Hunting High School

Chapter 54: A Song Of Ice And Fire

Zheng Qing never thought that he would be involved in the troubles of the forestry goods market in such a way.

When the sheriff in the North District of Beta Town asked if there were any registered hunters in the store, he was still debating whether to go straight back to school later, or to stop by the Beta Town Pedestrian Street and visit Linjinghua or Muzhuniang Valentine's Day present.

After all, such a big event happened in the forest goods market, and it is estimated that it will be uncertain for a while, and their original plan to continue purchasing in the afternoon must have been ruined.

It’s just that he was thinking about it, and he ignored that there was a very “enterprising” school newspaper reporter among the practitioners. Earlier, in the forest goods market, if Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao hadn’t dragged him desperately, Fatty would have followed him a long time ago. I went to do an interview behind Commissioner Andrew of the Trident Sword.

As Xin Fatty, who is determined to hit the "Golden Quill", seeing that he can participate in this big news involving alien envoys, he will never let go of this opportunity.

Outside the window, violent magic fluctuations became more and more obvious.

In the restaurant, the male and female wizards stared at each other, and finally all their eyes were on Xin Fatty and the others at the table.

The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, staring fixedly at Fatty in front of him, deep in his heart, he had been fried, stir-fried, and stewed a hundred times. He believed that Xiao Xiao, who was silently packing up his notebook beside him, had the same thought in his heart.

Xin Fatty laughed and blinked at Zheng Qing, but he didn't intend to retract his raised arm.

"Can you be a quasi-hunter?" With a brave and fearless expression, he looked at the sheriff standing in front of the bar: "Although our forgiveness hunting team has not been officially registered, it is only a matter of protect the wizarding world The safety of the students is the duty of every First University student!"

What he said was sonorous and powerful, and his words were righteous.

If Zheng Qing hadn't known Fatty's plan, he would have almost believed it.

"Ah! Excuse me! I know them, the first place in the freshmen competition of the College Cup last year!" The girl by the window suddenly cried out softly: "Their captain was included in the Grand Arcana by this year's magic wand, and is the owner of the 'world' By!"

This slightly abrupt explanation made more eyes gather on the three young wizards.

Xin Fatty stood up shyly, with a modest smile on his face, while pointing at Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, he introduced: "...Although the hunters of our hunting team are not complete, we have the most powerful The captain, the most powerful fortune teller, and me, an ordinary auxiliary hunter, are enough to form a small hunting team."

Zheng Qing felt that his ears were about to burn.

No need to look around from the corner of the eye, just relying on his insensitive ears to catch a wave of very interested whispers. He tried his best to keep a straight face, raised his head, and looked at the chin of the security captain.

Baggy, not much mustache.

Now that he has been dragged into the water by Fatty, he has to show the momentum of the Major Arcana and continue to shrink his head, which has no other purpose than to make himself look irresponsible.

"If you need our help, you are obliged to do so." The young public finance student stood up, bowed slightly, and spoke politely.

"Very good." The magistrate looked at him a few more times with interest, and turned to tell the proprietress of the small shop: "Their expenses will be charged to my be counted together later."

Then he waved to the three young wizards: "Come with me... Take out your spell books, maybe you will need them later."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing immediately took out the own Dharma book and held it in his hand.

After walking a few steps and hesitating for a moment, he reached into the gray cloth bag again and pulled out his own Colt silver python. If there is any unexpected situation, it is always faster to shoot than to flip through the book.

Xiao Xiao was one body behind Zheng Qing, and followed closely behind. Instead of taking out the Dharma book as requested by the magistrate, he took out a dry tortoise shell and placed it in front of him. The turtle shell was covered with golden talismans, flowing slowly between the wizard's fingers.

Xin Fatty was the last of the three mainly because he wasted some time by packing the leftover fried chicken and marinated meat on the table. When he passed by the front desk before going out, he still begged for a few mints and a wet tissue from the proprietress with a straight face.

"Hiss... I thought the fire would be very hot!" Fatty shivered immediately after pushing the door open, and stuffed a piece of mints into each of his two companions: "Why is it so cold?!"

Zheng Qing frowned, took the mints, and nodded: "It's really a bit unusual."

The temperature outside the store was unexpectedly cold, without the slightest feeling of dryness and heat after a fire broke out, but rather like the feeling after ice and snow raged. Every breath can bring out a cloud of white mist.

Zheng Qing raised his head and looked at the sky.

The winter sun was not particularly warm in the first place, but now it is especially cold. If it wasn't for the reminder of the time on the clock and the surrounding brightness, Zheng Qing would have every reason to believe that the moon hanging above their heads was not the sun.

"Huh..." The magistrate took a long breath, and the white air was like an arrow, leaving a deep trace in the air: "It must not be the wild hunt."

Robert also raised his head, glanced at the cold day, and murmured.

Immediately, he cheered up and looked back at the boy behind him: "Will the four-element magic circle work? I stand in the old yang position and take the lead; the fortune-teller stands in the old yin position and presses the formation behind; Fatty Shaoyin position, left Fu... and the world, you stand in Shaoyang and hold back from the side."

As he spoke, he glanced at the talisman gun in Zheng Qing's hand again, and added with a smile: "The weapon is good, and the restraint is just right."

The three boys from the Forgiveness Hunting Team nodded nervously and did not object.

Although it was only a few short conversations, the sheriff of Beta Town arranged tactics and positions very reasonably, which can be called a rich experience.

As for the position and movement of the four-element circle, the forgiveness hunting team practiced a lot under Deng Xiaojian's supervision last semester, and they are very familiar with it.

The rhombus-shaped battle formation was shrouded in a pale yellow protective halo, swinging from side to side, rushing into the forest goods market.

Just after crossing the gate of the market, the original feeling of extreme cold suddenly disappeared and turned into hot and dry. In an instant, as if stepping from magma into the ice sea, the magic guardian light shrouded everyone around flickered and almost went out.

At the same time, the noise, commotion, and sirens that were originally covered by the forest goods market's guardian circle also penetrated into everyone's ears.

What caught Zheng Qing's eyes was a chaotic scene.

Dozens of black-backed and fork-tailed firefighters ran around in the market, wrapped in black smoke and crimson flames, knocking over countless stalls along the way, igniting dozens of houses, killing hawkers and customers in the market. They panicked and shitted.

A little farther away, many guests are working together with the commissioner of the Three-pronged Sword to suppress this horrific scene.

Farther away, at the end of the forest goods market, a huge gap appeared on the side wall adjacent to the Silent River.

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It's easy to see where the scourges came from.

"I picked up a handful of mist grass," the sheriff cursed in a low voice: "Sure enough, there is no worst, only worse."

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