Hunting High School

Written In A Cold Winter, A Little Personal Matter

No updates today.

I just want to complain here and chat with you.

Because in my opinion, you are like tree holes, which can always accommodate all kinds of weird or messy ideas of mine.

At times like this, it feels good to be able to complain about people who are far away and do not know each other in real life.

Thank you...orz.

……… (The above paragraph was added after typing the text below) ……………

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Yesterday, I was still replying to the book friend's post, and I said with certainty that I would never stop updating, and "theoretically" never stopped updating.

As a result, I broke my promise and gained weight today.

There was a slap in the face.

But there is no way.

I'm in a mess today, facing the computer, I can't type out any plot.

I don't want to make up two thousand words to waste your starting point coins.

Hope to understand.

Say whatever you want... Just mess around.

Before yesterday, or rather, this morning, I had a vague but predictable future. But this morning, after going to work normally, clocking in, and sitting at the workstation for a while, I suddenly received a personnel notification.

The company has undergone large-scale adjustments, and I also belong to the ranks of "optimized"... Ha ha.

Yesterday we were working overtime until nine o'clock... today it is optimized.

In fact, in the past year, it's not like I didn't have this kind of expectation, but I never thought it would fall on me. I often browse Zhihu, and when I see those complaining about being suddenly laid off, suddenly optimized, unable to repay the mortgage, etc., I always stand in the perspective of passers-by and pass them by.

After all, my department can be regarded as the core part of the company. We are busy every day, which means that the company still has a lot of business. With so much business, how could it go wrong?

Sure enough, it was too naive.

When I received the notification, there was no sadness, no anger, and no random thoughts... Instead, I felt a sense of relief. Or rather, a sense of relief.

I graduated from university in 2012, and I joined this company half a month after graduation. Never changed jobs. I just signed an indefinite labor contract with the company last year. Most of my colleagues in the same period have changed many jobs. Only I am still holding on.

After all, I also came here drinking chicken soup. It was said in the book that tens of thousands of hours of concentration can make you an expert. I have heard this kind of words a lot, and I inadvertently remembered it in my heart. I plan to grow into a professional at any rate...

But after working for a long time, people will inevitably slack off and feel at ease.

He would think that with that not-so-favorable but decent salary, he would be considered a decent little bourgeois.

However, the goose, the little bourgeois, has its own limitations and weaknesses after all.

A slap in the face of capital can wake you up from your dream.



Friends who have been chasing my books, you should know that I can still be regarded as "concentrated". Since I started the book in 2016, I have updated it every day, with more than 800 chapters, more than 800 days and nights, sickness, Chinese New Year, travel, Never broke. Because I always feel that since I have given you a promise, I should do it.

I was wrong... people have to know themselves.

I forgot who said it... People have permanent property, and then they have perseverance... Although they were not considered to have permanent property before, they had constant karma, so perseverance can still persist.

But now, who can say that they have constant career?

Although I was not actually laid off today, but I was demoted, my salary was cut, and I saw many colleagues in the office leave blankly or angrily, I can't pretend that nothing happened, and continue to sit in front of the computer and make up stories for you .

If I am really laid off today, maybe I can rest assured and continue to update you. After all, things couldn't have gotten any worse, could they. But now this kind of hanging in mid-air, not going up or down, is really heart-wrenching.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】


Hmm, or, is this also a kind of broken Dao heart?




let me take it easy.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, will continue to update.

For the once poor dream.

After all, although most of the face has been scraped off by the big ear scraper, there are still some... At least, I will fulfill the promise to you according to the current outline.


I am very sorry Greenland Mountain Potato, he just posted a very good comment a few minutes ago, and also gave him the first monthly pass and the first reward...Here, I must emphasize, you are not poisonous milk... real…

In addition, don't worry about the official account of the recommended book the day before yesterday (it seems that everyone calls him Brother Nine?). I'm just asking for leave to adjust my mentality, and there's more...

Tsk, never had a day off before, suddenly taking time off, it feels terrible...feels like a bank run, credit broke.


However, it is estimated that there will be no two o'clock updates in the future.

Because I will start tomorrow and resume my 9-5 working hours, so I can’t sleep too late at night... _(:3∠)_



It really is winter.

Regardless of the outside, or the heart, or the economy.

In 1918, in Beijing.

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