Hunting High School

Chapter 236: Black Pocket

"According to Brother Qing's mentality, it seems that it is more suitable to go to Atlas to be a paranoid believer of a certain god, or to enter the Star Academy to be a fighting lunatic."

Dylan squeezed his chin and commented in a low voice, his tone full of curiosity: "So...why did you choose Jiuyou Academy? If you change your mind now, I can help you walk through the Starry Sky Academy, try Help you apply for some transfer procedures?"

He said the latter to Zheng Qing's back.

Zheng Qing drooped his head, pretending not to hear Mr. Vampire Werewolf's slightly serious ridicule.

Just because he doesn't speak doesn't mean that others will also remain silent.

"Momentary fluctuations in mentality can't determine a person's true quality." Xiao Xiao walked on the other side of Zheng Qing, turned his head when he heard this, looked at Dylan, and denied: "I think the school's roster is considering this issue It will definitely be more thoughtful and profound than you think."

"This is just your imagination. Maybe from a certain point of view, those magical creations are really amazing, but in many cases, they are stupider than pigs." Dylan shook his head suddenly and changed his words: " No, pigs are still very smart animals...they are worse than amoebas in their stupidity!"

Zhang Jixin did not join the conversation between Dylan and Xiao Xiao.

Compared with the two of them, Zhang Da Elder, who once served as the main hunter of the hunting team, appears to be more stable under the current situation, and considers issues more comprehensively.

"Do you want me to ask my family to say hello?" He walked a few steps closer to Zheng Qing, and said in a low voice, "If I remember correctly, your family has no acquaintances in Danhag... Don't rush to refuse, anyway, I can't get rid of my involvement in this matter, and bringing you one more is just a matter of submitting a few more pages of defense materials. It won't be more troublesome."

"Well, I can help with this too." Dylan added after realizing it.

Zheng Qing glanced at the two companions with a touch of emotion, but did not completely reject their kindness.

"The defender's matter is not in a hurry," the young public finance student tried to make Own's tone more relaxed: "It will not be too late to make sure after the school's preliminary investigation... If the situation is serious, the school will definitely tell us in advance."

"In addition, I actually don't think I did anything wrong... As the doctor said before, in the law of hunting monsters, hunters are allowed to use certain uncontrollable methods in the face of 'threats beyond their ability' ..."

Forgiveness The brief discussion among several young hunters came to an abrupt end.

Actually is not that they have nothing to talk about, nor that they have arrived at the 'wood lodge' which is the rear base camp of the hunting party. Instead, the assistant teacher Hilda who was walking in the front suddenly raised her arm and made a gesture to stop moving forward.

"The surrounding situation doesn't seem right...everyone, be careful!"

Hilda's voice was very low, but it rang clearly in everyone's ears.

The young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, who were originally muttering in low voices, immediately shut up when they heard the words, subconsciously formed a defensive formation, and looked around vigilantly.

Thomas, who was following them, showed a satisfied smile on his face, and instead of disturbing these young wizards, he went straight to Hilda to help him further investigate the situation ahead.

Soon, a series of news was transmitted to other members of the team following the analysis of the peripheral teaching assistants.

"The basic constant of the silent forest fluctuates abnormally! The concentration of magic power is rising sharply at a rate of 5 per minute!"

"The impact factor of the guardian formation of the First University is rapidly decaying! It is estimated that in ten minutes, the suppression of this area by the guardian circle will be minimized!"

"There is no upgraded situation found in the trees, shrubs, and dry grass in the forest."

"There is no upgraded situation found in Snowdrift."

"The scan found no abnormal life fluctuations, and the scan found no strange breath."

"The sky is darkening faster than normal...Natural factors such as thunderstorms and cumulus clouds have been ruled out."

The series of complex constant values ​​exchanged by the teaching assistants did not have much reference value for Zheng Qing. In fact, he did not know some accurate constants of the Silent Forest, so he had no way to compare and analyze them. Compared with them, the teaching assistants mentioned The last piece of information Zheng Qing has a personal experience.

When the team set off, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Because it is winter now, according to normal time logic, the sun has basically disappeared below the horizon during this time period. Only a piece of gray-white sky is left, and the gray-white light is spread to the earth. This process usually lasts for about an hour, and it will be around 5:30 before even this gray-white light will be swallowed up by the night.

But it was not yet five o'clock, and the sky was already dimming at an abnormal speed.

As if someone used a large brush dipped in thick ink to smear one by one from the sky. Looking up, Zheng Qing could clearly see different shades of black covering their heads from the horizon.

In the distance, it is extremely black and dark, like a midnight without the moon and starry sky; nearby, there is still a little light, like ink blurred by clear water, a few strands of darkness are brewing in the light color, between the clouds and the treetops Tumble, flow.

"All attention!"

"With the Forgiveness Hunting Team as the center, shrink the formation and stand by!"

"The fortuneteller tried to guess the retreat route, and the auxiliary hunter tried to contact the school!"

"The combat team is ready to combine Thunder Curse!"

"The auxiliary team prepares all buff magic!"

"Don't use any summoning for now!"

As the leader of the team, Zhang Yu ordered decisively after discovering the abnormal situation, and assigned tasks in an orderly manner. This calm attitude is very morale-boosting when encountering unexpected situations.

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And his countermeasures obviously triggered the power hidden in the darkness.

Just when the team stopped advancing, established a defensive formation, and began to measure and check the surrounding environment, in the darkness, the originally hidden force immediately gave up hiding and suddenly exerted force.

It was as if a huge black pocket fell from the sky, but in an instant, the sky that was originally bright turned into a pitch-black world where you couldn't see your fingers.

At the same time, the surrounding wind, voices, rustling of branches, and creaking in the snow also disappeared. It's like that big black bag that took away the light from the sky, and at the same time snatched away the sound of this world.

Facing the endless darkness and silence, fear naturally arises from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Especially the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team lacked the means to deal with this situation.

Fortunately, they built a defensive formation early on. With the magic power of the slowly flowing formation nodes, the four young people have a fragile connection, so that they will not fall into a delusional situation.

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