Hunting High School

Chapter 257: Dimension Disorder Syndrome

Zheng Qing's first winter hunting activity at First University ended in anticlimactic fashion.

Due to the illegal invasion of the Dark Parliament, the originally planned three-day winter hunting event only lasted for one day, and ended hastily. Although the First University is not afraid of those dark men, it will not regard the lives of students as a trifle, exposing them outside the school's protective formation.

Therefore, early on Saturday morning, the students of First University received a notice jointly issued by the Joint Conference of First University Professors, the School Work Committee and the Student Union, requesting that all students in the school be prohibited from Feel free to walk out of the school gate.

And the most basic requirement for obtaining a professor's approval is to be proficient in the 'Yuanchen Guardian Curse'.

Professor Yao taught this incantation to the students a long time ago, but because this incantation is not a mandatory assessment subject in the teaching plan, few people practice it seriously. The main reason is that even if they seriously With serious practice, very few people can master this spell.

This new rule came as a bolt from the blue to the young wizards of the Exoneration Hunt.

The small shop they newly opened on the pedestrian street in Beta Town has not been in operation for less than a month, and the work inside and outside the shop is still in the running-in period. If they, as the bosses, can't go to the shop at this time, then d&k will eventually become successful. What it will look like, only God knows.

"Don't worry, aren't there still a few 'employees' in the store? Fox Five is also from a big family, no matter how bad a small shop is, it can still help us take care of it." Zhang Jixin bit the holder of his own brush, his face full of pain : "Compared with that small shop, I think Professor Li's final exam is more terrible... There are so many, who can memorize them all!"

What he was talking about was the scope of the exam drawn up by Professor Li of Potions for the first-year wizards a few days ago. Unlike other subject professors who draw out the scope according to the key and difficult points, Professor Li marks each section.

According to him, potion science is a precise subject that cannot be sloppy. And every line of words and every operation step in the textbook has been repeatedly verified by countless wizards for hundreds of years. Especially the content of the first grade is a very basic and important part. If you want to get high marks in his class, you must be proficient in these basic contents.

And the so-called "proficient mastery" is naturally memorized in full.

This couldn't be more difficult for Zhang Da Elder, whose more than half of the tissues in his brain are going to be turned into muscles.

"Professor Li's test points are very basic. As long as you listen carefully in class, there is nothing difficult." Xin Fatty, who is good at Potions, scoffed at Zhang Da Elder's worries. On the contrary, his worries about the store were completely different from Zhang Jixin: "As for the employees you mentioned, don't tell me those cats and mice... Are you sure those cats won't be eating our inventory for supper?"

The 'cats and mice' he mentioned were the temporarily employed animals in D&K, including three cats, four mice, and a male fox named Hank and Fox Five.

Except for the forest cat and the puppet cat among the three cats who can't speak, the other six animals can speak fluent dialect, which is more than enough to communicate with the customers who enter the store.

They are also the resident clerks arranged by the Forgiveness Hunting Team for their small shop.

It’s just that there are many rats in d&k’s products, and there are several cats in the store staff, so several people, including Xin Fatty, have expressed their concerns about the safety of the goods in the store to varying degrees.

"It's not 'cats and mice', it's 'cats, three mice, four foxes, and five'," Zhang Jixin corrected: "In addition, neither the puppet cat nor the forest cat likes to eat mice...not to mention yellow Bro."

"I've only seen Brother Huang eat small dried fish." Zheng Qing finally regained some energy when he heard them talking about the yellow raccoon, and interjected, "Also, don't use the name Hu Wu, it sounds terrible... Call it Hank."

"Hey, our Dagong Feisheng is alive again." Xin Fatty said in a fussy tone.

Since Winter Hunting, Zheng Qing's state has been relatively decadent. Even when everyone in the Forgiveness Hunting Team was reviewing their homework together, he still seemed a little listless.

Therefore, Xin Fatty was naturally a little surprised to hear him take the initiative to join the topic.

"Ignorance is really a kind of happiness." Zheng Qing looked at Fatty's radiant face and said gloomily.

In fact, in the eyes of most students, the situation on the day of the winter hunting was not so bad. The worst thing was that a certain d-level hunting area was invaded by a few black wizard prostitutes, creating a small sandstorm. The box world caused a little trouble for the teaching assistants and an unknown small hunting team in that hunting area.

Except for Zheng Qing, no one knows that Su Shijun broke her fox tail that day, and no one knows that the bull head opened a tunnel to let in a big hand with six fingers, and no one knows that the time in this world was once broken by a The fingers flicked back for twenty minutes.

Because of those twenty minutes, Zheng Qing suddenly had a much deeper and more confused understanding of the existence of this world.

Sometimes, when he raised his hand and looked at the criss-cross lines on his palm, he would unconsciously think of the scene where the whole world flowed backward after Mr. moved the watch hands that day. This made him feel a strong sense of unreality.

Su Shijun said that his reaction is a common symptom of low-level wizards after facing high-dimensional magic. Wizards have a special term 'dimensional line disorder syndrome' to refer to this situation.

"The treatment method is very simple, just two words, focus." When Miss Su was holding Poseidon and reading a storybook to it, she once instructed the young public fee student: "Use 'focus' to anchor your spirit, let Your world will not be disturbed by high-latitude disturbances. You have a good chance now... final exam."

What she meant was to let Zheng Qing focus on facing the final exam, so that not only can he get a good grade in the exam, but also eliminate the condition of 'dimensional line disorder syndrome', killing two birds with one stone.

In order to allow the young wizard to concentrate more on his studies, Miss Su also took Poseidon to the Qingqiu mansion, and she stated conclusively that the interference of the little fox would affect Zheng Qing's study status.

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In this regard, Zheng Qing is noncommittal.

However, he has no objection to Miss Su's arrangement. Although many things that happened in the sandbox Minor World have been erased from reality, they are still clearly retained in Zheng Qing's memory.

Especially now that the school is showing a bit of weirdness inside and out, which makes him think that it would be a good idea for the little fox to stay in the Qingqiu mansion.

"Omniscience is boring, ignorance is miserable, and half-knowledge is painful." Maybe it was the influence of Zheng Qing's words, Xiao Xiao, who had been immersed in reviewing the homework of divination class, suddenly raised his head, and said a sentence without beginning or end .

Zheng Qing chewed on this sentence, deeply convinced.

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