Hunting High School

Chapter 255: Tick Tock

"Pocket watch? Bring it!"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a second, and immediately came to his senses. What the husband asked should be the twelfth birthday gift given to him a long time ago, with a silver case and brass hands that ticked when walking.

This watch has been used by Zheng Qing for six years, and it has always been as accurate as ever, not missing a single minute, and due to proper maintenance, there is no trace of rust on the case, and it always looks like a new watch.

But it's just like a new watch. Apart from the accurate timing and the new case, this pocket watch can't find a little bit different from other pocket watches. It can't even grow a picture on the dial like most other wizard's timers. The anthropomorphic face reports the time and reminds the owner anytime and anywhere, just like Dylan's pocket watch.

Even if that watch was grumpy, worse than Dylan's pier mirror.

In fact, Zheng Qing has tested the bottom line of this pocket watch more than once, especially after he got the admission letter from First University, for some unexplainable reasons, he used detection magic on this watch many times.

The results were mixed.

The good news is that apart from the precise timekeeping and the new case, this watch does have other unusual features.

For example, Zheng Qing discovered another feature of it, that is, it is immune to detection magic. Whether it's the low-level manifestation spell 'Aparecium' or the high-rank probing spell 'Clear Every Thin', it won't cause any fluctuations when it hits this pocket watch. If it wasn't for the fact that this watch is very meaningful, Zheng Qing would like to experiment with Karmic Fire Curse and Great Disintegration on it, or throw it into aqua regia for a soak.

But what is frustrating is that Zheng Qing did not find any traces of magic from this pocket watch, except that he was immune to detection magic through various detection methods including asking Lin Guo to use professional alchemy tools to detect it.

In other words, this watch can basically only be regarded as an ordinary timer.

Therefore, when the husband asked about the watch, Zheng Qing's first reaction was that the husband was asking about the time.

"It's 5:48:36 in the afternoon, thirty-seven seconds." Zheng Qing skillfully took out the pocket watch from the gray cloth bag, pressed the case open with a 'click', and accurately reported the current time .

"Need you to tell me this?" Mr. Wu glanced at the young public finance student, and reached for the pocket watch. Then he curled up a skinny finger and directly touched the transparent glass surface.

Zheng Qing's eyes widened involuntarily.

Mr.'s finger seemed to pass through a layer of phantom, without being hindered by that layer of glass. Zheng Qing can hold up Linguo's box of alchemy tools and swear that they have tested the glass surface of the pocket watch more than once. Whether it is a chemical test, a magic test, or an alchemy test, it clearly proves that the layer of glass is indeed silicon dioxide, but compared with the glass on the classroom window, the layer of silicon dioxide on the pocket watch is more pure Just a few.

Zheng Qing blinked hard.

I saw that after Mr. Wu put his finger in, he pressed on the slender minute hand, and then pushed the minute hand back with a little force. One grid, two grids, five grids, ten grids.

The pocket watch emits a loud click every time it is dialed back.

And with the minute hand dialing back, the scene around the two of them slowly reappeared like a 'rewind'. One finger hit back, her three fox tails reappeared, the bull head stuffed the horns into her head forcefully, the teaching assistants fought with the upgraded tree people, Su Shijun floated towards the full moon in the air, and finally sank into the full moon and just emerged in the temporary channel.

The backtracking stops here.

"Well, it should be fine." The gentleman nodded: "The loss is within the controllable range, and those who should learn a lesson have also learned a little lesson..."

Zheng Qing lowered his head and glanced at the dial, the minute hand on the dial had been set back by almost 20 divisions, that is, 20 minutes.

The pocket watch seemed to take a breath, and its second hand swung back and forth between the grids a few times, as if it was adapting to the new time. The surrounding scene flickered and trembled with the swing of the second hand, like a damp video tape, the picture appeared frozen.

After a brief pause, the second hand started ticking again.

The surrounding scene also returned to normal.

In mid-air, next to the full moon, the temporary passage was re-opened. If there is no accident, after a few seconds, the red figure will come out of the temporary passage.

"Very good." Mr. Wu nodded in satisfaction, and closed the cover of the pocket watch with a 'click'. Then put the watch back into Zheng Qing's arms.

With this 'click' sound, the surrounding scene solidified again.

"Time... just go back a little bit." Mr. Wu looked down at his own disciple, and habitually said: "As I told you before, time is one of the most powerful forces in this world." 1. The stronger it is, the more stubborn it is... and the effect of force is mutual. So, if you don't want to be smashed into scum by the more powerful force of time, don't fiddle with your dial at will... Achoe !"

Mr. sneezed heavily.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, blew his nose, and shook his head: "I'm old, I'm old... Even if you turn the hour hand back ten or eight times, you won't sneeze."

Zheng Qing stood beside her husband, looking at the familiar scene not far away where the bull head went berserk pulling up trees again, and was speechless.

If only I could use the power of this pocket watch during the exam!

I don't know if it's because of the ease in my heart when the danger is eliminated, such an idea suddenly popped up in Zheng Qing's mind.

If he can also use the power of this pocket watch, then he will read the paper several times during the exam, write down the more difficult test points, and then turn the hour hand back a circle, or even if the hour hand does not move It is enough to turn the minute hand back one or two turns so that he can "sharpen his guns" in a targeted manner before the exam.

A gun made in this way can definitely blind everyone's eyes.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing and narrowed his eyes, and he couldn't help but tighten the pocket watch in his hand.

Xu Shi noticed the little thoughts of the young wizard.

Mr. Wu raised his hand and gave him a slap on the back of the head, and taught him a lesson: "With your little magic power, you can't even move the second hand... With that kind of skill, it's better to read two sets of "May Three" honestly. .”

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"When you graduate from school, when will you consider using that watch for functions other than timekeeping?"

Zheng Qing couldn't help rubbing his eyes and laughing after being told the thought from the bottom of his heart.

After being slapped by my husband just now, my eyes seemed to be accidentally slapped, and I felt a little astringent.

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