Hunting High School

Chapter 206 Winter Solstice

The amateur wave of d&k didn't subside completely until the regular class meeting on Sunday night, but it felt like it was intensifying.

Thanks to the omniscient media, things that originally happened in the depths of the store, such as a wandering wizard who came to congratulate with a bottle of wine, a certain two senators of the next month's parliament, and a group of seniors wearing vests of different colors The rats were beating gongs and drums in the store, and so on. All these things behind the sun were dug up by the reporters.

Including the Rat Immortal from the Underground World of First University, several great wizards who rarely appear on the scene took turns to stand for an unknown small shop, which aroused great interest from readers.

Why do great wizards care about a small shop? Could there be some dirty background in this? What deal does d&k have with the Rat Tribe in the Underworld? Do wandering wizards really just congratulate their neighbors when they open their shops? Most importantly, Su Shijun and Duke Milton appeared in the same room!

Zheng Qing can fully imagine the face of the first reporter who dug up this news, his face flushed, his expression excited, and his lips trembling when he wrote the manuscript. He could even imagine the reporter's feathers twitching across the parchment, leaving behind a scribbled, illegible original.

Since Su Shijun revealed in September that she was married and had a child, she has kept a low profile and rarely appeared in public. As well-known losers, the Duke of Milton and Prince Wilhelm even disappeared without a trace, making people almost believe that there were no such two people in this world.

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Therefore, when the beauty Su and Duke Milton appeared in the same room, it completely ignited the burning fire of Eight Trigrams for readers.

Why did Su Shijun agree to meet with Duke Milton? Was Prince Wilhelm there? Is it family pressure or a random coincidence? It is said that there was a fierce conflict at the scene, did the "beautiful man" of the beautiful Su also appear?

All kinds of things make people scratch their hearts like a cat's claws, and they can't stop.

If it weren't for the fact that this place is within the core jurisdiction of the First University, and the various rules and regulations are very strict, the editor-in-chief of the "Beta Town Post" would definitely drag a few old friends and throw a few times in the d&k shop. A kind of magic, record everything you see and hear completely, and make a fortune.

It's a pity that this is Phuket Island, a registered student of the first university that opened the shop.

In particular, there are several children of great wizards and aristocratic families, as well as a public-funded student & young winner of the Merlin Medal. It is a very unwise choice to fight against the above-mentioned forces because of one Eight Trigrams. The investment is completely out of proportion to the income.

This eliminates the possibility of the media using crooked ways.

Correspondingly, Zheng Qing also arranged the people on his side clearly.

All members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, including the 'non-staff' Jiang Yu and Li Meng, under Zheng Qing's strict requirements, refused all forms of media interviews. Originally, Xin Fatty planned to take advantage of this enthusiasm to make d&k more However, when several impulsive admirers of Su Damei quietly threw a few small curses and big dung bombs outside the shop, Fatty quickly gave up the previous idea.

As a media person, he knows best the disorder and blindness of public opinion under fanaticism. This is a process of 'hot movement' of gossip, gossip and facts.

Without finding a chance for a positive breakthrough, the reporters set their sights on the guests who attended the opening ceremony that day, intending to make a side attack.

This time, Merlin did not disappoint them.

The reporters quickly caught another hunting team that went to congratulate that day, the Ouroboros hunting team. They even found out that when the two members of the next month's parliament were in the store, several members of the Ouroboros Hunting Team happened to be in the store!

Zheng Qing has no reason to silence Andrew Taylor.

Although he and the little wolf cub of the Taylor family had reconciled to some extent, and even rebuilt a good relationship. But this does not mean that the wolf cub will obey the public bills and promise.

Especially that chunky wizard with a loud voice is still a guy full of desire for performance.

"I knew that wolf cub was unreliable." Zheng Qing cursedly dropped the newspaper that still smelled of ink in his hand, sat down on the own bed, folded his arms, and started to sulk.

It was four o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, and he had just had lunch, a plate of dumplings stuffed with frogs dipped in garlic.

Originally these dumplings were prepared for Iseni.

Today is the winter solstice. According to the previous plan, the Forgiveness Hunting Team would have gone to Linzhong Lake at the invitation of Iseni to participate in a small celebration of the Murloc Tribe. A project to enhance mutual trust and strengthen communication. Knowing the preferences of the murlocs, the young wizards also specially prepared many dumplings filled with frogs as gifts.

It's just that all these plans had to be canceled due to the restless atmosphere outside.

Because the special hunter of the Ouroboros hunting team, Iseni, a young murloc from the Linzhong Lake murloc tribe, also accepted an exclusive interview with the "Beta Town Post" and told the reporter Tells about everything that happened to it that day.

The reality is like this. If there is no stake, everyone will not care about attacking the old opponents of the wizards more than a hundred years ago, those evil and smelly murlocs. He even made a disgusted expression when he mentioned the word 'murloc'. But if these murlocs had other uses, the same wizards would be happy to become friends with them again.

Even if you have to pinch your nose when talking to murlocs, and endure their bad habit of saying five 'hiss' in every sentence.

As long as it's good, it's not a problem.

"It's not all Andrew's fault." Xin Fatty lay lazily on the bed, letting the fat cat walk back and forth on his chest, and from time to time brushed his face with its big fluffy tail.

"Elder said that there seems to be Soprano behind the Ouroboros Hunting Team... You know, that mafia boss and Sir Friedman have always been at odds."

Elder is Zhang Jixin, this is his nickname in the forgiveness hunting team, and everyone often uses it on weekdays.

"But what does it have to do with us?" Zheng Qing couldn't help frowning.

"Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid?!" Xin Fatty tried hard to roll his eyes, which made him look like he was about to be stomped by the fat cat and said angrily, "You forgot about Friedman Is the Sir's father's surname? Karen! He is also from the Karen family! The Duke of Milton who beat us to death is his direct uncle."

"The senator of the parliament next month will appear on Phuket Island without invitation. This is a very sensitive and hype-worthy news...Seprano will never let go of this opportunity to attack his opponent."

"He's really bold." Dylan sat in the coffin, shaking his head while trimming his nails.

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