Hunting High School

Chapter 192: Cat And Mouse

"Jiang Yu...Miss Jiang, right?"

The wizard who entered the store nodded very politely. Maybe he felt that it was a bit abrupt to directly mention the witch's name. He temporarily changed the address and said with a smile: "When the Jiang family held the Yunmeng Autumn Hunting last year, I remember you were standing there. Next to your grandma... I have to admit that your family's hunting team left a very deep impression on me. Especially the big monster that was hunted down at the end, it's hard to see even in the 'Super Hunting Ground'. "

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"Ah, this must be the Little Princess of the Li family, right? I heard, I heard, that you have an unusual sensitivity to certain magic... For a while, there were idiots in the council next month who proposed to Forcibly making a deal with your family... Very wrong, very wrong idea, so we suppressed it. I think this should be the reason why you were sent to First University in the end."

"Well, the beauty with wine-colored hair next to her should be from the Gypsy Witches, right? It's very familiar, very familiar. More than a hundred years ago, I had a good friend who belonged to the Gypsy Witches."

The strange guest commemorated his friend more than a hundred years ago in a nostalgic tone, which made people feel good after hearing it. It's just that he seemed to only have a few witches in the shop in his eyes, and the wizards were subconsciously ignored by him.

This makes the young public fee student feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to receive this strange visitor, the gypsy witch who was standing aside suddenly spoke.

"You're talking about Aunt Angelina, right?" Elena's voice was very calm: "If she hadn't followed you to that damn moon dance, causing you to bleed too much to death in the end, your nonsense may still have some meaning. A little persuasion."

There was a little too much information brought out by these words, and the young public finance student couldn't help being horrified, and there was no way to continue talking about what he had originally planned.

"After all, we are all grown-ups, and everyone will be responsible for their own behavior, right?" The strange guest replied to Elena with a smile, but for some reason, he glanced at the young public fee student.

Those pale blue eyes were icy cold, Zheng Qing felt as if he was being stared at by a terrifying monster. For a moment, he felt as if he was back on the entrance flight again, facing the raging monster Fallen wizard.

His eyes are not red, he is definitely not a fallen wizard, the young Gong Feisheng comforted himself anxiously, trying to get rid of some terrible thoughts in his mind, and at the same time thinking jokingly, compared with the wizard opposite , I seem to be more like a monster, at least my own eyes are still red.

Xu Shi noticed the uneasiness of the wizard beside him, and Jiang Yu took a small step forward.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" the witch asked in a more relaxed tone. It's just that Zheng Qing saw that her fingers behind her back were turning white. This made the wizard a little ashamed of himself and a little annoyed.

"I'm the manager of this store, can I help you?" He repeated Jiang Yu's question, and at the same time took a step forward without showing any trace, blocking in front of the witch.

The strange guest raised his eyebrows, and there was a smile of ridicule or appreciation at the corner of his mouth.

"You're a little bit better than I thought, at least you didn't stand trembling behind the girl." The guest commented in a very rude tone.

The anger in Zheng Qing's heart hadn't brewed yet, but was extinguished by the guest's self-introduction later.

"Milton Karen, a member of the parliament next month, the rotating patriarch of the Karen family...Of course, there are a bunch of other meaningless titles, I believe you are not interested in them." The guest put the cane under his arm and raised his arm , introduced himself politely: "Nice to meet you... Zheng Qing classmate."

Milton Karen!

No wonder it looks kind of nice!

As the patriarch of the Karen family and the senator of the next month's parliament, the Duke of Karen often appears in various media and magazines, especially the newspapers sponsored by the Karen family, which have published the Duke's stories for many years. Various video photos, such as the Duke of Milton inspecting the Bordeaux winery, the Duke of Milton giving a generous speech to the Senate, the heroic appearance of the Duke of Milton hunting demons, etc.

It's just that there is a gap of one kind or another between the reality and the image.

Without meeting a real person face to face, it is indeed a bit difficult for a young wizard without much experience to distinguish a person's true identity in a short period of time with just a few photos or a few videos.

Because it was so shocking that the public finance student didn't react at all to the hand extended by His Excellency the Duke.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?" Milton Karen didn't care about the public fee student's momentary loss of focus. He casually withdrew his hand, took off the dragon leather glove on his hand, held it in the palm of his hand, and asked casually.

A hint of bitterness suddenly appeared on Zheng Qing's face. Unlike the bewildered friends around him, the young public fee student knew Milton's intention in the blink of an eye.

News that the current patriarch of the Karen family fought duels with other suitors in order to pursue Su Shijun appeared in the newspapers from time to time. Especially some time ago, the duel between him and Wilhelm Tower Potter, the famous werewolf prince, was even more noisy. Some people even held a special seminar at the First University to discuss the outcome between the two and the battle. The impact of the duel on the internal seats of the next month's council and many other issues.

If it weren't for the sensational news from the "Beta Town Post", I am afraid that the biggest topic in the wizarding world is the war between werewolves and vampires.

Zheng Qing felt that apart from Su Shijun, he couldn't find any other reason for the Duke of the Karen family to take time out of his busy schedule to visit his small shop.

The young wizard's silence seemed to Milton to be a kind of tacit consent.

This made him even more annoyed, and the anger that could have been easily restrained suddenly exploded like a balloon being pricked by a needle.


Your Excellency the Duke raised his hand and snapped his fingers. He did not see any incantations, and a few thin red flames emerged from the void, and bounced towards Zheng Qing like a long snake preying on it. After entanglement and entanglement, he was pulled away from the ground and bound. In mid-air. At the same time, the door of the small shop that was originally hidden closed with a bang, and the shutters on the left and right sides also fell down.

In the bright store, it was suddenly dark.

The mice in the mouse cage and the cats running around looked like they were facing a big enemy. They all turned their backs to the wall, grinned and began to tremble.

"Ah!" Li Meng screamed, holding the kitten and sitting on the ground.

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