Hunting High School

Chapter 58: Escape

When the two black-robed wizards in a hidden place on the edge of the Silent Forest were discussing whether the gap in the magic circle in the forest goods market in the North District of Beta Town could be expanded, the forgiveness hunting team at the gap was also discussing related topics.

"This kind of thing is clear at a glance... those murderers are the murderers who broke through the magic circle." Xin Fatty insisted on who broke the wall: "At the scene, apart from those murderers, we can find other murderers, or other similar murderers does it exist?"

Zheng Qing shook his head, there was indeed no other murderer.

However, he did not agree with the theory of "fighting against the wall and breaking the wall" put forward by the reporter and his classmates.

"I know you want to publish the manuscript quickly, but you can't say that the wind is the rain, right?" The young public finance student tried to save Xin's conscience, which hadn't been completely broken: "It's just that group of puppies, with all their paws sticking out. They are three inches long, and the fireballs they spray can't even blow up a one-foot-thick concrete pier, so how do you deduce that they broke the wall?"

What he said was completely true.

From entering the forest goods market, to crossing the scuffle scene, to the gap in the wall, Zheng Qing watched the hawkers running around in the market, and also noticed that from the beginning to the end, except for one unlucky ghost The fireball spewed by Fudou burned off his hair and set a few piles of fur goods on fire, but the entire market had no other losses.

Xiao Xiao also agrees with Zheng Qing.

"Those Huo Dou really don't have this kind of ability." Xiao Xiao sat cross-legged behind everyone, lit a small pile of dry yarrow in front of him, and while fiddling with the shape of the smoke patiently, he analyzed: "Though those Huo Dou belong to An improved breed on Phuket Island, but it is less than two feet tall, does not wear armor, and has no heavy horns. Just relying on a few fireballs to make the magic circles glow red-level Realms are powerful... let alone break these magic circles gone."

"From what you're saying, there are wizards assisting these bastards?" Xin Fatty sneered again and again: "Do you dare to show your real name in my manuscript... something like 'the first university's public-funded student, the famous winner of the Merlin Medal, 09 Zheng Qing, the winner of the Grand Arcana 'World', believes that the accident in the magic circle in the Forestry Market in the North District was caused by '..."

Hearing what he said, Zheng Qing turned pale.

"Don't write nonsense, I didn't say that, can I change my words?" He smiled bitterly and waved his hands again and again: "It's just a guess, private discussion, why are you so serious..."

Fatty lifted his chin triumphantly, and expelled a puff of white air from his nose: "That's all I said... It scares you, you are less courageous than a quail."

Ignoring Fatty's provocation, Zheng Qing held the Remington rune gun with both hands, and turned to look beyond the gap where the Colt python was already hanging on his waist. Now that the team is on the defensive, it is natural that the rune gun with a longer range is more suitable.

Robert Lee didn't stay behind the wall with a few young wizards.

After he arranged for the three to guard the gap, he jumped out of the wall and entered the quiet isolation zone. Outside the fence is a long and narrow isolation zone with a width of less than 200 meters. Outside the isolation zone is the wide main channel of the Silent River, and on the opposite side of the river bank is the real Silent Forest.

There are no real forests on the isolation belt, only a not-so-sparse shrub forest, mainly mangroves, boxwood, Pittosporum and so on. Under the bushes, there are many hidden magic circle nodes and magic traps, which are used to stop the magical creatures crawling out of the silent river.

Normally, the patrol team in Beta Town would clean up these magic traps every ten months and re-consolidate the nodes of the magic circle. But now, a big hole has been punched in the wall. What is the condition of the magic circle outside the wall, and is there any possibility of repairing it? It requires a professional who is familiar with the relevant situation to conduct on-the-spot inspections to draw an accurate conclusion.

As the sheriff of Beta Town, Robert Lee is duty-bound.

At this moment, the isolation zone outside the wall was quiet, and Robert's figure had disappeared into the bushes for nearly a quarter of an hour. The three of Zheng Qing didn't know what was going on outside, and they didn't know whether they should continue to wait, so they could only use gossip to relieve their anxiety in their anxiety.

"Doctor, how is your yarrow burning? What is the divination?" Zheng Qing stared at the world outside the wall, and asked Xiao Xiao without looking back.

Divination is the most comforting means for a wizard when his eyes are dark.

"The smoke gathers but doesn't disperse, forming a mountain-like shape, with white lines winding in between, like a narrow path, implying bumpy journeys and twists and turns." Xiao Xiao seriously analyzed the smoke in front of Own.

"I believe you ghost," Xin Fatty grumbled, and looked suspiciously at the small cluster of flames in front of Xiao Xiao: "I never heard that yarrow is used for divination... Shouldn't it be divination?" ?”

The treetops in the distance seemed to shake slightly.

Zheng Qing's ears trembled.

Since he got used to being a cat, his hearing seems to have gotten a little better in some ways. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he vaguely heard a sound coming from the distant forest.

"... Having said that, I just said that 'the fights break the wall' does not mean that I agree with this point of view, but according to the existing resources on the scene, those fights are the most suspicious." Xin Fatty commented on the doctor's yarrow divination After the operation, I continued to chatter about the previous topic: "I am a reporter, and I want to speak with facts... How can I write in the manuscript for things without evidence? Do you think..."

Zheng Qing raised his arm to stop Fatty from making noise.

"Did you hear anything?" He squinted his eyes, looking at the world outside the wall.

Helpless bushes, inexplicable water vapor lingering, coupled with the interference of light flowing in the magic circle, their vision is very limited, and it is difficult to see the specific situation 30 to 50 meters away.

After receiving Zheng Qing's instructions, Xin Fatty immediately shut up.

When playing around, you can be casual, but when things really happen, you must abide by the rules. This is the basic rule that every hunting team and every hunter knows.

There was silence around the gap, Zheng Qing listened attentively.

Then the corners of his eyes widened.

"Ready for battle!!!"

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team let out a wild roar, stretched out his hand and pulled out the Colt Silver Python from his waist, fiddled with the magazine, then raised the gun, and fired a shot from outside.


A milky white light gushed out from the muzzle of the gun, slid out a graceful arc, and fell behind the dark bushes. In the blink of an eye, a huge light flashed by, and the gray world that was originally in the eyes of everyone suddenly became clear. up.

"Wild Hunting!! Fifty meters behind!!!"

While yelling, Robert Lee frantically ran towards the gap in the wall. The original intact robe on his body was torn and tattered by the bushes, his face was covered with blood, and the book in his hand had been lost somewhere.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, lifted Remington flat, and aimed at the direction behind the sheriff who was running towards them.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Xin Fatty had long been humming, and turned into a blue titan several meters high, holding an iron rod in his hand, ready to go.

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