as if thinking of something.

"It is tentatively scheduled to be next Saturday, which is the day before the winter solstice."

"Time seems a little tight."

"Well, it's Christmas again next week, and it's winter hunting again, and then we'll be preparing for the final exam. If we don't open the business sooner, we probably won't be able to believe it until next year." Zheng Qing shrugged and shook his head as he explained : "Tomorrow after tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows, if you think about everything before you do it, then you can't do anything well."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Good! Very good! Just like when I was doing experiments, if I only do foolproof experiments, there is no room for improvement at all. Sometimes, breaking the mold properly is actually breaking through myself." An abrupt A voice sounded from the side, startling the young public finance student. (to be continued)

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