Hunting High School

Chapter Eighteen: Truth And Lies

Later that day, Zheng Qing did not go to d&k to meet with his companions as promised, but flew a paper crane and told everyone that he was busy and needed to analyze some talismans for Qingqiu Mansion.

As for the residence, the Qingqiu mansion has helped arrange it, and he can go back after he finishes his work.

Zheng Qing was vague in Zhihe about where he lived, what symbols he analyzed, when he would finish his work, etc. In contrast, in the letter, he kept implying that he did not live in the mansion.

He can fully predict that if he honestly tells others that he will live in the Qingqiu Mansion for the next two weeks, he will probably be in trouble for the next semester.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Zheng Qing rushed to Feiyuan in the dark.

Feiyuan is the place where students do morning classes.

Zheng Qing's idea is simple.

In Feiyuan in the morning, except for those who can do morning classes, no one else will appear. In Zheng Qing's impression, Xiao Xiao was the only member of the forgiveness hunting team who went to Feiyuan every day.

Most of the time, Xiao Xiao is very calm.

This ensures that he will not yell after seeing Zheng Qing, and make the whole world know about Zheng Qing's relationship with the Qingqiu mansion. Then Zheng Qing can inquire from Xiao Xiao about what they discussed at the meeting yesterday, how much he knows about Zheng Qing and Su Shijun, and whether there is any clear evidence.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The plan is perfect, but the reality is cruel Life loves nothing more than to catch you off guard when you're certain of it.

When Zheng Qing rushed to Feiyuan and came under the big tree where he usually had morning classes, he didn't see Xiao Xiao or the old turtle raised by Xiao Xiao.

Standing under the tree are Xin Fatty, Dylan, and Zhang Jixin.

No one has the habit of doing morning classes.

Zheng Qing took a look, then turned around and walked out of Feiyuan.

Just kidding, there are places for morning classes everywhere, but there is only one life. Those guys were not friendly at first glance, so if they didn't slip away early, wouldn't they be left behind to be beaten?

It's a pity that his choice came a little later.

Before he turned his head and walked two steps, a figure flashed in front of his eyes.

It's Dylan.

As a sublunar creature with the blood of a vampire, Dylan has well retained the keen sense and agility of the vampire. Zheng Qing has no doubt that Mr. Vampire Werewolf has already discovered his trail just as he stepped into Feiyuan.

"Wow, long time no see!" The wizard made a look of surprise, and waved to Dylan: "You slept late enough today!"

On weekdays, Dylan's work and rest schedule is exactly the opposite of everyone's. At this time of day, it was time for him to go back to the dormitory and prepare to dig into the coffin.

"I'll go back to sleep when I see you." Mr. Vampire Werewolf answered in a muffled voice with drooping eyelids.

Zheng Qing wrinkled his nose and looked back cautiously.

Xin Fatty and Zhang Da Elder, one on the left and one on the right, were walking towards him according to the standard outflanking route during hunting.

"Hey, good morning!" The young public-funded student forced a smile on his face, waved his hands left and right, and greeted his companions: "Everyone is here... When did you start morning classes?"

While speaking, Fatty and Elder had already come diagonally behind him, but did not answer his question.

Zheng Qing felt a little flustered.

"Have you seen Poseidon?" He forcibly changed the subject: "That guy doesn't know where he went... I told him not to run around during morning exercises, don't run around, he just refused to listen... No, I have to look for it, it would be terrible if I was kicked out by some big uneducated dog."

Saying that, Zheng Qing planned to slip through the gap between the three of them.

But a thick arm stretched out from behind, grabbed his collar and dragged him to the spot.

"Why did you go last night?" Zhang Jixin asked gruffly behind him.

Zheng Qing sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"I went to the Qingqiu mansion to help." He turned his head and replied honestly that everyone knew about this matter, and it would seem inappropriate if he kept it secret.

"What are you doing? Is there anything we can do to help?" Dylan's eyes lit up, his drooping eyelids suddenly lifted, and his tone became much more eager.

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, and answered eight words cautiously: "Analytic symbol... silent contract."

This was an excuse he had been pondering all night.

If you don't come up with some specific work, you will definitely not be able to block the brains of these guys. If there are too many lies, it is inevitable that there will be inconsistencies and inconsistencies.

Therefore, Zheng Qing's best policy is to just say a little bit of 'facts', and then use the universal plaster of 'silent contract' to fill up the remaining loopholes, eliminating the trouble of subsequent explanations.

Anyway, these guys from the Excuse Hunting Team had dealt with the Qingqiu Mansion before, and signed a silent contract that was not harsh but had detailed terms, so they would definitely accept Zheng Qing's words.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zheng Qing's answer, Dylan's expression was immediately disappointed, but he didn't ask any more questions.

The young public finance student quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could finish his breath, Xin Fatty immediately asked the third question: "Where did you live last night?"

This is another important proposition.

"The place arranged by the Qingqiu mansion...a contract of silence." Zheng Qing laughed dryly and replied dryly.

That's not bad.

The place where Zheng Qing lives now is indeed arranged by the Qingqiu Mansion, but the charm of language is precisely here. He did not explicitly admit that he lives in the Qingqiu Mansion, so this means that he may just live outside the Qingqiu Mansion, a place rented or provided by the mansion.

This situation is very common.

The wizard organization outside the school invites the students of the First University to go out to help out all year round, doing some delicate and meticulous magic work. And this kind of work will not only stuff a generous red envelope, but also often include food and accommodation here, that is, those wizard organizations rent hotels or homestays outside the campus and arrange for students to live temporarily.

Zheng Qing hopes that everyone will think in this direction.

"The contract of silence! The contract of silence! When I become the judge of Dan Hag, the first order is to abolish the right of private individuals to sign the contract of silence!" Xin Fatty said cursingly, completely ignoring the strange eyes around him.

"Hehe, I didn't hear that you still have the ideal of being a judge." Zheng Qing laughed dryly, and then immediately regained the initiative of the topic: "Where's the doctor? Why didn't you see him come to the morning class today?"

"He said something, we have to prepare... Let's wait for him here." Without getting the answer he wanted from Zheng Qing, Fatty looked sullen, and his tone of voice became much more decadent.

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