Hunting High School

Chapter Eleven

The cat meowing sounded, and the stray dog-like monster on the opposite side froze for a moment, turning its head to look in the direction of the cat meowing sound.

good chance!

Zheng Qing lifted his spirits, and with a flick of his fingers, he pulled out a silver Colt python from the gray cloth bag. Before the demon dog recovered his senses, he had already held a gun with both hands and fired a string of bullets.

There are binding spells, there are spells of awe, there are spells of confusion and soft legs.

The colorful talisman bombs exploded in the air, and suppressed the dog demon in an instant. The dark green vines bound the dog demon, its limbs were tied up, and even its long mouth was tightly trapped; the soft leg charm made it weak, and it could only lie on the ground and whimper.

Only then did Zheng Qing find a chance to look in the direction of the cat meowing.

Through the thin green smoke, on an abandoned stone table at the edge of the open space, the yellow beaver from Sanyou Bookstore was lying there leisurely, slowly gnawing on a braised chicken leg in front of him.

"Meow~!" Sensing Zheng Qing's gaze, the yellow raccoon let out another brisk cry.

The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, for the first time, he did not slander the yellow raccoon's suspected cuteness. Because with its second meow, the almost frozen atmosphere around it suddenly relaxed.

The bitter cold wind blew up, the dead leaves floated up, and the tinkling glass windows rang again.

In the open windows in the distance, there was still the familiar background music of "Spring Festival Overture"; the whistling and honking of vehicles passing by on the road outside the community also reached Zheng Qing's ears again.

A gust of cold air swirled around from the corner and rushed over to the young man.

Feeling the chill from the wind, Zheng Qing couldn't help shivering, and then showed a satisfied smile on his face. A few minutes ago, he would never have thought that he would miss the cold wind in these nine cold days.

His gaze once again fell on the tightly bound monster.


Zheng Qing let out a long breath, and his tense spirit instantly relaxed. It's good that Dage is here. With it, it doesn't matter if there are a few more monsters. Thinking of Brother Huang who used to be in d&k with Dong Zheng Qing immediately felt at ease when he showed great power while hunting.

"We'll fire the cannons after we burn the paper money!" In the smoke behind him, Professor Zheng's loud voice came out: "Don't break the rules."

Zheng Qing was taken aback when she heard this.

It took him a while to realize that his grandfather took the sound of his shooting as the sound of setting off firecrackers. Fortunately, the surrounding smoke was very heavy, and the sound of the rune gun firing was much duller than that of the gunpowder gun, which caused such a misunderstanding.

But this is also good, saving Zheng Qing the effort to explain to his family.

"Okay!" He promised loudly, and at the same time complained cooperatively: "The sound of this firecracker is not crisp, and it feels a bit dumb. I wonder if it is also damp."

Immediately, the old man's angry voice came out from the green smoke: "Let your father let it go! Let him solve his troubles by himself!"

Zheng Qing rubbed his nose and silently reflected on his cheating behavior for a second. Not long after, Zheng's father came out of the smoke with a dark face. His face was really dark, perhaps because the paper money was severely damp. When it was burned, the smoke filled the air and paper ashes flew around, causing his face to be stained with a lot of black ash.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I'm going to set off the firecrackers... you hurry up and kowtow a few times." Father Zheng took the firecrackers from Zheng Qing's hand and ordered in a low voice.

Zheng Qing hesitated, and looked back carefully.

The strong stray dog ​​monster that was bound by him in the open space just now has disappeared without a trace. He immediately looked in the direction of the stone table, and saw that the yellow raccoon was still lying there, wriggling its cheeks unhurriedly.

Seeing the boy turn his head, the raccoon raised his chin slightly and hooked the tip of his tail, as if to signal Zheng Qing that it's okay to go.

Only then did Zheng Qing feel relieved, and obediently agreed to his father's words, obediently walked in front of the copper basin, and kowtowed after the old man.

The sound of crackling firecrackers rang out again and again behind Zheng Qing.

Because today is just a welcoming hall, the etiquette is relatively simple, and there is not much need for firecrackers. Father Zheng only set off a set of firecrackers with a thousand rings in the open space next to him.

After burning paper money, kowtowing, and setting off firecrackers, the ceremony of Yingjiatang is basically over.

Old Professor Zheng wore wide asbestos heat-insulating gloves, held the copper basin, and greeted the two behind him to go home. Because the cold wind blew again, the green smoke that had piled up in the open space had already been swept away, and all the surrounding scenes appeared clearly in front of everyone again.

Zheng Qing stood up, slapped the dust off his knees, and stood there for a moment, hesitating.

"I seem to have seen Mr. Wu's cat run out just now... I'll look for it later, don't let it get lost." He searched his guts and quickly found an appropriate excuse to stay.

Old Professor Zheng turned his head and glanced at Father Zheng.

"I seem to have seen it too." Zheng Qing's father immediately explained, and at the same time pointed to the stone table on the edge of the open space: "Just before the cannon was fired, it seemed to be still on that table."

"Maybe they were startled by the gunfire." Zheng Qing said quickly.

Old Professor Zheng finally stopped being entangled.

"Then come back sooner," he reminded, paused, and added: "If you can't find it, come back earlier and tell us, it will be faster for everyone to find it together."

Zheng Qing responded repeatedly.


Seeing the figures of his grandfather and father disappear behind the building, Zheng Qing's face finally darkened.

The yellow raccoon reappeared by his side at some point, squatting quietly at his feet, licking its paws and shaking its ears from time to time, acting like a normal cat.

"What's going on? Where did the demon come from?" Zheng Qing's voice was full of worry: "Also, where did that demon just now go?"

"It was eaten by me, meow." The yellow raccoon replied indifferently: "As for its origin...Since there are too many forces coveting you, there are too many possibilities, so I can't judge...I just smacked seriously After a while, I didn't taste its origin."

The corner of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched.

According to Brother Huang, it can also taste the origin of the monster?

But immediately, he gave up entanglement with this detail, and instead focused on certain words contained in the words of the yellow flower raccoon just now.

"Coveted my power?" He repeated the words of the yellow raccoon, lowered his head, looked at the cat squatting at his feet and flicked its tail, and expressed deep surprise in his tone: "Coveted me? Why? I'm not a Tang monk!"

"Tang Monk is not as valuable as you." The yellow raccoon muttered, pulled up the ear of the plane, and said perfunctorily: "It doesn't make any difference whether you know or don't know about this kind of thing... It's safer for you if you don't know. If you really want to know, Go back and ask the old man in the bookstore."

Several black lines fell on Zheng Qing's face.

This answer is a bunch of nonsense, it's the same as if you didn't say it

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