Hunting High School

Chapter 263: Su Shijun’S Suggestion


"There is fruit on the table, take it and eat it yourself."

"I still have a little paperwork to work on."

In the small office deep in the two-dimensional evolution laboratory, Zheng Qing obeyed Su Shijun's arrangement and sat obediently on a leather armchair. Across a large desk, Zheng Qing watched Su Damei deal with the materials at hand.

Compared with Zheng Qing's first visit, the bookcases in this office seem to be taller and thicker. But what is more eye-catching is the huge file cabinet behind Su Shijun. Stacks of files are stacked together, and the cabinet that originally looked very spacious is crowded to the brim.

Those documents should be the data reports in the laboratory, Zheng Qing guessed, and at the same time couldn't help but think of his own shadow that had been cut off, and the big black cat that was taken away by the relevant department.

The vines that coiled between the bookcases and filing cabinets were dotted with glowing fruit and many broad green leaves. Behind the leaves, many little elves were hiding, showing half of their heads, curiously looking at the strange wizard sitting in this office.

For them, wizards who could sit in this room were too few and rare.

Of course, just staring at the guests through the vine leaves is not the way of elves hospitality, plus Zheng Qing received the blessing of elves a long time ago, and his friendliness with them is very high. Therefore, even though Su Shijun didn't give orders, there were still a few brave elves who brought out teapots, teacups, and hot towels to provide thoughtful and meticulous services to the young public servants.

Su Shijun, who was sitting behind the desk, saw this scene, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, but he didn't make a sound.

not long time.

After finishing the work at hand, Miss Su finally breathed a sigh of relief, sat up straight, then took off the pair of wide red glasses that she always wore on her face, and tied her long hair. At the same time, he snapped his fingers and closed the office door.

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The young wizard who just took a sip of tea from the cup accidentally coughed violently—he still couldn't get used to Su Shijun's undisguised face.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough... sorry... cough cough, I'm sorry, cough, I'm very sorry!" The young public fee student stood up awkwardly, and hurriedly wiped the spouts of tea on the table.

The witch gave a 'tsk' sound, and tapped her index finger on the table lightly, and the tea that was just splashed by the wizard disappeared completely.

The elves who had been waiting around rushed up quickly and re-spread a clean tablecloth for the desk, as well as a freshly arranged fruit plate and snacks; two elves were holding warm wet towels and small The mirror moved in front of Zheng Qing and helped him take care of his own appearance.

Su Shijun didn't wait for Zheng Qing to tidy up before speaking.

"Nightmare again?" She reclined on the wide recliner - her high-backed office chair had just become a wide and comfortable recliner a few seconds ago - a small bunch of grapes in her hand, biting off A grape, while lazily asking questions.

Her voice was muffled because of something in her mouth, but it also made her voice more delicate and charming.

From the corner of Zheng Qing's eyes, he vaguely saw the half of the witch's calf resting on the edge of the couch, and immediately shook her head vigorously.

"Image, image." He murmured, reminding him in a low voice.

"Anyway, there are no outsiders... and you have seen a worse image." The witch waved her hand nonchalantly, signaling Zheng Qing not to care about those details: "Speaking of business, you looked so distraught when you came just now... Had a nightmare?"

Mentioning this matter, Zheng Qing's complexion suddenly darkened, and he nodded slightly.

"Or do you only remember a piece of red?" the witch asked.

"It seems that there are many people talking this time, but I can't hear what they are saying," Zheng Qing seemed to feel that his explanation was not comprehensive enough, and added: "There were faint voices before, very Fuzzy, not as clear as this time."

"Then is the voice you heard this time clear or indistinct?" Su Shijun said helplessly with his hand on his forehead.

"It's very clear that someone is talking; it's very vague, I don't know what they're talking about." Zheng Qing explained awkwardly, maybe he also realized the contradiction in his words, but he really couldn't explain it more clearly.

Because his feelings in the dream are contradictory.

"That is to say, there are no more new symptoms?" Su Shijun tilted his head and looked at the young public finance student.

Zheng Qing was silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

The witch sighed and sat up straight.

"Then what's the point of you coming to me...I've already given you all the examinations and suggestions I could do before. Do you expect me to be able to treat the symptoms that the professional therapists in the school hospital can't handle?" Can a magic spell help you solve it?" Su Shijun pointed to Own's nose, and then realized that this posture was indecent, immediately put his hand down, and added as a cover: "Even if I am a great wizard."

Zheng Qing closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened her eyes, looking at the witch firmly.

Before he could speak, the witch waved her hands again and again: "I don't know, don't ask me, why don't you find the answer yourself?"

The breath that Zheng Qing just mentioned immediately blew out.

"I just need a little hint!" He raised his right hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger together, indicating that what he needed was just a little hint.

"I don't know at all." Su Damei laughed dryly, then lowered her head to deal with a small piece of tiramisu in front of her.

Zheng Qing took his hand back gloomily.

This is not the first time he has these conversations with Miss Su.

He wanted to find out some things from Su Shijun that he didn't understand before - such as the identity of Fei Rui's mouse, does she know Mr. Wu, does she know the collection of Chinese characters, and who is the yellow raccoon?

After the winter hunting was over, the young public-funded students had inquired through certain channels that the one who asked Su Shijun to preside over the school to guard the formation was the yellow raccoon. It's just that no matter how much he rummaged through the archives of the Shushan Pavilion and consulted people everywhere, he still didn't find any information about the cat.

And the most likely place to know this information is to wander around - but the school is currently in a semi-closed state, and it is difficult to get the professor's approval note to go out in Zheng Qing's situation - even if he can go out, he may not be able to ask for any news . Because according to some old students who left the school, for some unknown reason, the vagabond bar has recently closed down for rectification, and it is not clear when it will reopen.

Maybe knowing it feels bad to be hidden from someone.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Shijun finally suggested: "If I were you, I would first complete the final exam honestly... Other problems, take your time, and they will be solved." (To be continued)

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