Hunting High School

Chapter 41 Symphony No. 5 In C Minor

A witch with disheveled hair is sitting on a piano and playing music with the accompaniment of a symphony, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, which is also the famous Symphony of Destiny.

The sound of the symphony came from behind the curtain of the small stage. Although there was sound, it was still dark behind the curtain. There were no figures or musical instruments in sight, and only the symphony of music one after another could be heard.

A tall boy stood at the front of the crowd, holding a heavy book in his arms, listening quietly.

As Zheng Qing and the others approached, the witch pressed the keys heavily, and the passionate and powerful tune echoed in the empty living room, and the fierce and repeated battle sound hit the eardrums of every visitor.

Chorus of the first movement of the Symphony of Destiny.

Zheng Qing judged.

When the music eased a little, the clear and heroic female voice also sounded:

"What do you think about the future?"

"With Bragi and Miril listening, Apollo watching, and Merlin watching, you can tell your brothers and sisters what you think...anything you want."

Bragi, Miril, Apollo, these are the gods of music in myths and legends, and Merlin is the legendary great wizard in the wizarding world. These existences are true, so their testimony is very serious to wizards up.

The three later audience members waited with bated breath for the boy's answer.

"The future is too far away, and I don't have the ability to think that far." The boy smiled a little cautiously, and then he said firmly: "In the short term, I hope to enter the university and become a formal student."

This is a very clear goal.

But Korma ignored the boy's determination.

She just stroked the keys and turned the symphony of fate to the second movement.

Compared with the first movement, the second movement of fate seems to be much slower. Many times, Zheng Qing feels that if the first chapter of fate is the alarm clock for waking up in the morning, then the second chapter is the class at noon, which makes people half startled and half awake when they are drowsy.

The whirling melody lingered in everyone's ears, and the boy seemed a little lost.

"Which university are you going to attend?" Colmar's voice sounded like a whisper.

"Of course the first university!" The boy's eyes were a little dull, but his tone was still firm.

The music seemed serene, elegant, and quiet at this time, so that it was almost silent.

The boy opened his mouth, and his tone suddenly became high-pitched and sure: "The First University will definitely not accept a child of a magician like me!"

Zheng Qing keenly noticed that the boy was in a strange state, so he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao.

"Hypnosis?" He opened his mouth and asked silently.

Xiao Xiao shook his head, this notebook quickly wrote a few words on the open notebook, and then put it under Zheng Qing's nose.

"Soul torture."

Zheng Qing frowned, looking at the words Xiao Xiao left in his notebook, he felt worse than the word he just said. He's not sure if Korma's behavior is considered illegal, but since Xiao Xiao didn't stop him, and the other people around him all had a common expression, he wouldn't make any disrespectful behavior just to own discomfort .

The music was not interrupted by Zheng Qing's distraction. The boy's narration and tone also became high and low with the ups and downs of the music. Soon, the piano sound faded away, and only the low-pitched violin moaned behind the curtain of the small stage.

In the hall, only the boy's fast and fierce roar was very clear:

"...Aside from the First University, how can there be any other universities in the wizarding world! I can only quietly squeeze into an unknown magician's club! Only in this way can I get in touch with some fascinating magic occasionally!"

Zheng Qing frowned, looking at the scene seriously.

"...A deep knowledge of magic would be a bastard to me! I'll never understand the difference between Transfiguration and Potion of Transfiguration."

"In this kind of club, I will learn a few tricks, such as hat-tricks and poker tricks. Then I will leave when I am desperate. Maybe I will go to the world of mortals and spend my life in the mortal world; maybe I will wander in the world of wizards. With a few tricks to win the sympathy of a passing Young Master."

"I will not marry. No witch can accept an own husband as a magician. Just like I cannot accept a mortal as an own partner."

"I'll have a lover or two, and a bastard child or two, among mortals or other conjurers. But they're less likely to become official wizards than I am. I'm sure I'll be cranky, and maybe smoke and drink too much."

"Two, three, maybe ten drunken brawls, I will be locked up in the North District of Beta Town by the Wizards Union for protection."

"It didn't help me much. My heart was weak from drinking, my lungs were broken from smoking, and my soul sank into the abyss of mania and despair."

"I'd be diagnosed with lung cancer in my fifties... It's a horrible curse, even for an officially registered wizard. With worse luck, my liver will be soaked in alcohol."

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"At the age of fifty-five, I will cut off more than half of my lungs and more than half of my liver. Then, because of a heart attack, I will have a stent installed."

"My lovers are all in another world, and the illegitimate children will not come to see me after I die."

"I'm getting old no matter what."

"Wandering the narrow and rugged streets of the North District every day, playing tricks in corners to beg for a few copper coins, and after a few sips of spirits at night, huddled in a cheaply rented cubicle."

"And then in a cold winter, I will die silently in the small attic on the third floor of No. 48 Linhe Street."

"The owner of the attic will find my stiff body the next time he collects the rent. He will call two homeless men cursing and throw me into the silent river outside the window."

Zheng Qing looked at the tearful boy in shock and silence, his voice changed from high to low, and finally hoarse and choked.

The second movement is also gradually coming to an end.

Colmar did not continue to play. She stood up, hugged the crying big boy gently, and sighed softly: "It seems that you have a very clear understanding of your future."

The onlookers did not applaud.

Everyone showed sad and sympathetic expressions except Zheng Qing, each of them raised their hands and squeezed a weird hand formula. Xiao Xiao pulled his two companions a few steps towards Retreat, hid in the shadow of the wall, and left other worlds to the people in the Kini Hut.

"You are welcome, my brother."

The low voices of the onlookers lingered in the empty hall.

The crying boy gradually stopped his tears, showing a hint of embarrassment.

Kerma smiled slightly, and kissed his forehead: "You did a good job... Only by knowing your own future can you choke the throat of fate. On this point, you can see it more clearly than many wizards."

"Take him in." The last sentence, she said to the girl who led the three of Zheng Qing upstairs.

The girl nodded, walked forward quietly, and led the boy who was awake but still a little numb out of the room, then turned a corner at the foyer, walked in along the narrow corridor on the right side of the hall, and soon Disappeared in Zheng Qing's sight.

Turning around, Korma had passed the crowd and walked towards the three guests.

"Are you all my facilitators for this magic ceremony?" Her tone changed from the seriousness just now, and she seemed a little more lively: "Hey, there is another acquaintance~"

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