Hunting High School

Chapter 184 Congratulations From The Association Of Bird Workers

Fluttering, clattering.

Hearing the sound of the group of birds of different sizes and types flying out of the shop with their chirping and flapping wings, the d&k agent shopkeeper Dr. Xiao Da immediately smashed his head on the counter and let out a long breath:

"It's finally gone... These guys are so noisy, every second they stay, I feel like I lost ten days of my life!"

"You can feel it in ten days?" Li Meng raised her head and looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise.

Because the fresh talisman was used just now, the smell in the shop was very refreshing, so the little witch did not leave the shop in a hurry, but huddled in front of a cage, grabbed a peanut and teased a ten-month-old mouse. The little mouse was holding the cage with its front paws, and the tip of its nose was in front of the little witch's hand. It was moving rapidly, and its face was full of longing.

"Do you understand exaggeration?" Xiao Xiao didn't look up, but rested his head on his arm, turned his face, looked at the little witch, and emphasized weakly: "Ten days belong to the rhetorical technique of exaggeration... This is the basis of language. One of the ways to use it, you still have to learn it."

Before the words were finished, accompanied by the sound of fluttering wings, the leading green parrot flew back again. After circling for a week, it landed in front of the counter, and its curved beak just hit the tip of Dr. Xiao Da's nose.

The wizard was taken aback, he threw his head back forcefully, and almost broke his neck when he couldn't catch his breath. He grinned his teeth in pain, and let out a cry.

"Yeah, I was so focused on visiting your new store just now that I almost forgot the gift!" The green-skinned parrot giggled and raised its paw, revealing a small brown leather pouch tied to its ankle.

There is a shiny brass button on the leather bag, which is fastened tightly.

Without bothering the young wizards and wizards to help, the green parrot lowered its head, moved its curved beak on the leather bag flexibly a few times, and opened the copper buckle. Then it stuck its beak in, and after a moment of picking and picking, fished out a handful of quills.

Red, white, pink, green, yellow, cyan, etc., colorful quill pens of different lengths and lengths, make a lot of them, and then tie them with a red Ribbon, looking around Like a fluffy flower in full bloom, it looks extraordinarily festive.

"Ahem," the green parrot put its wings to its mouth and coughed twice.

After seeing everyone's attention focused on it, the parrot calmly showed another small piece of paper under its wing - this piece of paper seemed to be glued under its wing - and stared at a pair of With small round black eyes, he read every word solemnly:

"The winter wind is blowing, the drums of war are beating, whoever is afraid of the opening of a small shop!"

"Goods are not afraid of the dark, good news is flying all over the sky!"

"The Association of Bird Workers of First University congratulates Dingding Financial and Pesticide Company on its establishment, with a special gift! Sending bird feathers for a kilometer is light and affectionate. I hope your company will be successful and prosperous, and it will become more and more day by day. powerful!"

The green-skinned parrot recited some weird congratulatory speeches with full of emotion and force, which made the young wizards stunned for a while.

"The First University still has the Association of Bird Workers?" The little witch left the mouse cage, and after listening to the green-skinned parrot's congratulatory speech, she was greatly surprised. She couldn't help tugging at her cousin's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Yu sighed, and did not bow her head, but subconsciously brushed the hair hanging from her ear, and replied softly, "I'm not a parrot, how would I know... You should ask your Xiaobai about such things."

Li Meng scratched her ears, feeling that this answer was very reasonable.

On the other hand, after handing the gift to Xiao Xiao, the green parrot stretched out its paws to beg for a red envelope, while thinking about the bird food he wanted: "I just said I forgot something earlier... your store is not a pest control company Is it? The main business is insecticide, right? Insects are good food for birds, and we are not picky eaters! So, the store actually has bird food, right?"

Xiao Xiao was caught off guard by this peculiar reasoning, and after holding his glasses for a long time, he finally thought of a suitable statement:

"The 'killing insects' in our store name does not specifically refer to killing insects, but generally refers to all harmful organisms, or the more meaningful word 'bug'."

"Furthermore, the store has just opened and is still in the trial operation stage. Whether it is finance or insecticide, it has not yet officially launched."

As he said that, Xiao Xiao had already stuffed a few wrapped red envelopes into the skin pouch on the green parrot's ankle, and helped it fasten the copper buckle thoughtfully. At the end, he patted the thick leather bag carefully, and added emphatically: "...I promise, if there are any worms in the store, they will definitely let our captain of the forgiveness hunting team blow them up." I'll send it to you later!"

The green-skinned parrot raised its paws, looked at the skin bag that had already been buttoned with copper buckles, nodded with satisfaction, and then reminded with dissatisfaction: "Well...fried bugs are not healthy, we are old, so we don't like this. Just mix it with rice vinegar cooking wine, and it would be even better if you can add some mustard.”

Ho, didn't expect these birds to be food lovers? !

The corners of Xiao Xiao's mouth twitched, impatiently obsessed with the strange taste of the bird, nodded vigorously: "No problem, sure!"

The green-skinned parrot finally stopped making noise. It giggled and flapped its wings. With the help of the short wooden tabletop of the counter, it glides and takes off after a few run-ups. Without looking back, he flew straight out of the store, chasing after the partners who had gone away.

It wasn't until the emerald green figure completely disappeared from sight that Xiao Xiao murmured: "This time...he really left."

Li Meng listened and covered her stomach with a smile.

Then she trotted to the door, stepped on the threshold, looked around, turned her head and said to Xiao Xiao with certainty: "Let's go! I can't see a single bird!"

Xiao Xiao sat back on the seat behind the counter and hit his head on the table again.

Next to him, Jiang Yu hesitated for a few seconds, and finally couldn't help but ask: "I was always did these birds know that your shop is open? How did you recruit them."

"Me? Am I capable of provoking these little ancestors?" Xiao Xiao didn't raise his head, and complained in a muffled voice: "Except for our shop manager, who would provoke a group of birds!"

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The manager of the shop is Zheng Qing. As the representative of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, he has been assigned this identity without any dispute.

Thinking of all the unreliable plans and behaviors of his own captain, the staff officer of the forgiveness hunting team couldn't help but muttered: "I must propose a criticism meeting tonight... Absolutely, we must not let Zheng Qing continue to mess around next time .There is no rule about sending invitations to a group of birds when opening a shop! Even if everyone is a wizard, there is no such reason.”

"And yesterday, he didn't come to the Qingqiu Guild Hall last night, and he did it very dishonestly!" Li Meng was very worried about the absence of a certain public-funded student yesterday, even though Zheng Qing had already provided a very reliable and For legitimate reasons, she was still dissatisfied. (to be continued)

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