Hunting High School

Chapter 146: The World Of The Rat Clan

There is a saying that goes well, the height determines your field of vision, and your level determines the scenery in your field of vision.

This sentence is also very appropriate in the wizarding world.

Just like at First University, standing at different heights, the scenery you see is very different. For example, standing at the height of the great wizard, you can see the bright and boundless starry sky above your head, but standing at the height of the magician, you can only see whether there are ferocious beasts on the edge of the silent forest a hundred meters away. Another example is standing on the surface, you can see the sun and the moon when you look up, you can see the soft lawn when you look down, the silent forest is in the distance, and the noisy market is nearby; while standing below the surface, you can only touch a dark world.

This dark world is built between the criss-crossing sewers and the hidden grottoes eroded by earth dragons. And the masters of this world belong to a group of mice in clothes.

Of course, these mice are not the natural owners of this dark world - before them, this world also belonged to some slippery reptiles, eight-legged insects, upgraded goblins, and some dirty undead . But since the first mouse wearing clothes came to this world 60 years ago, all the once powerful races have been silent one by one, replaced by more and more clothed rats between the sewers and grottoes. the mice.

Unlike the skinny, mottled rats that begged for Life in the sewers, these clothed rats seem to have a self-consistent civilization and social organization. They run schools, organize fairs, set up handicrafts, create financial systems, repair broken pipes and weathered grottoes in this dark world—if you ignore the appearance of these mice and the dark colors of this world, there is no difference between here and outside. Human society, even compared to other civilizations on alien worlds, is not significantly different. At most, it's just that the level of civilization is slightly behind.

Compared with these mice, the civilization level of the aborigines in the underground world is obviously lower: reptiles like to live alone and do not like to talk; eight-legged insects are too cruel and unlovable; although the upgraded goblins are organized and have language Their greedy nature can destroy any kind of economic system; as for those undead, they have no interest in the society of the living beings. They are more concerned about when they have the opportunity to rob a few living beings alone and draw a little vitality Happy happy.

As the saying goes, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is also an unbreakable truth in nature.

With strong organizational skills and advanced social forms, the clothed mice quickly swept the entire underground world with overwhelming momentum. The reptiles either ran away, or became pets of the clothed mice; the octopods encountered more cruel creatures-the clothed mice thought these thin-skinned and juicy creatures were very delicious, so they simply raised them , as a snack;

The undead were expelled; only some strong and upgraded goblins remained, who became the favorite coolies of the mice in clothes, and were sent to the bottom of the underground world to help the mice dig mines and repair the sewers, and clean up the goblins from the ground. Dirty things dripping down.

The situation is so dire that many aborigines in the underground world began to look forward to the early arrival of surface wizards to clean up this group of lawless mice, and even died with them. As the saying goes, "When the day is mourning, I will die with you."

As the true master of Phuket Island, First University will naturally not turn a blind eye to a new society that is close at hand. As early as the first mouse night school was opened, First University sent an observation team organized by professors and researchers into the underground world to observe every move of this nascent society.

But contrary to the expectations of the underground aboriginals, after a period of observation and research, those 'surface people' only slightly modified the coverage of the school's protective formation, redrawn many protective formations, and then This dark world is indifferent, as if nothing unusual has ever been discovered - and the aborigines of this dark world have not even become keywords in those wizard observation reports.

Thus, the mouse in clothes has truly become the new master of this world. And they also have an official name in the official documents of the First University - Rat Clan.

Compared with the mature social form of the surface people, the social form of the Rat Race is still very rough and backward. Their society presents a very rigid pyramid shape: the one at the top of the entire race is the first mouse to come to this underground world, and is called the 'old ancestor' by the whole mouse clan; , they were the first batch of clothed mice he bred—this batch of mice is probably sixty or seventy years old now, and it is reasonable to say that they have already exceeded the life limit of the general rat race, but somehow they can survive—this batch of mice , there are about twenty or thirty of them, and they are called 'Elder' by the rat tribe.

Under the Elder, there are batches of new-generation clothed rats. These new generations wear vests of different colors according to various differences such as age, job, and status. For example, little mice under one year old are only allowed to wear yellow vests and are not allowed to go out of the underground world, and most of their jobs are light jobs such as taking care of bugs and going to school on time; You can put on the green vest and go out to work—this is also the job most mice yearn for.

Because going out to work means that they can get out of this dark world and go to the world where it is said that they can see the red sun, yellow moon, and starry sky.

It’s just that if they want to wear green vests, these mice must take an academic ability test once a month. The scope of the test includes four subjects: language, arithmetic, ground knowledge, and hole-piercing skills. Will be allowed to go to the surface world to work.

After returning from work, these Tsing Yi mice all need to complete their respective work reports, facing the Elders of the mouse clan one by one. If the content of individual reports exceeds expectations, they are also eligible to meet with the ancestor who has ignored vulgar things for a long time.

Like Ding Dong Ears and Ding Dong Ears, two mice in blue vests.

One of them met a black cat that could speak human language, and the other not only met the black cat that could speak human language, but also made a deal with the black cat. This matter is beyond the remit of the Ratfolk Elder.

And now, these two mice in green clothes are waiting outside Elder's office, waiting for a certain Elder of the Rat Race who has time to take them to the place of Sacred to meet their ancestors. (to be continued)

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