Hunting High School

Chapter 223: Ferret

A white figure jumped out of the bushes with a 'whoosh', and ran along the thick snow.

This is a ferret.

The slender body is covered with thick pure white long hair, and the fluffy tail is like a sensitive rudder, swinging left and right, controlling the direction of the ferret.

The small round ears are attached to the sides of the head, presenting a special streamlined shape, which will not allow the airflow in the air to form the slightest resistance to the advancement of the ferret.

It's just that compared with the elegant and clean appearance, the ferret's eyes are not so calm.

Even while running, the little guy's round eyes couldn't help but look around, looking flustered, as if he was looking for something or afraid of something.

The tepid winter sun just rightly coated the surface of the snow with a layer of ice glaze, giving those fluffy snowflakes an extra layer of hard shell. Therefore, when the white figure ran on the snow, it didn't get caught in the snowdrift, instead, it ran much faster.

In the distance, behind the bushes, there were a few loud shouts, and as the howling cold wind swept in, the white figure ran even faster.

"Hurry up, it's near here!" A thick male voice yelled, breaking the silence in the forest: "Don't let it get away!"

"The gentleman is already outflanking to the front, it can't escape!" Another calm voice said: "Fatty, you go to assist the Elder, pay attention to the movement outside the hunting circle... According to the doctor's speculation, we are surrounded The one who lives here is only a leader, and if the remaining little creatures refuse to be caught without a fight, they will definitely come to rescue it."

"Received!" The first voice replied, and then hesitantly said: "Well, captain... do you still have the armored horse talisman? It's the kind of armored horse talisman with the light body talisman embedded. You know, I look like this , running in the snow is very hard..."

"My code name is 'Sir', don't always call me Captain!" Zheng Qing gave Fatty an angry look, then reached out and took out two light yellow talisman papers from the gray cloth bag.

This was a whim he had two days ago. When he was drawing the armor and horse talisman, he nested a light body talisman. When using this new talisman paper, it can effectively reduce the user's weight and speed. It is surprisingly easy to use for many guys who are not polite, such as Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin.

At the very least, when they are chasing prey in the snow, they don't need to tie two sandbags of tens of kilograms to their legs, and they don't need to stop every now and then to pull their feet out of a certain snow pit.

After receiving the two talisman papers from Zheng Qing, Xin Fatty was overjoyed.

"Good captain, we will never let you down!" He stood at attention and reported solemnly.

"You've let me down," Zheng Qing couldn't help complaining, "How many times have I told you to call me 'Mr. "

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It's just because he complained a little too much, Xin Fatty turned around before he finished listening, and ran to the outskirts of the forest in a hurry, leaving behind only a white sand-like snowflake and an agile Fatty's back. And above Fatty's head, there was a red origami crane fluttering, and the direction he was heading was the area where Zhang Jixin, the safari player of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, was located.

"After this winter hunting is over, we must strengthen the training of the hunting team," Zheng Qing turned his head, looked at Dr. Xiao Da who had been silently by his side, and muttered: "It's really terrible, even You can’t even use the codes proficiently…”

"It's really bad." Xiao Xiao glanced at the Colt python hanging on the belt of the young public fee student, and kindly reminded: "Before the 'code name' training, I personally think that the hunting equipment needs to be strengthened. Use... such as a shotgun. Although your talisman bullets are all wrapped in talisman paper by yourself, no matter what, catching a weasel will waste 18 talisman bullets, which is too extravagant."

He was talking about a previous encounter with the Excuse Hunters.

After confirming the new hunting plan, the forgiveness hunting team began to investigate the mouse holes on a large scale in the Own hunting area, and soon found several nests of large mice and brought them to justice. What a pity Yes, there are not some weasels hiding in these mouse holes as Xiao Xiao expected.

But from another perspective, finding these mice doesn't seem to be completely useless.

After the young wizards picked and picked among these prey, except for some rats with strong physique and complete appearance, they were caught in cages and prepared to be hung on the counter of d&k after the winter hunting. The rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled were hung by them Then, throw it into the snow as bait.

It must be admitted that most of the time, the old and simple method is the most effective way to solve the problem.

Soon, a few "" appeared in the eyes of the hunters of the forgiveness hunting team under the temptation of these prey.

Then there was a wild hunt.

Because of the large deviation from the original hunting plan, many spells, talismans, and even Magical Items prepared by the forgiveness hunting team are not very suitable. Using the binding spell to deal with silverback gorillas to tie up weasels is really shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns.

Not necessarily a hit.

After all, mosquitoes are so small and flexible, Zheng Qing has every reason to believe that the gaps in the barrage fired by anti-aircraft guns can allow an entire army of mosquitoes to fly out calmly.

If the effect is not good, then make up for it with quantity.

The young public fee student became cruel, gritted his teeth, and fired the talisman three times at Own Colt, and then shot from far to near at the weasels dancing in the apologetic circle.

This time, those '' have no way out.

Of course, the extravagant behavior of the young public-funded student was also sprayed by the rest of the forgiveness hunting team. Everyone cares about how many characters were wasted by actually is not Zheng Qing's move, but cares that Zheng Qing does not really have the mentality of a hunter Come treat the hunt.

In Zhang Jixin’s words, ‘You are not here to hunt, you are here to play games. '

At this moment, upon hearing Dr. Xiao Da's old remark, the young public finance student immediately turned his face to the boss: "Understood, I understand, why is it endless... I made all the hot talismans myself. Well, Lennon should be very pleased with the improvement in the ability of drawing symbols!"

Xiao Xiao frowned, listening to his captain's sudden change of tone, a trace of sadness finally appeared on his face.

"Do you still recite the "Multi-Heart Sutra" that little monk gave you every day?" He tentatively asked, "How does it feel? Is there any effect?"

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