Hunting High School

Chapter 130: A New Match For Apologizing

Hunting is not an outing, where you can catch prey after wandering around; it is not like cats in the woods, after being nagged by Zheng Qing, they line up to admit punishment.

Therefore, even though the forgiveness hunting team unified their goals and understanding, and wandered hard in the woods for several hours, they still failed to find those so-called animals.

"Captain, look at the pamphlet issued by the Hunting Committee again. Are we really looking for a few?" Xin Fatty's energy was gradually exhausted by the long and ineffective search.

When he searched a small bush again and returned in vain, he finally couldn't hold back the frustration in his heart, and shouted: "It's not like cockroaches or bedbugs, they can get into the crevices of rocks...they still have status and status." High-ranking magical creature, why don't you hide so neatly!"

"I've read it no less than thirty times." Zheng Qing reached out and took out the booklet from the gray cloth bag, and threw it at Fatty, with a deep exhaustion in his tone: "If you don't believe it, you can read it yourself Let's see...the Hunting Committee's labeling of this hunting area is really only those few."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Fatty screamed, as if dancing a rumba, twisted his body and arms violently, and hurriedly caught the booklet thrown in the air.

"I'm just talking, you take it seriously." Although Fatty muttered like this, his hands were not vague, he quickly opened the booklet, and checked it again.

"How, I read it right!" Seeing that Fatty had completed the verification and returned the booklet again, Zheng Qing asked angrily.

"No, no, how could the captain be wrong? After all, he is the one who won the Merlin Medal and directed us to win the first place in the hunting competition. Who would kill a thousand swordsmen to doubt you in such a trivial matter!" Fatty held the small book in both hands. Booklet, bowed at ninety degrees, and unequivocally hurt himself.

With these actions, Zheng Qing's smoldering anger dissipated.

"Get up and talk... what are you doing so weird!" The young public fee student grabbed the booklet and kicked up a small pile of snow, kicking Fatty all over his body.

Here, Fatty shook his body, shaking those snowflakes to the ground again, then raised his head, showing a flattering smile.

On the other side, the booklet that Zheng Qing had just grasped did not return to the gray cloth bag according to the scheduled route, but turned a corner halfway and fell into the hands of another hunter.

"It's not a solution to search aimlessly all the time. Why don't you call the gentlemen back first?" Xiao Xiao grabbed the thin booklet, flipped it quickly, and put forward his own suggestion.

The gentleman is Dylan, in the same position as the blue bird, and also serves as the hunter of the forgiveness hunting team.

The reason for the substitution was also considered by the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

On the one hand, Blue Bird had served as a hunter last time, so Dylan needs to be given some opportunities this time; on the other hand, considering that Lin Guo followed everyone into the Silent Forest this time, safety issues cannot be ignored. Although the hut in the woods is known as the absolute safety zone of the hunting team, it is undeniable that there are risks of one kind or another after all, so after some consideration, the blue bird finally gave up as the hunter and let Dylan go up.

"If your divination was more accurate, our searches would not have been so aimless." Fatty immediately shifted his focus, changing the target of venting his dissatisfaction from Zheng Qing to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao didn't answer, but silently flipped through the booklet.

Seeing this, Zheng Qing sighed silently, and had no choice but to stand up again: "This can't be blamed on the doctor... We have been neighbors with First University for so many years, if Silent Forest has not developed the ability to fight against fortune-tellers , Aren't you sorry for the title of 'the most dangerous forest in the wizarding world'... The hunting committee also reminded us before we set off, not to rely too much on divination and other magic in the forest."

Fatty curled his lips and finally stopped talking.

"Since we can't find anyone for the time being, let's take a break first." Zheng Qing didn't have the desire to continue searching, so he accepted Xiao Xiao's suggestion and began to recall the other two hunters of the hunting team.

He took out the Colt python from his waist, opened the magazine, spun it around a few times, and took out a rune bullet rolled out of the 'bird singing chirp' talisman from the gray cloth bag, and stuffed it in. Then he aimed the muzzle at the snowdrift next to him and pulled the trigger.

A trail of light red flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, enveloping the rune bullet, and crashed into the snowdrift silently. Immediately, an invisible wave centered on several wizards and spread in all directions.

Not long after, two familiar figures rushed back from the depths of the forest.

"Why, did you find their traces?" Dylan couldn't wait to ask as soon as they met. The daytime plus the reflective bonus of the snow caused a lot of trouble for this hunter with vampire blood. If it wasn't for the task , he prefers to bury himself in a snowdrift and sleep.

"No, not yet... It's just that the doctor suggested that we take a break first, which I think makes sense." Zheng Qing's answer made Dylan feel heartbroken.

"It's good to take a break, just let everyone check their equipment again to see if there is anything that needs to be checked and filled." Zhang Jixin's voice also came back.

This time, he replaced Zheng Qing as the hunter, and Zheng Qing assumed the role of the main hunter.

On the one hand, this transposition takes into account the actual situation of this winter hunting. For example, the hunting area is small, and the hunters do not need to maintain high-intensity patrol work;

On the other hand, this change of position also takes into account that after this period of training, Zheng Qing has become less ignorant of hunting activities, and can try to assume a more complete role as the captain of the hunting team.

After all, the two-headed system is only a transitional arrangement. If a hunting team always has two heads, it is not a good phenomenon. After a long time, it will inevitably go wrong.

Seeing that everyone was here, Zheng Qing raised the Colt python in his hand, pointed it at several nodes around it, and pulled the trigger.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!"

Colorful bullets with their own flames poured out from the muzzle of the gun and fell silently into the snow.

A series of complex runes and formations spread from the place where the bullets fell, and in the blink of an eye, barriers of defense and vigilance were raised to form a temporary safety zone.

"It's so convenient!" Zhang Jixin exclaimed, "Why didn't anyone think of using this method before?"

"Because, except for our captain, no one would waste so many standard talismans to roll talismans." Xin Fatty replied faintly: "After all, 'money' is the most efficient magic in the world."

"No, I'm still a poor ghost." Thinking of the pitiful figures on his account, Zheng Qing immediately retorted: "It's just that I can do it myself, that's all."

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