Hunting High School

Chapter 233: Teaching Assistants Enter The Arena

"anything else?"

Seeing that the fat mouse of Damn it shut up after talking about the key part, Zheng Qing couldn't help asking.

"What else?!" Fei Rui squeezed the fat on his cheeks, and showed a slightly malicious smile to the young public finance student: "If there is still time, I will continue to tell you some other interesting things. "

"Why don't you have time..." Zheng Qing shouted anxiously, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fei Rui.

"Young man! Young man!" Fei Rui raised a finger and shook it slightly at the public fee student, his words revealed a condescending educational meaning: "Young man, always feel that what he does is right. Just like you 'We've got plenty of time' all the time... but in reality? You're going to be proven wrong."

"Look, the guys who are ready to steal your 'plenty of time' have arrived."

As it spoke, its little paws were raised higher, and it pointed at the top of everyone's heads.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao raised their heads subconsciously and followed the prestige.

I saw more than a dozen figures flickering in no particular order, appearing outside the range of the young public finance student's explosive talisman circle. They were all wearing black cloaks, and they all held open Dharma books in their hands, and between the Dharma books, patches of blue or green light mist had already risen.

"Oh, no!" lamented the young public fee student.

He has already recognized that those figures in black cloaks belong to the teaching assistants of the school. He saw at least four familiar figures inside, including Thomas, Hilda, and a person who had appeared on the special plane to the school. A tall wizard with gray hair, and a purple-haired beauty.

Just like how they were dealt with on the special plane for entering the school, it is obvious that the teaching assistants who just appeared in Zheng Qing's field of vision believed that the current situation was very urgent, so they did not communicate further with the young people of the Excuse Hunting Team, but directly took The crudest and most direct method.

"Walking and walking, the center shakes!"

"Walking is extravagant, the center is intoxicated!"

"Don't shake, don't move, don't (nǎn) don't move!"

"Yu Yisi!"

"Thin words are shocking, and everyone is shocked!"

"Heaven's crimes are coming, and the thieves are fighting among themselves!"

"The ancient teaching is the form, and the majesty is the power!"

A series of high-pitched, gloomy, or deafening spells exploded in this silent forest. The snowflakes piled up on the branches fell and fluttered with the sound of the spell, making people feel as if they were in the snow all over the sky.

Because of the scruples of the explosive charms that formed the magic circle, the wizards of the assistant teaching group did not use more dangerous magic than the binding spell to deal with this crisis. They control the scene more by relying on magic like 'Spirit of Words', 'Warning', and 'Karma'.

For example, use "Xingmaimimi" to shake the minds of the wizards below, making them drowsy and unable to cheer up; another example is using "不摇不不动,不(nǎn)不竦" to strengthen Zheng Qing's will and make him So as not to be shaken by shock or disturbed by fear, this is to prevent young public finance students from inadvertently triggering the explosive charm and causing a big mistake.

In addition, there are "Yu Yisi" that makes Zheng Qing think about whether his actions are appropriate, "Bo Yan Zhen Zhi" that acts as a deterrent, and "Ancient Precepts are Shi Shi" that restrain students' behavior with the help of the first university's school rules and regulations. , Majesty is power', and so on.

All kinds of weird spells opened Zheng Qing's horizons.

In his memory, the most vivid image of magic is Thomas and the Thunder Curse he had seen at the freshman game of the last school hunt. The chilling spell carries the rumbling thunder, shaking all opponents who dare to resist into dust. But right now, the methods of the teaching assistants have made the young wizards realize that in this world, apart from those coercive and brutal methods, magic also has a gentle and tactful side. prevent disasters from happening.

This series of thoughts just slipped through the heart of the young public fee student for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

Because he realizes that he has more important things to do.

Originally, Zheng Qing didn't really have the idea of ​​detonating those explosive symbols. He just used the explosive symbols to send a strong signal to the fat rat. Judging from the results, this signal has indeed achieved its purpose. Fei Rui backed down a lot to the young wizard with "red eyes", and stumbled and shook out a little thing, although that little thing did not fully satisfy Zheng Qing.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

But from another perspective, this signal is too 'strong'. The coverage of the signal was so strong that it passed Feirui and was in the sight of the First University.

The school will never allow a mushroom cloud to rise in Phuket.

Under the effect of the spell, Zheng Qing's consciousness was a little scattered. With the above thoughts floating in his mind, he twisted his neck vigorously and looked back, trying to re-lock the figure of the fat rat.

When Zheng Qing turned his head and looked at Fei Rui again, the fat mouse had somehow opened a large hole about a foot high in the trunk of the reincarnation poplar next to him, and those ferrets and weasels were lining up in a row Son, quickly jumped into that big hole.

They seem to be completely unaffected by the spell!

This shocked the young public finance student, and he became more and more sure that there must be some kind of close connection between Fei Rui and the Mouse Immortal. After all, he has only seen the ability to burrow and run anywhere anytime in some mice wearing clothes.

"Come underground when you have time," Fei Rui was the last one to get into the tree hole. Before leaving, he poked out half of his head, waved his little paw at the public servant, and said with a smile on his face, "Remember to bring some fresh rat food." ...Everything below is good, but the food is a bit bad!"

After all, with a flash of figure, he disappeared into the black hole in the blink of an eye.

And the tree hole opened on the trunk of the returning soul poplar also shrunk rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye as Fei Rui left. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a basketball to the size of a volleyball, then the size of a tennis ball, the size of a ping pong ball, and finally the size of a volleyball. It turned into a black spot and completely disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the teaching assistants of the teaching assistants also dismantled the explosive circle that Zheng Qing opened.

"Listen, the people inside, put your hands on your head, lie on the ground obediently... Throw your Dharma books on the ground, and don't move around!" Assistant Teacher Hilda's serious voice came from outside.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao looked at each other, smiled wryly, and obediently lay down on the ground, while throwing the Dharma book in his hand into the snow.

"What are you doing?" Thomas came up, one in each hand, and picked up the two young wizards from the snow: "What two really listened to that brat Hilda!"

"He's recently become fascinated by the police and gangster dramas of the white men, and he's having a convulsion... When have you ever seen a wizard need the suspect to lie on the ground with his hands on his head when performing an arrest operation?"

"We haven't seen it before." Zheng Qing honestly replied: "Except for the half time in Daming Square... this is the first time."

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