Hunting High School

Chapter 284 The End Of Last Semester

The last day of the first semester of the 2008-2009 school year is January 18, 2009, which is also a Sunday.

This Sunday is Zheng Qing's twentieth Sunday in First University, and it is also his twentieth time to participate in the regular class meeting of Astronomy 08-1.

It was at this regular meeting that Zheng Qing realized belatedly that he seemed to have mistaken the time before.

"The final exam is over. Regardless of whether you did well or poorly in the exam, your grades have already been determined, and there is no room for change...Of course, if you can go further than the great wizard in the future, and you can follow the timeline This semester, and you still have the mood to correct your test papers, then I take back what I just said."

On the podium, Lao Yao was holding a pipe, making the final summary with a smile, and occasionally interspersed with a few words that sounded a bit playful, but were actually very heart-warming.

There was a low, very Giving-face chuckle in the classroom.

Xin Fatty, who was sitting in front of Zheng Qing, couldn't help muttering in a low voice when he heard Lao Yao's 'of course': "If I had the ability, I would definitely give myself a high-quality diet pill made by the great wizard first when I came back." ...Or give me a head of gold as heavy as a fire dragon. If you have money and good looks, who cares about your test scores..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing nodded silently in support.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao closed his notebook, adjusted his glasses, and wanted to speak.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zheng Qing pressed the doctor's shoulder.

"I know, I know, we know the taboo of time travel...but the world is so difficult, we can't give up the right to dream." Saying this, the young public finance student made a bitter expression.

Xiao Xiao squinted at him, and said expressionlessly: "I just want to remind Fatty that, as a blue titan, a sufficient body is the prerequisite for his, diet pills are nothing more than poison to him. .”

Zheng Qing put down the hand on the doctor's shoulder, and looked at Fatty with pity: "Poor child...maybe you can only gain some popularity with the opposite sex by acting cute and pretending to be cute."

Xin Fatty's ears moved, and the skin on the back of his neck slowly turned blue, but he quickly retracted under Lao Yao's warning gaze.

After Lao Yao withdrew his gaze, he continued his final summary statement:

"...Although the exam is over, your study career at No. 1 University has just begun. The ancients said, 'Learn the new by reviewing the old', and 'Know what you learn by silently, and never get tired of learning'. This is the truth."

"Learning is a continuous and gradual process, and it cannot be accomplished overnight. The knowledge of magic, spells, talismans, potions, divination, alchemy, etc. that you have learned in school must be reviewed frequently and reflected every day before you can finally master it. If Just think that everything will be fine after passing the exam, then your future will be truly safe."

"Oh, when it comes to finishing things, let me add a few things here."

As he said that, Lao Yao stuffed the pipe in his hand into his pocket, reached out to pick up a folder from the desk, opened it, took out a few pieces of paper from it, then raised his eyelids, and glanced at everyone:

"The first thing is that at the beginning of the school year, some students were assigned voluntary labor by the school work committee because of their misbehavior."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing immediately straightened his back.

Similar to him, everyone including Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin pricked up their ears.

Lao Yao didn't hold back: "Earlier today, the school work committee submitted the evaluation materials of these students to the college, and the joint meeting of the student union and professors also issued a reply letter. Well, the three students performed well overall. The committee has given excellent reviews...”

Zheng Qing clenched his fists and made a posture of forcefully retracting, while silently shouting 'yeah'.

Zhang Jixin, who was sitting obliquely in front of him, was not so reserved. After hearing Lao Yao say the word 'excellent', he stretched out his hand unceremoniously and gave himself a round of applause.

Driven by him, the other students in the class also half booed, joining together for a period of sparse applause.

Professor Yao smiled, paused for a moment, and waited for the applause in the classroom to die down before continuing to say with a smile: "That is to say, starting from next semester, you guys don't need to participate in the work of the school work committee... …If anyone wants to take the initiative to participate, you can sign up with me, and if the school committee agrees to admit you, then you can get some evaluation points at the end of the semester."

There were whispered discussions in the classroom, but no one stood up and signed up immediately.

After all, the work of the school work committee is not so bright, it is all about "handyman" things, and the time is long, the affairs are cumbersome, and the improvement of personal ability is very limited. Even if there are credits to encourage, it is quite tasteless.

More importantly, most of the students who are "serving" in the school working committee are the "problem elements" of the colleges. Even if they get the "excellent" evaluation from the school working committee, they will not give people an excellent feeling.

Professor Yao knew what the students were thinking, so he didn't dwell on this issue for too long, but directly talked about the next thing:

"The second thing is about students staying in school during the holidays."

"This year's winter vacation has a total of four weeks, a total of 28 days, from January 19th to February 15th."

"If there are students who don't plan to go home and want to stay in school, after today's regular meeting, come to me to get the application form for staying in school and fill in the materials... The monitors have told you about this before, right? "

"I said... I have..." There was a long and sparse answer in the classroom.

Lao Yao didn't care, nodded, and continued: "Here, I need to make a statement in advance... For students who plan to stay in school, the school will arrange you to live in one place, and the access management will be as normal."

"Maybe Jiuyou Academy, Alpha Castle, etc., are all possible. On the one hand, this is for the convenience of management and to ensure the safety of students staying at school during the holidays; on the other hand, the school will take advantage of this time to overhaul the defenses of each academy The magic circle and the spatial structure of the dormitory."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"During this period, the school will enter a fully closed state... In other words, the security measures will be stricter than the current one. Everyone should be able to understand this."

"If you can't accept the relevant arrangements, if you plan to live in Beita Town or somewhere else outside the school, you need to provide relevant certificates from your parents and the lessor... The school will arrange to sign a tripartite agreement to ensure your safety outside the school."

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, very satisfied with the school's watertight arrangements.

"What a tragedy." Zhang Jixin's mood was completely opposite to that of Zheng Qing's. After hearing the school's arrangement, his tone became extremely depressed: "I still thought about not going home during the winter vacation and fighting wild monsters in the Silent Forest... no wonder When I heard that I was going to stay in school, my brother laughed so cheaply."

"Do you dare to say this in front of your brother?" Xin Fatty squinted and glanced at Zhang Jixin.

"Do you think I'm as stupid as you?" Zhang Jixin didn't show any weakness, and turned back.

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