Hunting High School

One Hundred And Sixty Eighth Chapter Chenshi

Chenshi, also known as Shishi, refers to the period from 7:00 am to 9:00 am.

Originally, the 'shishi' here was the time for breakfast. But for the wizards in the 403 dormitory, or the members of the forgiveness hunting team, although they are in the 'eating hour', they don't have time to eat.

Since getting up at the beginning of Maochu, these young wizards have been busy with their feet on the ground, shuttling back and forth between the campus and the pedestrian street like crazy spinning tops. But in fact, even if they are busy in the shops and dormitories Zheng Qing, who went back and forth four or five times, didn't know what everyone was busy with.

For example, on the first trip, after a few people worked in the store for a long time, they found that they did not bring a rag. Although everyone was a wizard and they all brought spell books, it was obviously faster and more convenient to use a rag than to summon a snail girl to help wipe off the dust on the table after reciting the spell for a long time.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

So Zheng Qing tied a horse talisman on his leg, and ran back to the dormitory like a gust of wind, bringing a lot of buckets, rags, brooms, dustpans and other things, although these things can be bought on the street, but because It's too early now, and Green's grocery store isn't even open. If they want to use it, they can only use the ones in the dormitory.

Not long after returning with rags and other things, the young payer found himself having to make another trip.

This time, the cause was that he saw a nest of majestic human-faced spiders behind the signboard hanging on the lintel of the store.

Those colorful eight-legged insects used the d&k signboard as a solid foothold, and weaved a large net between the signboard and the wall. Because the time is not long, there is no prey on the net, only a few pieces of fine dead leaves.

If it is a hundred-year-old store, it is impossible to say that this website can still be used as a symbol of history by the store to show off.

But Zheng Qing and the others are opening a new store.

"You said that in the winter, there are not a single fly or mosquito. Why do they weave such a large net? To ride the northwest wind?" The young public finance student raised his head and looked at the trembling net behind the signboard. Slightly speechless.

"No matter what they want to do, our goal now is to get them off the top!" Xiao Xiao waved his notebook, looking a little anxious: "This morning is all these messy things! I didn't even eat breakfast, who would? Care about what those spiders eat?!"

"Didn't Fatty buy a leek box and soy milk?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf who was brushing the mice in the cage said in a muffled voice without raising his head: "It doesn't look very good, but it smells good... ..."

"That's right, just eat it!" Xiao Xiao had a straight face, but his attitude finally calmed down a lot: "We will entertain guests later, eat a full stomach of leeks, and open your mouth to scare the guests away."

"Stop talking nonsense... Hurry up and find a way to get rid of them!" Zheng Qing grabbed his hair, with a terrible expression on his face: "You guys, how about burning them with a fire... Anyway, the surrounding area Nobody."

"Although spiders do not fall within the scope of second-level murder protection stipulated in the Wizarding Code, as insects with high spirituality, they are regarded by many wizards as a sign." Dr. Xiao Da gave full play to his status The hunting team's role as a staff officer took the lead in denying the plan of the public-funded students: "So, I suggest expulsion is the first."

"Also, what if your fire accidentally burns down the plaque!" Xin Fatty, who had just rushed back from the outside, rubbed his hands, shook off the cold air on his body, and stomped his feet, "Didn't you throw away the watermelon for the sesame seeds?"

Zheng Qing silently turned his head and looked at Fatty.

"Don't look at me like that! I've brought everything!" Fatty couldn't help shivering when he felt the public fee student's gaze, and quickly opened the watch on his wrist, and then took out a few frames from it : "... I ran around, and the shops on the street were still open. Finally, I remembered that there seemed to be some spare pieces in the editorial office of the school newspaper..."

These frames are used by Zheng Qing to hold certificates, including the championship of the Forgiveness Hunting Team Freshman Tournament and the establishment of the Forgiveness Knights, as well as the licenses, epidemic prevention and hygiene materials required for store operations.

Originally, he thought that these things could be stuffed in a drawer.

But when discussing with his companions in the morning, he suddenly remembered the scene he had seen in Shangyuan Bookstore.

The first time he went to the bookstore, he saw a lot of qualification certificates when he entered the door. Unclear feeling.

Zheng Qing felt that this routine was worth learning, so he temporarily arranged for Fatty to find a frame for the certificate.

"Do you have any medicine?" Zheng Qing took the frames, put them on the table behind him, and continued to stare at Fatty.

"Are you sick?" Fatty looked puzzled.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth.

"Anthelmintic medicine!" He raised his hand, pointed to the nest of spiders behind the signboard, and gritted his teeth.

Fatty suddenly understood.

"No," he shook his head with a rattle, but at the same time gave his own suggestion: "Why don't you let the elves handle it? You put the most capable little guys in the dormitory to sleep late with that cat. Stupid way."

Zheng Qing woke up immediately.

Elves are creatures created by alchemists to assist wizards in daily chores.

Don't talk about such trivial things as deworming, even laundry, cooking, cleaning and other tasks, as long as they are properly trained, they can also be fully competent.

Just like that, the young public-funded student just came to the store from the dormitory, and he had to sweat profusely again after staying for five minutes. All the living things in the house were packed and brought, so as not to cause new troubles later.

For a whole morning, from six o'clock to nine o'clock, a group of young wizards from the Forgiveness Hunting Team hammered their hammers here and there, and were so busy that they were dizzy, and finally built a basic shelf outside the shop and put up a pulley. Treasures, big flower baskets, banners were pulled up, and silly puppets were set up to entertain.

Everything is ready, it seems that the only thing left is for the guests to come to the door.

Because a lot of invitations were sent out before, Zheng Qing couldn't figure out who would come.

But after thinking about it, he never imagined that the first wave of guests would not be the classmates who made friends with Tianwen 08-1, nor the new friends they met at the school hunting party or guiding the forgiveness hunting team. The old students who are trained are not some assistants or even professors as he hoped.

But a group of mice.

A group of mice in blue vests.

It wasn't Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao who were standing at the door that first spotted the group of unexpected guests, but the fat cat Tuan Tuan, who was lazily hiding in the depths of the shop, lying on the counter.

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