Hunting High School

Chapter 20 The Bulletin Board In The School

The bulletin board is a facility for posting official documents, notices, revelations, and even advertisements.

At Cheil University, there are many such facilities. This kind of booth with triangular eaves can be seen in the canteen, in front of the teaching building, at the entrance of the dormitory, in the library, in the corridor, between the lawns, and even in the pedestrian street.

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The content displayed on the bulletin board has different emphases in different places.

The bulletin board in front of the teaching building usually displays the official documents of the student union and the professor joint meeting, notices such as temporary holidays, public class arrangements, etc.;

Most of the content on the bulletin board by the Linzhong Lake is posted by the school working committee. For example, when sand bugs were rampant last semester, the school working committee would post a red risk warning on the bulletin board; The school working committee will also post the main hiding areas of the pests and the exchange methods on the bulletin board.

On the bulletin board at the door of the dormitory, there are often some students who lost their pets, someone who needs volunteers to do experiments, or lacks experimental materials but thinks that the school is expensive, so they ask someone to collect them for them; Invitations to host events, even private deals at flea markets, appear on bulletin boards.

Most of the bulletin board content is open and transparent.

But as the saying goes, where there is sunshine, there will be shadows. Where there is publicity, there will be insider and black boxes. There are public bulletin boards, and naturally there are some bulletin boards for 'specific audiences'.

It was such a bulletin board that Xiao Xiao took Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty to.

The location of this bulletin board is very remote, among the trees on the side of the library, far away from the boulevard where students go to and from get out of class. There are also a few embracing pine trees blocking its outside. If you don't walk in deliberately, you will definitely not find such a hidden facility under the shade of the building.

Naturally, there were hardly any people around the bulletin board.

The few small animals that passed by also fled alertly after the stranger's footsteps approached.

Unlike those colleagues standing on the roadside in front of the building, this bulletin board in the shadows looks a bit dilapidated. There are many scars on the wooden railings, and many triangular eaves are broken, and the traces of time can be seen everywhere.

Standing in front of the bulletin board, Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand, gestured from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, and gestured for a distance of three (thumb and middle finger spread), and then tore off several notices covered on the bulletin board, revealing a piece of worn parchment .

Zheng Qing looked at the paper curiously, but didn't make a sound.

In the upper right corner of the parchment is a beautiful morning glory, but this flower has no color, only intricate lines drawn in black ink.

Xiao Xiao reached out and grabbed a small bottle from his robe, which contained half a bottle of lavender solution. He punched the bottle, dipped a little solution with the small brush on the bottle cap, and carefully applied it to the petals of the morning glory.

"Few people know about this bulletin board." Xiao Xiao lifted Own's eyes proudly, put away the small bottle, shook his head and said, "Because the tasks posted on it are all paid with credits!"

"Cool!" Xin Fatty opened his mouth wide, expressing own surprise.

Credits are an undisputed hard currency at First University. The hardest part is that this is the only means of payment for each student to upgrade and get textbooks. Even some of the school's penalties can be wiped out with a lot of credits. And there are very few ways to obtain credits, so each credit is extremely valuable to students.

As far as Zheng Qing knows, on other bulletin boards, the rewards for some tasks are usually paid in silver coins. Raised credits.

"Can I publish a piece of tofu on the school newspaper? There hasn't been any interesting content in the novelty hunting column for a long time." After Xin Fatty sighed, he immediately figured out a plan to maximize the benefits.

Undoubtedly, his plan was resolutely rejected by Xiao Xiao: "If you still want to use this bulletin board next time, don't do that stupid thing... You can pay more attention on this trip to the Silent River, maybe New material can be found.”

Xin Fatty sighed regretfully, but did not insist on his own opinion.

He also knew that the own request was not appropriate, but it did not prevent him from giving it a try.

"Why don't many people know about this place? If there are credits to be obtained, then this kind of place should be very popular!" Zheng Qing watched as Xiao Xiao quickly wrote 'Freshman' on the parchment with a brush. "Three people" and other keywords in the North District of Beta Town, asked in confusion.

Putting away the pen, straightening up, Xiao Xiao stretched out his magic wand, tapped the trumpet flower and sighed:

"Those who can discover this bulletin board, naturally have the right to obtain credits through it; those who can know this bulletin board through others, naturally have the ability to complete the above tasks."

Squinting at the string of characters spit out by the morning glory, Xiao Xiao quickly recorded the pen in his hand, and said clearly but seriously in his mouth: "As for those who don't know, are you willing to tell others this shortcut to obtain credits?"

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded.


Just like a person discovers that a hen can lay a golden egg every day, he will definitely not tell everyone stupidly, but will come quietly every day to take the golden egg away.

"Those who have no ability or background don't even have the right to know." Zheng Qing laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Information is the most valuable thing in any world. The way to obtain effective information has always been a means to keep advanced." Xiao Xiao clapped his hands, watched those characters gradually fade away, turned around and spoke seriously The two emphasized: "From ancient times to the present, from the humble to the Transcendent, without exception."

"That's a lot of nonsense! What kind of mission did you get!" Xin Fatty looked at the two bickering rather bored, and yawned: "We still have to catch a boat."

Xiao Xiao spread out the notebook in his hand, and the three of them gathered together.

"The reward for assisting the owner of the Kini Cabin to complete the magic ceremony is three credits." Xiao Xiao read word by word.

"Where's the kini hut?" Sim Fatty asked a silly question.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and sneered: "Didn't you see that there were preconditions when the doctor searched before... Naturally, it is in the North District of Beta Town."

"Aren't all the jugglers in the North District? What kind of magic ceremony are they going to do?" Fatty was a little unconvinced.

Unlike Fatty, Zheng Qing is very concerned about another matter: "I am more concerned about where those magicians get credits to pay us."

"Those who can issue notices here will naturally have the corresponding strength, just like the gold card that wandering wizards will give you, not just anyone else." Xiao Xiao put away his notebook, looked up at the sky, and urged : "It's almost time, let's go quickly... If there is any problem, it will not be too late to check when you arrive in the North District."

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