Hunting High School

Chapter Ten Chief, Squad Leader And Penalty List

The elf in the gray uniform floated quietly to the desk and dragged the empty white mug out of the classroom.

Lao Yao took out his own pipe again from his pocket and tapped it on the blackboard. A blackboard eraser quickly jumped up from the ground and began to work hard.

"The third thing." The professor raised his right hand and gestured with three fingers: "About the chief and monitor."

There was no sound in the classroom.

Lao Yao held his pipe and continued to pace the podium slowly.

He didn't stuff the pipe with tobacco, as if holding it would make him feel more natural.

"In Jiuyou Academy, the chief is the student with the best study. We are not alpha, and we don't pay attention to interpersonal relationships, bloodlines, or origins. You don't need to provide blood certificates dating back five hundred years. We only look at grades."

"So, the chief of the first semester is handed over to Liu Feifei."

"Do you have any comments?"

No one said anything.

Lao Yao nodded in satisfaction and continued to speak:

"As for the class monitor, it is the link between the students and the college, and it needs to have a strong sense of responsibility. Professor Yi Jiazi recommended two students to me, and they will act as the class monitor for the time being this semester."

Sim Fatty couldn't help raising his hand.

"Student Xin, right?" Lao Yao narrowed his eyes, flipped through the roster, and nodded with a smile: "Is there any problem?"

"Isn't the monitor elected?" Xin Fatty asked loudly.

There was a small voice of approval in the classroom.

"Are there any other questions? Ask them together." Lao Yao was not angry, but still had a smiling face.

"Why are there two monitors?"

"What are the requirements for being a squad leader? Can you recommend yourself!"

"Who is Professor Yi Jiazi?"

Newcomers are encouraged to ask a lot of questions.

Old Yao nodded repeatedly.

After a long time, when the classroom became quieter, the professor knocked on the desk with his pipe:

"Do you have any other questions?"

The students shook their heads.

"Then I'll explain it to you one by one."

"Professor Yi Jiazi is the teacher of your divination class. You can meet in the divination class tomorrow morning. He has a good temper, and his level of divination is very high. You can ask Professor Yi to help you look at some harmless things after class." For example, a male student can ask which girl has a crush on him, and a girl can ask if the own male god is a famous woman."

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There was a burst of low laughter in the classroom.

Lao Yao narrowed his eyes and continued to explain:

"The squad leader requires a strong sense of responsibility, as I mentioned just now. You have just entered the First University, and there is still a lack of understanding among you. In this case, voting is a blind vote. It is meaningless."

"So I think it's a good choice for the professor of the divination class to show you the candidates for the future monitor."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

It does sound like a good idea.

"Dangton, the class monitor of Jiuyou College's Astronomy Class 08-1, in charge of the boys' affairs; Jiang Yu, the class deputy, in charge of the girls' affairs. If you have any problems on weekdays, you can ask the two of them for help."

Downton's name Zheng Qing still has an impression.

It's not the self-introduction of the new students just now. Instead, after getting off the plane yesterday, while waiting to enter the first square, they had a few brief exchanges.

Zheng Qing still remembers that this boy stood up when the freshmen were in chaos and organized them to line up in order, which was quite appreciated by some old students.

Looking at it this way, he does have the potential to be an excellent squad leader.

As for Jiang Yu.

Looking at the tall girl who stood up and nodded slightly to the surroundings, Zheng Qing couldn't help but slam her head on the desk again.

What to do after class!

After the two new monitors greeted each other, Lao Yao spoke again:

"There is no credit reward for being the class monitor or chief. But if you perform well, I will give you excellent evaluations in the year-end evaluation."

"Whether it's the chief or the monitor, it's an honor. It's the school's recognition of you."

"It's like no matter what kind of punishment it is, it's a testimony to your growth in school."

As he spoke, he looked towards the back row of the classroom with a smile on his face, and raised a few pages of paper in his hand:

"Something like this."

A few pages flew lightly into the air.

The three elves quickly rushed down from the rest area on the blackboard, each grabbing a piece of paper.

Then, flapping its wings, it flew lightly towards the back of the classroom.

The students turned their heads clattering and looked towards the last few rows of the classroom.

Xin Fatty looked puzzled.

Zhang Jixin's face was flushed.

Xiao Xiao lowered his head, tossing his notebook again.

Zheng Qing watched the little elf flying closer and closer, and felt a chill in his heart, and the ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

"My dearest student, gave me a big gift bag in the first week of school."

Lao Yao clutched his pipe, crossed his arms, and exclaimed:

"Punishment notice from the school!"

"I've been a professor for so long, and this is the first time I've received a punishment notice for a freshman! It's a complete surprise!"

Zheng Qing's eyes darkened.

An elf flew in front of him and held up the piece of paper in his hand.

He swallowed, and read with his eyes squinted in the bright sunlight outside the window.

"Penalty Notice:

Here are Jiuyou college freshmen 2008tw-1-000 (Xiao Xiao), 2008tw-1-002 (Zheng Qing), 2008tw-1-015 (Zhang Jixin), on the 18th of August, the 63rd year of Wuyuan Weichuang Around that time, there was a fight in the middle of the pedestrian street in Beta Town.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Measures for the Administration of Current Students of the First University" and the "Punishment Regulations for Public Security Management of Beta Town", the following penalties are hereby imposed:

First, order the freshman concerned to make a written review and submit it to the Student Union Office within one week;

Second, the relevant class counselors report and criticize at the class meeting;

Third, the freshmen involved reported to the school work committee within one week of the start of school and received follow-up punitive tasks.

First University is committed to providing a safe and good learning environment for all students, and will never condone any unreported conflict behavior. I hope that the majority of new students will take warning.

First University Student Union Office & First University Campus Management Committee (signature)

September 1, 2008 in the white calendar (the second day of August in the sixty-third year of Wu Yuanwei's creation)"

The notice is light red, and the specification is small, only 24k in size.

The paper is also soft and feels like a piece of crisp cotton.

But when Zheng Qing held it in his hand, it felt like he was touching a red iron, fidgeting.

The other students in the class looked curiously at the three boys in the corner and the notices in their hands, whispering to each other.

Everyone is wondering what happened.

Zheng Qing heard Zhang Jixin's long sigh of relief:

"I was scared to death! I thought I would be severely warned or put on probation! If my father knew that I was put on probation on the first day of school, he would definitely rush into the dormitory and whip me into 18 different shapes."

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, wondering if he should show a smiling face.

He doesn't have the carefree nerve of the red-faced boy.

In his limited eighteen-year life, this was the first time he had received such a formal notice of punishment.

Fear and anxiety were the only thoughts floating in his heart.

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