Hunting High School

Chapter 239 The Confusing Silence

From the first moment when he saw the four uninvited guests clearly, Zheng Qing's heart that had been hanging slightly dropped down by a millimeter.

Although those four guys looked weird, none of them had 'red eyes' after all, which relieved the pressure on the public fee student who had been worried about being attacked by monsters.

Of course, it's just a trace.

Opponents whose identities are unknown, whose purpose is unknown, and whose shots have completely wiped out the entire teaching assistant team, do not seem like reassuring existences, especially when they only keep themselves awake, which makes people even more vigilant.



The beautiful snake and the shining golden god spoke successively, preventing the small-scale infighting between the other two companions. It's just that Zheng Qing wanted to laugh inexplicably when he heard the two of them use words.

"Speaking of politeness, you guys who don't give your name after meeting are really rude, huh?!" The young public finance student shouted in a slightly provocative tone.

The tauren and the turtle, who had just calmed down, set their eyes on the young wizard at the same time.

"This kid's guts are unexpectedly outstanding." Niutou muttered in a low voice.

"Maybe it's just that we have nothing to fear and think we won't do anything to him?" Turtle's back was hanging from the corners of his eyes, squinting at the public fee student who was kneeling in the snow, with a malicious smile on his face: "After all, he is the only one waking up now." I really want to see his expression when he knows the truth."

The voice of this dwarf is not high, but in this quiet world, its voice can be heard far away, far enough for the young public fee student to clearly hear every word it says.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

This made him not know whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time, his heart was suspended again.

didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because the other party seemed to have some illusion. Maybe they thought that Zheng Qing should be trembling with fear and unable to speak. After a series of honings such as wild monsters, long-term midnight patrols, and the recent freshman match, Zheng Qing's mentality can be said to be very calm.

You might be nervous, but never so nervous that you can't speak.

A dead bird is turned upside down, and a big head is no more than a big scar on the mouth of a bowl.

This is not bullshit. The more experience you have, the more Zheng Qing understands, the more you have to keep calm and try to face the coming crisis with a normal attitude. Maintaining a certain level of tension helps to solve the problem, but being too tense to speak is not very helpful.

As for his heart hanging again, it was because of what the turtle just said.

the truth? What truth? No matter how you think about it, this is not a friendly word. Is it related to red eyes? Or do they know they can talk when they become cats? Or, is it related to Fei Rui? Is it related to the yellow raccoon and Mr. Wu? Or maybe it has something to do with the big black cat that was taken away by the relevant department?

It's definitely not related to Su Shijun!

With these messy thoughts floating in Zheng Qing's mind, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be a lot of things he didn't know. If he could solve one or two things today, it wouldn't be too bad?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but chuckled again.

"Hey, it's broken...howling and laughing...couldn't it be that the way we appeared just now was a little scary, and it scared the kid silly!" Niutou stared at the eyes as big as copper bells, raised his hand, and touched own horns, turned to the beautiful snake and complained:

"I said before that before he met the dead mouse, he could just knock him unconscious with a stick in the dark and drag him away. You insist on making it so complicated... Now it's all right, the mouse is gone, and the man is crazy, good job!"

The beautiful snake, who had been silent for a long time, finally turned her head, glanced at Niu Tou, opened her red lips slightly, and said two words: "Shut up."

Niutou immediately closed his mouth again.

It's just that even with its mouth closed, its wide mouth is still wriggling silently, as if it is ruminating on forage.

After Niutou quieted down, the venue suddenly fell into an abnormal silence. The four uninvited guests stood on a branch not far away, neither speaking nor doing anything else, staring at Zheng Qing motionlessly, his scalp was numb and fidgeting.

"Are you waiting for someone? Or are you waiting for a certain time? Waiting for something to happen?" After a long time, the young wizard finally couldn't bear it, and asked: "It's so cold... If you don't mind, can I Take them back first?"

He pointed to his companions lying in disorder and snoring in the snow behind him. Of course, he also knew that this was an impossible suggestion. It's just that idleness is idleness anyway, and there's no harm in giving it a try. What if you can really go?

Unsurprisingly, he was ignored.

After a pause for a few minutes, Zheng Qing couldn't help but speak again: "You said earlier that you were going to take away a child...who is it?"

This problem is obvious, even the bull head has a bit of contempt in his eyes.

But still no one spoke.

Seeing this posture, Zheng Qing simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and analyzed to himself: "You look strange, but your eyes are clear, you shouldn't be bad people. Why do you do such a thing at the gate of the First University? Here It is less than 500 meters away from the school wall, and it is within the influence of the school's guardian formation, so many people disappearing, will definitely cause you big trouble!"

"The council under the moon? The council of wizards? Or the legendary dark council?"

Zheng Qing racked his brains to guess the identity of the other party. Actually is not he is ignorant, and has no way to list more detailed possibilities, but with his eyes darkened, he really has no way to further deduce the identity of the other party.

The reason why the council under the moon is listed first is that on the one hand, it is because of Mr. Su Shi or the "shadow", the council under the moon has the greatest motivation; on the other hand, it is also the long-standing tradition of distrust of creatures under the moon in the wizarding world .

Having stayed in the wizarding world for a little longer, Zheng Qing inevitably had a little prejudice.

Regarding his guess, the four uninvited guests still didn't say a word, just stood on a high place, staring at him silently.

This is a bit wrong.

Aside from being confused, the young public finance student became more courageous.

"... You can't do this. To do this kind of thing, at least let us know what you want, right?"

"If you really have any demands and want to bargain with the school by detaining us, I must remind you that this method is too bad... The school will not negotiate with terrorists."

"If it is said that you are really just here to take people away, it should be like that bullhead said, after a spell knocks everyone down, you snatch people and run away directly. Instead of standing on the branches and blowing the cold wind like now. Perth... By the way, isn’t it cold when you stand at such a high place? Do you want to come down and stomp your feet to keep warm?”

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