Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 225 Flying across the void, cracking the mountains and cracking the ground

This blood vein is the headquarters of a Wuhou-level sect in Red Rock City and the Shi Clan.

"Let everyone on the bloodline leave."

Chu Long said.

A guard of Prince Ming took the order, jumped up, and was already a thousand meters away. Seeing that his figure was about to fall, he saw the sole of his foot stepping in the air, as if he was stepping on something tangible, and his body He soared into the air again, leaping forward a thousand meters, then stepped into the air again, and continued forward.

After a few times, he arrived at the sky above the Blood Vein.

Lu Yan looked fascinated.

When the Ming King's personal guard came to the sky above the blood veins, it was like paddling in water. Whenever his body was about to fall, he drew down his palms to stabilize his body and let his body float in mid-air.

"This is an application of true energy. When you first enter the true body state, you can't do it. You need to use your true energy like an arm to control it in order to achieve this step."

Next to him, he said something to Chongyang.

Lu Yan knew that Xiang Chongyang intended to give him guidance and was grateful.

A figure appeared in mid-air out of thin air, and was naturally discovered by the people of the Shi family below.

One by one, they stared at the guards of Prince Ming in mid-air with their mouths open, as if they were looking at gods.

"Prince Ming's Mansion is doing business. Everyone must leave within half an hour. Those who don't leave will be killed or alive."

The voice of King Ming's personal guard spread throughout the bloodline.

Ming Palace?

When the people of the Shi family heard this, they turned pale with fright.

Standing high in the sky, Jiaming Prince's Mansion, these two factors are so terrifying that no one dares to neglect them.

The people of the Shi family, regardless of age or sex, fled out of the Bloodline in a swarm. In just half an hour or ten minutes, there was no one left on the Bloodline.

After waiting for everyone to run away, and after waiting for another half an hour, Chu Long took a step forward, and his body rose into the air, like a stream of light, and in an instant, he came to the Blood Vein.

The speed was so fast that Lu Yan didn't even see how Chu Long flew out.

Moreover, Chu Long stood in mid-air with his hands behind his back, without having to move his hands like the Ming Prince's personal guard.

Chu Long looked at it from high in the sky, and then landed somewhere in the Bloodline. A terrifying aura filled the air, like a volcano erupting.

Lu Yan clearly felt that the invisible energy between heaven and earth was gathering crazily towards Chu Long.

"Back off."

Xiang Chongyang spoke, pulled Lu Yan, and quickly retreated for several miles.

The same is true for the other guards of Prince Ming.


At this time, Chu Long shouted low and slapped the blood veins with his palm.


Lu Yan felt that the entire land was shaking. An invisible air wave, with the blood vein as its core, swept across all directions. Wherever it passed, the vegetation turned to ashes.

The blood vein continued to vibrate, and then, with Chu Long as the center, it split to both sides.

The entire blood vein split in half, and a bottomless crack appeared, leading directly to the ground.

"Fuck me"

Lu Yan was speechless. Please forgive him for being uneducated.

Open the mountain!

Chu Long actually forcibly divided a mountain into two halves. No, this was not just a mountain, but also the earth.

Can a martial artist actually reach such a state?

"Commander Chu has already achieved Yuan Shen. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, any strike can be overwhelming. Lu Yan, you have the potential to become a top-grade true body. As long as you take one step at a time, you may not be unable to achieve such a level in the future. "

Said to Chongyang.

Lu Yan clenched his fists, yearning for it in his heart.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart, Chu Long is so powerful, how strong must King Ming be?

"Take action."

Chu Long's voice came out.

Another member of King Ming's bodyguard rose into the air and stood side by side with the one at the beginning.

Both of them held a war bow in their hands. They bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow under the crack.


The next moment, a roar of a giant beast came from under the crack, and then the ground shook. Two huge rocks flew out from under the crack and crashed into the two Ming Prince guards.

The two Ming Prince guards fired their bows and exploded two boulders, and then shot two more arrows into the ground.


The roaring underground became even more violent, and then the ground shook continuously, as if something huge was about to rush out.

"It's about to come out, Lu Yan, please stay away. A battle of this level is far beyond your ability to intervene."

Said to Chongyang.

Lu Yan nodded and quickly backed away.

Also retreating like him were six of Prince Ming's personal guards.

It is impossible for all of the twelve Mingwang guards who came to Lingdong to be in the True Body state. In fact, there were only four of them in the True Body state.

Two people can fly, two people can't.

The two real bodies who couldn't fly quickly rushed forward.

Xiang Chongyang also rose into the air, touched his right hand to his side, and a spear appeared out of thin air.

"Appeared out of thin air? Could it be a stored treasure in the novel?"

Lu Yan's thoughts changed rapidly.

In those fairy tales and fantasy novels in previous lives, storing treasures was a standard feature.

But since Lu Yan came to this world, he had never seen so-called stored treasures.

Now it seems that it is not that there is none, but that the six counties in Lingdong are too small to be contacted.

"When I first came to this world, I thought it was just a martial arts world with low martial arts. Now it seems that this is simply a fantasy world."

Lu Yan complained in his heart.

The sky was crossed, the mountains were cracked, and the stored treasures appeared one after another.

Today is really an eye-opener and the door to a new world has opened.


Roaring like thunder, as the ground shook and the mountains shook, a giant lizard with two horns and a length of more than ten meters rushed out from a crack in the ground. With a kick of its limbs, it rushed hundreds of meters into the air.

During the process of rushing out, the giant lizard suddenly grew in size and instantly transformed into a hundred-meter-long giant beast. It had a huge crocodile-like mouth full of sharp fangs and bit into the two Ming Prince guards in the sky. .

At this time, the two Ming Prince guards had already put away their bows and arrows. One of them, holding a war sword, slashed down with the sword. The sword light rose more than ten meters and fell towards the giant lizard's mouth.


With an earth-shattering roar, the 100-meter giant lizard was blocked and fell downwards.

Another member of Prince Ming's bodyguard, at some unknown moment, appeared beside the giant lizard and punched the 100-meter-long giant lizard.

The huge body of the 100-meter giant lizard was like a meteorite, hitting the blood veins heavily.

The ground roared violently, the mountain peaks collapsed, huge rocks flew in all directions, and terrible air waves swept in all directions, plus gravel, etc., within a few miles, the vegetation turned to ashes, like the end of the world.

The two True Body Realm King Ming's personal guards on the ground used their true strength to protect their bodies, broke through the debris and wood, and quickly approached the giant lizard.

The two men held spears and thrust forward, piercing deeply into the body of the 100-meter monitor lizard.

The giant lizard roared and struggled wildly, its dozens of meters long tail sweeping towards the two Ming Prince guards like lightning.

The two Ming Prince guards used their spears to resist, but their bodies were also whipped hundreds of meters away.

Then, the giant lizard quickly stood up, ready to leap up and attack Prince Ming's guards in mid-air.

But Xiang Chongyang has already reached him, swooping down and combining man and gun.

From a distance, Lu Yan only saw a huge spear, shrouded in dazzling light, piercing the giant lizard's head and nailing it to the ground.


The giant lizard struggled wildly, attacking randomly with its limbs and tail, but the light of its body dimmed quickly, and then exploded with a bang, revealing its body that was more than ten meters long.

The two Ming King guards in the sky swooped down, one wielding a sword and the other using a fist to attack the giant lizard.

The two Ming Prince guards who had been thrown hundreds of meters away quickly rushed back and formed a combined attack, blocking all the giant lizard's retreat.

Chu Long, on the other hand, stood high in the sky and did not take any action. He seemed to be intending to test the Ming King's personal guards.

The monitor lizard was in a desperate situation, with a fierce look in its eyes. Its body was emitting red light and turned red.

Between heaven and earth, endless energy is gathering towards the giant lizard.

"Be careful, it may have awakened the magic."

Chu Long's expression changed slightly and he spoke as a reminder.

As soon as Chu Long finished speaking, the giant lizard opened its big mouth, sprayed out a fiery red light beam, and rushed towards one of the guards of Prince Ming.

The expression of Prince Ming's personal guard changed, and he protected his body with his true strength. His fists struck rapidly, and he fired more than a dozen punches in an instant.

The fist power roared and collided fiercely with the red light beam. The fist power was obviously outmatched and continued to collapse. Finally, it fell apart. The light beam did not stop and continued to rush towards the guard of Prince Na Ming.

Fortunately, another one of Prince Ming's guards arrived and struck the light beam with his sword, blocking the light beam.

Xiang Chongyang held the gun in one hand, with a rainbow-like momentum, as if it turned into a peerless magic gun and stabbed the monitor lizard's jaw.

The giant lizard roared, and another beam of light was sprayed towards Xiang Chongyang.

Then, the two long horns on its head also began to shine with dazzling light, energy gathered crazily, and finally turned into two balls of flames, flew out, and flew towards the two Ming Prince guards who were coming from the ground.

With two roars, the two Ming Prince guards retreated several hundred meters further.

As for Xiang Chongyang, his strength was obviously higher than that of the four Ming Prince guards. His spear collided with the light beam, and the spear trembled slightly, as if he was traveling against the waves, constantly breaking through the light beam and moving forward.

Above, two of Prince Ming's guards swooped down and struck the giant lizard with a sword and a punch.

The giant lizard roared, its body became even redder, and the heat wave was overwhelming. Two more fireballs flew out from the two sharp horns on its head, like two suns, forcing the two Ming Prince guards back.

But Xiang Chongyang had already broken through the beam of light, swung his gun like a stick, and hit the giant lizard hard on the head. The giant lizard was smashed to the ground, its limbs struggling wildly, and its tail swaying wildly.

"That's almost it. I'm here to capture him alive."

Chu Long's voice sounded from high in the sky. Except for Xiang Chongyang, the other four Ming Prince guards quickly retreated.

Xiang Chongyang used his spear to suppress the giant lizard.

From high in the sky, Chu Long pressed down with a palm, and a huge palm print flew out, tens of meters long and wide, like a giant's palm, pressing towards the giant lizard.

Quickly retreat towards Chongyang.


The giant palm pressed down on the giant lizard, making it unable to move.

Chu Long's palm shook, and huge force exploded. With a bang, the ground beneath the giant lizard roared, and the area tens of meters in radius sank. The bones on the giant lizard's body crackled and fell into a coma.

Then, Chu Long waved his hand, and nine one-meter-long needles flew out of thin air, piercing into nine positions of the monitor lizard's body, sealing the power of the monitor lizard. Then he took out a bundle of special ropes and let the two A personal guard of King Ming tied up the giant lizard tightly.

"It's convenient for storing treasures. I wonder if Prince Ming's Mansion has one. I'll get one if I get a chance."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

However, he felt it was not that easy, because except for Xiang Chongyang and Chu Long who had stored treasures, none of the other Ming Prince's personal guards had any.

There are not even the bodyguards of Prince Ming in the true form, which shows how precious and rare it is.

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