Hunting High School

Chapter 176 Sishi

"Xiaolong looks very strong now."

"That's fat, not strong... Zhan Yuchen, who is on duty at the pet garden, reminded me in the morning that Xiaolong failed the physical examination a few days ago and had high cholesterol."

"Do snakes also have high cholesterol?"

"That's not clear. In short, the guard Zhan asked me to take it to exercise more often, control my diet a little, and don't let it overeat. It's not healthy."

"Indeed," Jiang Yu nodded approvingly, looked back, and added: "The little white pigeon raised by Mengmeng had a bad belly because of eating too much pine grass seeds last week. Lie on the ground all day... Pets like them that are not fully enlightened are often more affected by instinct."

"But if they are fully enlightened, they will no longer be pets." Liu Feifei pursed her lips. The judgment involving intelligent life is a sensitive topic in the wizarding world, and it is easy to cause some sharp discussions.

It's eight fifty-five in the morning.

Less than five minutes had passed since the skirmish between the cobra and the vigilante. Because it was the opening time agreed on the invitation soon, and the coordinator did not cause any real harm to the witches, so after a brief communication between the two parties, a compromise was finally reached.

The coordinator will not issue a ticket to Liu Feifei, and Liu Feifei also renounces the responsibility of the coordinator for "dangerous use of magic".

Fortunately today is Saturday.

During this morning, there were very few pedestrians on the pedestrian street, so the negotiation between the two parties did not attract passers-by to watch. After solving the trouble, the three witches hurried to No. 97 Pedestrian Street.

Chatting along the way is inevitable.

Hearing Liu Feifei's words stretched in a sensitive direction, the female squad leader of Tianwen 08-1 was silent for a few seconds, and finally chose a new topic:

"I heard you say Nicholas before, isn't he coming today? I remember that he has a good relationship with Zheng Qing and the others."

When mentioning Nicholas, Liu Feifei immediately forgot about the previous topic, and her face became brighter in an instant: "He was a few minutes earlier than me, and went to help first... It seems that Zheng Qing and the others don't have enough manpower, and they are a bit too busy. "

"You should ask them for their salary!" Li Meng ran to the two witches at some point and eavesdropped on their conversation. Don't be fooled by them!"

Liu Feifei couldn't help laughing and said, "Even if you get cheated, it's Nicholas' business, and it's not me who was cheated..."

"Are you two still separated from each other?" Li Meng couldn't help but widen her eyes, with a curious look on her face: "How did I hear that a husband and wife are one body, one body, two body blossoms or something... Hey!"

Before the little witch finished speaking, she received a thump on the forehead from her cousin, which made her scream.

And Liu Feifei blushed a long time ago at what she said, trotted and hid aside, pretending to take care of her big snake.

Jiang Yu stared at the little witch, sighed for a long while, and made a compromise rule for her: "If you can honestly shut up today and don't talk nonsense, then I will allow you to save five hundred words in the weekly diary tonight. "

Since the first day of enrollment, under the request of Lao Yao, the freshmen have to complete a weekly diary every week to record every bit of their school life. Li Meng has always hated this, and every time it is written, it is more painful than being beaten.

So, when she heard Jiang Yu's suggestion, she immediately straightened her back, raised her hand, and made a movement of pulling the zipper near her mouth, her face full of determination.

While talking, the three of them turned the corner of the street, and they could already see the huge and brand-new signboard of d&k from a distance.

Compared with the lonely and quiet street behind, the short section of road in front of d&k looks very lively.

The rich honeysuckle and ingot maple are planted in large pots, placed neatly along the corner of the wall, and the fresh green leaves and colorful flowers are trembling in the winter sun, which makes everyone passing by can't help Live to look twice.

In front of these emerald green plants, there are exquisite flower baskets, covered with red and colorful words of blessing. The colorful flowers bloom and wither repeatedly in the baskets, covering the ground with a blanket of petals.

The one-meter-tall Rilakkumas swayed their chubby bodies, squeezed through the crowd, and served the guests with fruit plates; above their heads, emerald-green elves dragged huge teapots, offering teapots to everyone. The guests whose cups are empty fill up the tea.

Several trumpet flowers hung under the eaves, and Zheng Qing's stumbling voice came from among the flowers.

Because the wind around the corner was a bit strong, Jiang Yu couldn't hear what the wizard said for a while, but only vaguely heard words like 'thank you', 'thank you very much', 'will definitely work hard' and 'carry forward'.

She raised her wrist and glanced at the hands on the dial.

It was a few seconds to nine o'clock.

"Oh, hurry up, I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late!" Li Meng's hurried yelling came from behind, and Jiang Yu, who was still a little worried, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was completely impossible for Li Meng to keep the girl quiet.

It was impossible for her to keep her mouth shut. As long as her mouth can still be opened, it is impossible for her to keep quiet. I don't want to write a weekly diary. Every day, I rely on being cute, rolling around, messing around, and getting beaten a few times, so that I can barely fool it and not be sent home.

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I don't know what will happen to her final exam.


A dull explosion echoed in the witch's ears, interrupting her thoughts.

Looking up, d&k has already started setting off fireworks.

The white fireworks exploded in mid-air, even covering up the brilliance of the sun for a moment.

Then the four-color fireworks shot out from the white light, and exploded in four directions in a row, bursting out brilliant colors, and the magnificent picture scrolls. On the east side are red galloping horses, neighing, running to the distance; It is a white bird with fluttering wings all over the sky; the north is a blue ocean, with Kunpeng appearing faintly; the south is a golden pagoda with thousands of lights.

At the same time, the firecrackers hanging in the corner of the eaves crackled like popping beans, bursts of smoke rose, and pieces of red dust fell. The rising smoke twists and rolls in the mid-air, forming various images. The sun shines through, shining five colors of light, like a fairyland; The guests jumped up and down at their feet.

"Oh, it's really scary!" Li Meng jumped up and down, screaming excitedly.

But judging by her appearance, she didn't seem to be frightened at all.

"It would be great if I could bring Li over here today! He will definitely like those Rilakkumas!" The little witch continued to scream, trying to make her own sound overwhelm the noisy fireworks not far away.

A red glow shot out from a distance.

With Jiang Yu's slap, Hongmang was smashed to the ground.

She looked down, and saw a rouge pony about an inch tall, panting, kicking its legs and flicking its tail, struggling hard.

Not long after, the pony exploded with a 'bang' and turned into a blooming red peony.

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