Hunting High School

Chapter 197 Outside The Shop

Su Shijun felt that it was a big mistake for him not to read the almanac after waking up today.

She even regretted thinking about the cup of green tea for breakfast, even if she had breakfast, drinking that cup of green tea and taking a look at the properties of the tea leaves was much better than going out with a black eye.

Originally, she just had a whim, and planned to stroll around this short street in Beta Town, take a breath of fresh air, and send a certain little fox to a new shop opened by a certain wizard.

But he didn't expect to meet a familiar figure outside the store.

The werewolf prince of Tower Potter's house.

At that time, Wilhelm Tower Potter was crossing his legs, sitting on top of a Guardian Stone Lions at the entrance of the alley diagonally opposite the small shop, staring at the small shop intently, motionless.

There was an endless stream of pedestrians passing by on the pedestrian street, but they all ignored the eye-catching figure.

She also wanted to be like other pedestrians on the road, pretending not to see that figure.

It's just that Wilhelm Tower Potter wasn't as cold as she was.

"Hi, Junjun!"

The tall werewolf sitting on the Guardian Stone Lions with a straight face suddenly squeezed a flower out of his face, and waved his arms vigorously at the witch, saying hello excitedly: "I knew you would come here!"

While speaking, Prince Wilhelm's figure flickered, then disappeared from the Guardian Stone Lions, and then abruptly appeared on the main road of the pedestrian street, blocking the witch.

"Sorry, you misidentified the person." Su Shijun helped the big red-rimmed glasses on his face, glared at the werewolf prince angrily, and at the same time warned: "If you dare to continue calling that damned name, I'll screw your head off and kick it like a ball!"

"Unfortunately, honor." The werewolf prince greeted the meeting in a calm manner, and then seriously suggested: "But you must wear better shoes before kicking, at least don't wear high heels, it will hurt your feet."

Su Shijun's expression immediately collapsed.

"Is this the little guy?" Wilhelm didn't seem to notice the witch's expression, and stared at a certain little fox in the witch's arms, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Wow, if I can get a picture of it, Beta The Town Post is sure to pay me a fortune in gold!"

Sensing the slightly aggressive gaze of the tall wizard, Poseidon, who was originally hiding in the witch's arms, shrank his head and hid deeper into her arms.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The window glass of several shops near her exploded, and the frightened passers-by screamed and fled in all directions. The shopkeepers who were suffering from the unreasonable disaster were left behind. After looking out for a while, they quickly shrank back when they saw the empty street.

Just kidding, a guy who can stealthily mess up the glass on the pedestrian street is definitely not something small shopkeepers like them can provoke, especially those who open a shop next to the First University. Judging from the current situation, it should be that a certain great wizard lost his temper without controlling his anger.

Perhaps when the patrol team from the First University or the Trident Sword on duty from Beta Town arrived, they would dare to speak their minds to those trumped-up villains.

"Who gave you the courage." Su Shijun glanced at the werewolf expressionlessly.

The werewolf prince's body flickered with the effects of a series of talisman activations of various colors, accompanied by a small crackling sound after some talismans were broken.

The majesty of the great wizard is fully displayed at this moment.

"Wow, calm down, calm down, my invisibility talisman was almost blown away by your aura." Wilhelm Potter raised his hand and took a slight step towards retreat, his face still full of smiles: "Just kidding, you know , I will never hurt it."

"Also, if someone from the school sees the members of the next month's parliament wreaking havoc on the pedestrian street outside the school for no reason, it will cause a diplomatic accident..."

"Do you think the school doesn't know you're here?" Su Shijun laughed angrily.

"I think the school will pretend not to know I'm here." Wilhelm smiled broadly, "As long as I stay quiet and don't cause any trouble."

"Also...if I were you, I wouldn't waste time here and lose my temper." Then, the werewolf prince turned his head, glanced at the small shop with closed doors, and reminded: "You know, I'll never be around you alone."

"I don't know!" Su Shijun corrected a certain big dog angrily.

Then wake up.

"He's here too?" The female senator of the next month's parliament glanced at the small shop, her eyebrows raised high: "I just left for less than a month... Could it be that the style of the parliament has changed? So radical, dare to let two upper councilors who don't have an 'official' invitation letter come to the school to play wild?"

She bit the word'formal' very hard.

After all, whether it is the Karen family or the Potter family, it is not difficult to get an invitation letter to enter Phuket Island. Both families have their own industries on the island, and both families have juniors who are studying at First University. As long as it is not blacklisted by the school, the probability of passing the trial is 100%.

But for the senators of the Parliament next month, it is not so easy to come to Phuket Island.

From a certain point of view, the members of the parliament under the moon are no longer members of a certain family, but symbols representing hundreds of ethnic groups in the parliament under the moon. Their every move will have a profound impact on the situation in the wizarding world.

"Didn't the school send an invitation letter to the council some time ago?" Wilhelm took another small step diagonally back to give way to the witch, and added with a smile: "Besides, if I remember correctly, the school itself now There are a lot of troublesome things waiting to be dealt with...whether they will pay attention to trivial matters such as the coming of parliamentarians to the island next month, or not."

Su Shijun's footsteps paused.

She turned her head and finally took a serious look at the werewolf prince beside her for the first time today.

"You should learn to be more stupid." The witch's anger seemed to have completely dissipated. She folded her arms to make the little fox in her arms lie more comfortably, and then said softly: "That vice principal Shi has always Prejudice against next month's council. You're giving someone a hand."

"We didn't exist to please them." Wilhelm twitched his lips.

Su Shijun finally fell silent.

Xu Shi realized that what he said just now made the rift between the Council under the Moon and the First University a little clearer. Wilhelm Tower Potter changed the subject and added with a smile: "...Besides, you are here."

"You were here, and then we came here."

"The whole wizarding world will sympathize with me and that poor vampire... and who cares about vague diplomatic rhetoric?"

Su Shijun finally couldn't help laughing.

"Go away!" She glanced at the tall wizard, and strode towards the small shop: "Before I change my mind, you can still walk back by yourself."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

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