Hunting High School

Chapter 1 Going Home

Pushing open the door, there is a dark corridor in front of you, with spots of light faintly visible in the distance.

The damp wall covering mixed with the smell of rust and moldy wood poured into Zheng Qing's nostrils, making him sneeze uncontrollably.

"Ah Choo!"

Accompanied by this sneeze, the iron door behind him slowly closed.

It blocked the light behind him, and also blocked the Westminster bell from far behind him.

"A strong sense of déjà vu," the young public fee student smiled lowly. He no longer had the anxiety of last time. Instead, he skillfully pulled out the own method book, opened the title page, and read softly:

"Bi Xiaoxing, three or five are in the east!"

Three or five dots of twinkling starlight suddenly appeared in front of Zheng Qing, like giant fireflies flying happily, drawing beautiful light trails in the dark basement corridor, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

This is a lighting spell commonly used by students. It consumes low mana and summons cold light. It is very suitable for use in the depths of the library or when hunting. Compared with spells such as "The East is bright, the light of the moon" or "Gaogaochuri" and "Moonrise is bright", "Bi Xiaoxing" requires a lot of skills and is often used by everyone to compete. Let's see who can summon a large number of small stars and have beautiful flying tracks.

Zheng Qing learned this spell from Dylan.

After walking dozens of steps along the corridor, turning a corner, the familiar staircase stood quietly not far from Zheng Qing.


Zheng Qing opened the pocket watch and glanced at the time.

At 9:46 in the evening, it was less than a minute before he left Phuket Island and the school where Life had been for half a year.

"Fantastic magic." The young wizard muttered in a low voice, and carefully put away the passport hanging on his chest. This is his voucher for returning to school in two weeks.

Then he took the heavy luggage out of the gray cloth bag and began to climb the stairs out of breath.

"I'm back!!"

As he climbed, he yelled.


Zheng Qing returned home on the night of the 18th, that is, on the tail of Xiaonian.

At that time, the family was sitting around eating and watching TV. In the censer under the Stove King statue in the kitchen, wisps of smoke are rising from the freshly refilled incense. On the TV, the year after year Chinese New Year programs are just like last year.

Not surprisingly, the sudden appearance of Zheng Qing at the door of the house shocked the family.

"Didn't the school inform us that you won't be back until tomorrow? Why did you come back at night!" Zheng's father was worried about Zheng Qing's sudden appearance, and he had planned to drive to Chang'an Airport to pick him up the next day.

For students whose family members are not wizards, First University will take the method of blocking information and confusing magic to ensure the distance between the world of wizards and the world of Baiding. Correspondingly, the school also has a special agency responsible for gifts during the New Year and holidays, or making phone calls on weekdays, sending and receiving letterheads.

It's like going home this winter vacation.

The return date informed by the school to the parents of the students is about one day later than the actual return date of the students, which can prevent some parents of the students from actually going to the airport or the pier to pick up the station and complicate the situation.

As for the relevant explanation, the school also has a unified rhetoric.

"The school notified the flight adjustment at the end of the year, and the flight to our school has been advanced." Zheng Qing rolled his eyes in his heart, but explained in a serious manner: "I originally wanted to go to Chang'an and call home. The phone... But I didn't think it was too far away, so I didn't bother."

The family members had no doubts about Zheng Qing's explanation, but complained about the school a little.

Compared with his father, Zheng Qing's mother's concern is much more practical.

"Everyone is back, why are you talking about those useless things?" She frantically added a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Zheng Qing, and at the same time urged: "Wash up quickly, go to the dust, and then eat first...not yet. Let's have dinner!"

Zheng Qing was vague, neither affirming nor denying.

In fact, he had just had dinner for less than four hours, but looking at his mother's expectant eyes and hearing her joyful tone, he really didn't have the courage to refuse.

"Then I'll go wash up first." He muttered, piled up a few large bags of salutes at the door, and walked straight to the bathroom.

Behind him, there was a faint conversation between parents complaining to each other.

"I said a long time ago, make the dumplings today, and the children can eat them directly when they come back tomorrow. You insist on making them tomorrow."

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"Wouldn't it be fresher tomorrow! Who knows he'll be back tonight..."


While Zheng Qing was eating, Old Professor Zheng, who had already rested, got up and came to the living room.

"Are you back? Are you tired from the journey?"

"Is it hard to study in college?...Don't relax too much when you enter college. I remember that your studies are a combination of undergraduate, master, and doctoral studies, right. This kind of requirement requires your usual grade points, so you can't be sloppy at all!"

The old man leaned on the sofa, chattering about Zheng Qing's studies. While eating, Zheng Qing chose beautiful words to repay the old man. Zheng's father and Zheng's mother wanted to prevent the old man from talking about those heavy topics, but they couldn't really interrupt them, so they could only push me and I shoved you, making Zheng Qing laugh to himself.

After sitting for a long while, maybe due to lack of energy, Professor Zheng got up and planned to go to rest again.

Zheng Qing could almost hear the long breaths of his parents in the living room.

"Oh, that's right." After getting up and taking two steps, Professor Zheng suddenly remembered something, turned around, and said to Zheng Qing: "Mr. Wu is not in the store recently... When he went out a few days ago, he mentioned it to me. , let you take some time to go to the store to have a look... Chinese New Year is coming soon, when you go to the store, remember to clean up and post the door god couplet or something."

"Oh, no problem." Zheng Qing agreed repeatedly, but he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

Although he had heard from his husband before, and he was mentally prepared that he would not meet him when he returned home during the Chinese New Year, but before he returned home, he still had a little bit of extravagant hope in his heart.

Professor Zheng didn't notice his grandson's expression, and he still ordered unhurriedly: "...and the yellow raccoon in Mr. Wu's shop. When he left, he also asked us to take care of it. You go to the shop to clean it up. Pay attention when you are in the store, and if the cat is in the store, take it home. Anyway, it’s not bad for a few days.”

Zheng Qing couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard this.

That yellow raccoon still needs to take care of himself? This joke is so funny. However, considering that what the husband said should not be aimless, Zheng Qing agreed without hesitation.

After the arrangements were made, Professor Zheng walked towards the bedroom contentedly.

While walking, he muttered: "I don't know where the fat mouse is at home... Let the cat look for it later, maybe it can find it..."

Zheng Qing knew that the fat rat mentioned by the old man should be the 'Fat Rui' who lived at home for a long time. After a long time, the old man is very sensitive to the little Spiritual Qi, so he never forgets it.

Of course, he also knew that Fei Rui had returned to Phuket Island now, no matter how powerful Brother Huang was, he would not be able to find that fat mouse at home.

However, he would never tell his grandfather about this kind of thing.

Some things can only rely on the power of time to slowly wash away the traces they have left.

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