Hunting High School

Chapter 7: The Street Of Bits

The Huizi collection is very small, and there is only one short narrow street.

It only took Zheng Qing more than half an hour to go around the market, greet the neighbors, and return to Sanyou Bookstore.

"This street is really short." Zheng Qing sighed: "When I was a child, why did I feel that this street was very long, running around, as if it would never end."

"Long and short, big and small are all relative." Deng Xiaoxian said thoughtfully: "In addition, most wizards have sharper spiritual senses than adults when they were young, and they can see through the fog behind the fog more clearly. reality."

"Mist? Real?" Zheng Qing suddenly became interested: "Is there any story behind this street?"

As he spoke, he looked around, his eyes gliding over those ancient plaques.

Deng Xiaoxian didn't answer his question directly, but asked as a reminder: "What do you think the Huizi collection looks like?"

"Like back." Zheng Qing replied with a joke-like answer.

Deng Xiaoxian's expression suddenly fell.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Zheng Qing waved his hand, and re-guessed with a smile: "Like the school's promenade around the lake? Or like a horseshoe?... Do you have any hints?"

"Like an animal." Deng Xiaoxian added a hint.

Zheng Qing frowned.

He stretched out his finger, circled it in mid-air, drew a few times, then hesitated, and replied in a low voice: "Ouroboros?"

"Bingo!" Deng Xiaoxian snapped his fingers, and continued to prompt: "What does ouroboros represent?"

"Immortal, circular, infinite." Zheng Qing replied immediately.

Because Soprano's society is marked by ouroboros, Zheng Qing once knew about this mysterious magical creature on purpose. Therefore, he did not hesitate at all about Deng Xiaoxian's question.

"Hey!" The Young Master of Huichun Hall raised his eyebrows: "I feel like I underestimated you... Then, if you connect this totem with the Huizi collection, can you deduce something?"

Zheng Qing didn't give an answer this time.

Intuition told him that the answer to this question was not simple.

Deng Xiaoxian waited for a while, and found that Zheng Qing was just looking at him helplessly, as if he had no intention of answering, he couldn't help laughing: "Actually, I'm also hearing from hearsay, let me just say it, just listen to it... don't take it seriously."

"Some people say that the small circle of Huizi collection is actually a long river of time intercepted by people with great Magic power. Many old people who have not surpassed time and have stepped into the tail of the legend will choose to write in Huizi "Continue life" in the episode, in order to have the opportunity to take the next step in the legend in the future."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing originally wanted to interrupt and ask, but he held back and swallowed the question back.

Deng Xiaoxian continued: "Some people also say that the Huizi collection is actually built on the remains of an ancient Ouroboros. As long as you stay on this street, you can imitate the Ouroboros Talent to a certain extent... Immortal, Circular, infinite."

"In short, there are many rumors, but there is no real hammer."

"The only thing that can confirm these rumors is that there are many old wizards on the street who are very old... But no one has investigated how old they are. It is not easy to ask such things directly."

"You are Mr. Deng's grandson, hasn't he told you?" Zheng Qing finally couldn't bear it and asked.

"You are Mr. Wu's disciple, did he tell you?" Deng Xiaoxian asked back.

"It's different." The young public fee student's expression froze, and then he muttered in a low voice: "You guys are related by blood anyway."

Deng Xiaoxian shook his head disapprovingly: "For wizards, the blood relationship is not necessarily closer than the master-student relationship. Many times, wizards will pass on wealth to their disciples, but not to their families."

Zheng Qing found it difficult to understand the thoughts of those wizards.

But he didn't dwell on this point, he had another issue that he cared about very much.

"Is the 'Legendary' you just mentioned a rank behind the Great Wizard?" He asked curiously.

"Don't you know?" Deng Xiaoxian was a little surprised: "Ordinary wizards, registered wizards, great wizards, legendary wizards, ancient wizards... This kind of general division belongs to common sense."

"I really didn't know before you said it." Zheng Qing admitted honestly.

"I really don't know what you have learned in college." Deng Xiaoxian shook his head, instead of continuing this slightly curious topic, he took out his pocket watch and glanced at it: "Well, it's getting late, I have to go back quickly The medicine is dispensed."

Zheng Qing also took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was more than two hours before the mother's deadline to go home.

"Ah... what should I do next?" The young wizard stood at the door of the bookstore, scratching his head, his eyes wandering between the bookshelf and the black door behind the house: "Should I read some idle books for a while, or go to the front shop for a while?" Brother Huang, please come back and watch TV with it? Well, watching TV is more attractive... But the cartoons that Brother Huang watches are a bit too old-fashioned... I don’t know how many channels that small TV can browse, Are there any good movies?"

"Hey, let me say, the vacation is so short, don't you plan to hurry up and stay at home for a while?...Why do you want to spend time outside?" Deng Xiao, who had already stepped into the Huichun Hall at the door of the adjacent store, Xian tilted his head to look at Zheng Qing, and asked in surprise.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Zheng Qing immediately became downcast.

"I don't know." He replied with a dejected expression: "Before I went home, I thought I was homesick... But after I came back, I found that there seemed to be an invisible barrier between me and my family."

"I don't know if it's because of the difference between my wizard identity and my family's Baiding identity, or it's just because of the generation gap."

Deng Xiaoxian glanced at the young wizard with emotion: "Well, you have reached such an age... Back then, when I went back to the streets and felt uncomfortable, didn't you always wonder why? You should understand it now."

"I can't." Zheng Qingxuan looked at Huichuntang's young master's house, "I think I just don't want to go home and work, it's in no way comparable to your perverted behavior before."

The corner of Deng Xiaoxian's mouth trembled, he pulled out his foot that had stepped over the threshold, and turned to look at Zheng Qing.

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language." He raised his arms, brushed the long lock of hair on his forehead to the top of his head, rolled up his sleeves, and looked at the young man opposite him with burning eyes.

Zheng Qing reckoned that he wanted to beat someone up.

"Cough...I mean, my time in the wizarding world is still a bit short, and I haven't passed the adaptation period yet, understand." Zheng Qing coughed dryly, changed his tone decisively, and then explained in an attempt to cover up: "If I hadn't Before enrolling, you can give me a little more information about First University, which will be very helpful for me to get through this period of adaptation.”

"For example, you can tell me that the elf is a harmless alchemical creature that will not cause harm to wizards;"

"Or, don't drop things into Linzhong Lake, otherwise the things will be snatched by the murlocs... These are all trivial details, right?"

Deng Xiaoxian looked at Zheng Qing with his nostrils for dozens of seconds before replying slowly: "Small details, doesn't matter, but not necessarily. Just like I told you before... all These encounters are one of the most interesting parts of your school life. If every bit of unknown you encounter in school becomes known, wouldn't life be much less fun?"

"I don't need so many unknowns in my life." Zheng Qing grumbled complainingly, and his mood immediately sank after he thought of something.

Deng Xiaoxian blinked and smiled: "For example, the final exam results?"

"Ah, yes, there is also the final exam." Thinking of the own final exam results, Zheng Qing suddenly had a headache, and began to mutter worriedly: "It really makes people unable to take a good vacation... I still don't understand why the school can't directly use it. The letter sent our report card to the pillow..."

Immediately, he realized that the report card was released during the Lantern Festival, and he had already returned to school at that time.

Thinking that he didn't need to explain his subjects and grades to his family, the young wizard felt a little more relaxed.

"Does the school still use pets to send you grades?" Deng Xiaoxian showed a bit of nostalgic expression on his face, but then he sneered at Zheng Qing's concerns: "Only nerds and sycophants care about grades... Oh, by the way, you are also a 'nerd'... sorry, did not mean to laugh at you."

Zheng Qing glanced at Deng Xiaoxian expressionlessly.

He definitely did it on purpose.

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