Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 227 Don’t keep a low profile in the future

Two figures were leaning on the steps. The moonlight was shining, and their shadows merged into one.

Lu Yan looked at the bright moon in the sky, stunned.

In a blink of an eye, it had been almost twenty years since he came to this world, and he couldn't tell whether the blue planet in his memory was real or just a dream.

"Lu Yan, Lu Yan"

Suddenly, Zhao Sirong's slight call came to his ears.

Turning around, he saw that Zhao Sirong had not woken up and was still sleeping.

"Did you dream?"

Lu Yan smiled.

"Lu Yan, can you take me with you, okay?"

Zhao Sirong continued to murmur, making Lu Yan slightly stunned.

"I don't want to stay in Lingwang City anymore. I'm really tired."

"After my parents left, those people were thinking about my parents' inheritance and tried to take it away. I'm so tired. Can you take me with you? You can go anywhere."

Zhao Sirong's voice was intermittent, and Lu Yan listened carefully before discerning the meaning.

After speaking, tears fell from the corners of his eyes and fell on the back of Lu Yan's hands, feeling cold and cold.

"Lu Yan, Lu Yan"

Zhao Sirong murmured a few more words, her voice gradually became softer, and finally there was only a slight sound of breathing.

Lu Yan's right hand couldn't help but hug Zhao Sirong's shoulder, and with a little force, he said, "Okay, I'll take you to Mingwang City."

Although it is impossible for Zhao Sirong to join the Ming King's personal guard, it is still easy to find a job in the Ming King City in Nuoda with Zhao Sirong Wuhou's cultivation.

Lu Yan just sat quietly.

At some point, the sky turned white.

Zhao Sirong moved slightly on his shoulders, woke up, glanced at Lu Yan, sat up straight quickly, a blush flashed on his cheeks, and said, "Sorry, I drank too much yesterday."

"It's okay, Sirong, pack up, let's go to Mingwang City."

Lu Yan said.

"We? Going to Mingwang City? I'll go with you? What you think is so beautiful."

Zhao Sirong said.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you didn't want to stay in Lingwang City and wanted me to take you with you?"

Lu Yan said.

"I never said it. You must have been hallucinating after drinking too much."

Zhao Sirong firmly denied it.

Lu Yan was stunned and secretly smiled bitterly.

This woman's thoughts are so strange.

"may be."

Lu Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Then those people from the Zhao family..."

"It's okay. I can handle some small things. You don't have to worry about it. Go to Prince Ming's Mansion and practice hard."

Zhao Sirong smiled, with a relaxed expression.

"Well, if anything happens in the future, you can go to Li'an City to find Senior Guan Shan."

Lu Yan said.

Since Zhao Sirong denied it, Lu Yan would not force it. He said goodbye to Zhao Sirong and strode out of Lingwang City towards the Demon Ridge Mountains.

Zhao Sirong looked at the direction Lu Yan was leaving, dazed.

An old servant came over and said, "Miss, why don't you go to Mingwang City with Mr. Lu? The old servant can see that Mr. Lu is not unintentional towards you."

"He is now a master, a genius. He has joined Prince Ming's personal guard and been trained by Prince Ming's Palace. He will surely soar to the sky. If I follow him, I will only become a burden to him and distract him."

Zhao Sirong shook his head and said, "Uncle Rub, clean up. I will leave tomorrow."

The old servant was stunned and said: "Miss, where are you going?"

"When I go to Shengxuanzong, I can't be left too far away by him."

Lu Yan came to the foot of Moling Mountain, met with three of Prince Ming's guards, and headed to Prince Ming's City together.

After arriving at Prince Ming's City, the three of them took Lu Yan straight into the core of Prince Ming's City and into Prince Ming's Mansion.

They were first arranged to stay in a side hospital, and the three of them reported to the superior.

This wait is three days.

Three days later, Lu Yan received news that all his procedures had been passed and he had officially become a member of Prince Ming's bodyguard.

However, his identity token and tailor-made clothes will take time. In addition, he is a genius with eleven internal powers. He will receive generous benefits when he joins the Qianlong Camp, but it will also take time for approval, and he will have to wait a few more days.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yan came to Xiang Mansion with several bottles of good wine, ready to thank Xiang Chongyang.

A few bottles of wine are naturally nothing, what matters is the intention.

The big man guarding the gate knew Lu Yan this time. He knew that Lu Yan had joined the Ming Prince's personal guard and had a bright future, so he was naturally polite and greeted him with a smile.

However, I was informed that Xiang Chongyang had gone to work and would not return until the afternoon, so Lu Yan could wait in the house first.

Lu Yan had nothing to do anyway, so he waited.

In the afternoon, return to Chongyang Festival.

"Have all the family affairs been taken care of? After joining the Qianlong Camp, it will be a few years before you want to go back."

Xiang Chongyang asked with a smile.

"It's taken care of."

Lu Yan nodded and asked: "Senior, since I have joined Prince Ming's personal guard, can my master's spiritual tablets return to Prince Ming's Mansion? Can it enter the ancestral temple? And my senior brother Guan Shan, can he return to Prince Ming's Mansion?"

"Commander Chu Long has already reported it to King Ming, but no one else can make the decision on this matter. King Ming has to make the decision, but"

Xiang Chongyang pondered for a moment, seemed to be thinking about how to word it, and then said: "But in the past few days, Prince Ming has never expressed his position. I feel that this matter is hanging in the balance."


Lu Yan was a little disappointed.

Guan Shan originally thought that introducing Lu Yan to Prince Ming's Mansion would allow Chu Chenzhou's spirit tablet to return to the ancestral temple, and he himself could return to Prince Ming's Mansion.

If I knew, I don't know how disappointed I would be.

"But don't be discouraged. I think it may be a test for you by King Ming. If you make great contributions and achieve remarkable achievements in the future, King Ming will take back your life and pardon Shen Zhou."

Xiang Chongyang comforted Lu Yan.

"Senior, what crime did my master commit back then?"

Lu Yan couldn't help but ask.

He had been curious about this for a long time.

I had asked Guan Shan before, but Guan Shan remained silent.

Xiang Chongyang also fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said: "Your master, didn't he tell you?"

Lu Yan shook his head.

"Does that guy also know that it's hard to say anything?"

Xiang Chongyang smiled and said: "It's okay to tell you, because a woman, that woman, was a hostile force who sneaked into Mingwang City. Although Chu Chenzhou had a wife and children, he fell in love with him, and finally the woman was discovered. Later, he also covered the other party's escape, and accidentally killed one of his cousins."

Lu Yan was stunned.

I didn't expect that the admirable old man had such a past.

Chu Chenzhou's cousin is naturally Wang Sun.

Collaborating with the enemy and beating the king and grandson to death would have been a capital crime for anyone else.

No wonder Chu Chenzhou was demoted to Lingdong and could not return to the Ming Palace for the rest of his life.

No wonder Guan Shan is reluctant to speak.

It really damages Chu Chenzhou's image.

"As long as you know this, don't take it too seriously. After all, a hundred years have passed, and King Ming is not an immeasurable person. He will not put your master's fault on you. As long as you practice well, it will be yours." The points will not be less.”

Xiang Chongyang was afraid of affecting Lu Yan's enthusiasm, so he warned him and continued: "One more thing, don't keep a low profile in Qianlong Camp."

"Don't keep a low profile?"

Lu Yan was stunned, why was this different from what Guan Shan had told him.

Guan Shan asked him to keep a low profile, but Xiang Chongyang didn't want him to keep a low profile.

"Qianlong Camp, or in other words, Prince Ming's Mansion is not Lingdong. If you are too talented, you will be feared by people in Lingdong. So in Prince Ming's Mansion, the more talented you are, the better. Even if you are a real dragon, then Prince Ming's Mansion will be like a vast ocean. It can be accommodated.”

"Lu Yan, do you know that he is a fourth-grade true body."

Said to Chongyang.

Lu Yan shook his head. He knew very little about the true body state.

"Martial cultivators, when they are in the master realm, the more inner energy they master, or the more special the inner energy they master, the stronger the power, such as the inner god, then when they break through the true body realm, the condensed true body will be The stronger you are, the stronger your true strength will be."

"According to different strengths, it is divided into four levels, namely the lower-level true body, the middle-level true body, the upper-level true body and the king-level true body."

"Take the innate martial body as an example. Those who have mastered one to four internal powers and can break through the true body realm can only condense the low-grade true body."

"Those who have mastered five to nine inner energies can condense the middle-grade true body when they break through the true body realm."

"Those who have mastered ten to twenty inner energies can condense a high-grade true body, and you will have the potential of a high-grade true body."

"And those with more than 20 levels of inner strength are the legendary people whose Qi and blood are like elephants and Qi and blood are like dragons, and they can condense the true body of a king."

"There are also inner gods, which are even more special. The worst inner gods have the potential of a middle-grade true body. The stronger ones can condense a high-grade true body."

"As for newcomers who have just entered Qianlong Camp, Prince Ming's Mansion will train them for free in the first three years. They do not need to do any tasks. However, depending on their talents and cultivation levels, they will receive different resources."

"You are already a Grandmaster. Let's not talk about other realms. Take the Grandmaster realm as an example. Those who have the potential of a middle-grade true body will be provided with five third-level martial arts pills for free every month for the first three years, and ten kilograms of third-level martial arts pills every day. Food."

"Those who have the potential of a high-grade true body will be provided with ten level three martial arts pills every month and twenty kilograms of level three martial arts food every day. If they have the potential of a king-grade true body, thirty level three martial arts pills will be directly provided every month."

Explained to Chongyang.

Lu Yan was secretly speechless.

It really cost a lot.

A third-level martial pill costs thirty thousand taels of silver.

Take him for example, ten level three martial arts pills per month, twenty kilograms of level three martial arts food per day, and the total investment in silver in a month is as high as 360,000 taels.

That’s 4.32 million taels a year.

In three years, more than 10 million taels were invested.

Only the Ming Palace has the resources and energy.

"So, if you have the potential of a high-grade true body, but pretend to be low-key, pretending to only have the potential of a mid-grade true body, you will receive twice as many resources, and you will be the one who suffers."

"Of course, if you are too defiant and have the potential of a king-level true body, then it is still necessary to keep a low profile. Under the king-level, in the eyes of the top princes, it is normal, but the king-level true body is too terrifying and has endless potential in the future. With the potential to become the world's top master, the top princes will focus on him and even send people to assassinate him."

"Being a king, it doesn't matter how powerful you are. The more outstanding your performance, the more attention and resources you will receive."

Xiang Chongyang continued.

Lu Yan nodded and asked curiously: "Is there a real Wangpin in Qianlong Camp?"

Xiang Chongyang smiled and said: "There is naturally no king-grade true body in Qianlong Camp, because once you enter the true body realm, you must leave Qianlong Camp. In Qianlong Camp, there are all martial arts cultivators under the true body, but those with There are, and more than one, king-level true bodies with potential.”

"These talented people with the potential of the king's real body do not need to worry about their safety in the Ming Palace on weekdays, but once they go out to perform tasks, they are easily spotted. Therefore, most of them have practiced the art of disguise. When you perform tasks or experience, your appearance will change."

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