Hunting High School

Chapter 282 Winter Vacation Plan

Perhaps because of internal differences, the four colleges of First University all have very distinctive characteristics in college construction.

The main building of the Starry Sky Academy is a huge Rubik's Cube suspended in the air, which is spinning rumblingly all the time, making people feel a sense of shock and fear from the heart at a glance.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The main building of the Atlas Academy is several consecutive pyramids, mysterious and ceremonial.

Relatively speaking, the buildings of Jiuyou College seem quite satisfactory, but the whole college is surrounded by thick and tall walls, closed but safe.

Compared with Jiuyou, Alpha Academy is much more open. It is set up in an old castle in the main teaching area, surrounded by a naturally developed small town.

This small town is Beta Town.

The First University is not only a university, but also the power center of the wizarding world.

Therefore, in addition to the students who are studying, there are more wizards clustered around the First University. Some of them pursue the truth, hoping to gain more knowledge and stronger power from the school; The First University obtains the resources it needs; others just need a stable place, hoping to complete their own experiments under the protection of the First University, or spend their old age in peace.

In short, all kinds of needs gave birth to all kinds of settlements, and these settlements gathered together with the businessmen in the wizarding world who tried to make profits from the First University, which promoted the continuous development of Beta Town.

Residents of the North District of Beta Town are the most special part of it.

The northern part of Beta Town is sometimes referred to as the 'sag area' by the newspapers of the wizarding world, which means the area where the magic power is sunken. Just like Linzhong Lake is the reserve of murlocs, the northern area of ​​Beta Town is the 'reservation' of magicians.

It's just that the 'reserve' of the magicians has not been recognized by the Wizarding Union, nor has it received special certification from Dan Hag. It was because there were more and more magicians living in this area, and other wizards fled to avoid suspicion, which eventually caused the North District to become a "magician's reserve" in a de facto sense.

Not long after joining the school newspaper editorial team, Xin Fatty started an editorial task called "Epic Difficulty" to go to the North District of Beta Town to investigate the living conditions of the magicians.

The task was very difficult.

Few wizards in the school support his waste of energy, including the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. Compared with investigating the life status of the magicians, the editor-in-chief hopes that Xin Fatty will chat more with those mice in clothes, Interview the dark world under the First University.

But Fatty stuck with the project because of a certain stubbornness.

For this reason, he even had disputes with the leaders of the student union and association association many times, demanding to announce the specific use of funds for several charitable projects involving the magician assistance plan.

Fatty is still perfecting his months-long investigation.

"So... you invited me to the North District because your investigation report has not been completed, that's what you mean, right?" Zheng Qing bit his pen, trying to adjust the types of spells in his book, while He asked Fatty without looking up.

This conversation has been one day since the practical exam on Friday, and less than two days before the practical exams of other subjects next week.

But since the most difficult part of the written test with the highest weight of scores ended, the atmosphere of the entire Jiuyou Academy has changed, from the previous depression to a lot more relaxed.

Even the light in the 403 dormitory is brighter.

"This is not a white worker." Fatty was half leaning on the bed of Own, with his shirt lifted up, revealing his swollen white belly, and he was hugging the fat cat Tuantuan, letting it step on Own's belly: "...I can put You are listed as the second correspondent, or co-author. This will also help your comprehensive evaluation in the second half of the year."

"Well," Zheng Qing was moved when he heard that, "in that it convenient for the editorial department of the school newspaper?"

What he meant was whether the school newspaper would allow a student who was not registered to serve as a correspondent for the school newspaper.

"Convenient, very convenient!" Xin Fatty slapped Own's belly with his chubby hand, and the white belly caused ripples, and Tuantuan who stepped on it let out a comfortable grunt: "The editorial department has never Those who care about such details... as long as they can write a gimmicky manuscript, they don't care whether the author is a murloc or a ghost."

"So, am I already at the same level as a murloc or a ghost?" Zheng Qing couldn't help complaining.

"If Gongsun Yuan hears your tone, he will definitely give you a big label of 'suspected discrimination'." Dr. Xiao Da, who had been lying on the bed with the notebook covering his head, suddenly lifted the notebook and tilted his head. He glanced at Zheng Qing.

Gongsun Yuan is the chairman of the ethics committee of the Student Union of First University, and also a third-year student of Alpha College. Has always been known for being stuffy, serious, and full of prejudice against other college students. It's just because he is a senior cadre of the Hemophiliac, and Augustus, the leader of the Hemophilia, is also the chairman of the First University Student Union, so he can continue to dominate the school's ethics committee with that prejudice.

"I don't, I'm not, you heard it wrong." When it came to the sensitive word 'discrimination', Zheng Qing immediately used three consecutive denials. After all, he is now considered a public figure, so he needs to cultivate this kind of conditioned reflex.

After denying it, Zheng Qing immediately changed the subject skillfully. He continued to look at Fatty, and consulted in a consulting tone: "There is nothing wrong with accompanying you to the North District...but you know, I am a public student. After the exam, there is still more than half a month of public welfare work... Is there enough time?"

"It's too late, it's too late." Xin Fatty's smiling eyes narrowed when he saw that he had drawn a new companion: "It's not Dejima... The North District is very close. One day is enough to go back and forth. Turn around there One turn, it won't waste much time."

"And you can also apply to the school work committee to arrange your public welfare work in the North District of Beta Town." Xiao Xiao reminded.

"Huh? There is such an operation?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Isn't that matter arranged by the school?"

"The public welfare activities in the North District of Beta Town have always been the part with the worst conditions and the fewest volunteers among all the public welfare activities of the First University. If someone volunteers to go, the school work committee is too happy, so how can they disagree?" Xiao Xiao snorted With a sound, he grabbed the notebook again and put it on his head: "This kind of thing, anyone with a little brain can think of it."

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