Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 229 Extreme Archery and Hidden Dragon List

Lu Yan took the book and read it carefully.

Eight superb martial arts.

There are sword skills, sword skills, spear skills, boxing skills, palm skills, kick skills, there is also a physical training martial arts, and the last one is bow and arrow martial arts.

Lu Yan hesitated.

He wants all of the eight top martial arts.

Especially the leg skills and body training martial arts.

He has both leg skills and attack speed, and has extremely strong speed and attack power. He is simply the best in speed martial arts.

There is also physical training and martial arts.

Although he already has a divine dragon golden body, the power of body refining martial arts can be superimposed.

And knife skills.

Unfortunately, I can only choose one.

In the end, Lu Yan chose the bow and arrow martial arts.

Bow and arrow martial arts are too rare, and besides, this is a top-notch level, which makes it even rarer.

If you miss it, you don’t know when you can get it next time.

As for sword skills and physical training martial arts, he already has them after all, so he is not so urgent for the time being.

In terms of speed, he already has nine first-class ones, which can be integrated later.

"Senior, I choose this 'Nine Rings of Thunder'."

Lu Yan said.

Feng Yuanyi was a little surprised and said: "Lu Yan, although the power of bow and arrow martial arts is ranked first, it is extremely difficult to practice and your progress is slow. You should think about it carefully."

"Yes, you'd better think carefully before making a decision. Once chosen, it cannot be changed."

The old man at the counter also reminded.

"Juniors should choose this one."

Lu Yan's attitude was firm.

Seeing Lu Yan like this, Feng Yuanyi didn't say anything more.

"Okay, take out your token and I'll register it."

The old man said.

Lu Yan took out his Ming Prince's personal guard token and handed it to the old man. The old man took out a notebook and registered Lu Yan's information, and then returned the token to Lu Yan.

After registering, the old man opened the drawer, took out the "Nine Rings of Thunder" secret book and divine intention, and handed it to Lu Yan.

Grasping God's intention, Lu Yan was a little excited and asked: "Senior, how long will it take to return?"

"Just return it within three years. Anyway, I still have God's intention here."

The old man pointed to the drawer and reminded: "Remember, don't spread the word privately."


Lu Yan nodded and put away the divine intention and secret book.

Then, Feng Yuanyi took Lu Yan around the martial arts arena, and finally came to a relatively luxurious palace.

There are three big characters written on the door plaque on the palace: Hall of Merit.

"The Hall of Merit is a place where merit points are recorded. If you accept missions and obtain merit points in the future, they will be registered here. Merit points are good things. In the Ming Palace, they are better than gold and silver. They can be exchanged for various treasures, including weapons. Food, martial pills, magic weapons, elixirs, immortal bones, etc.”

Feng Yuan is together.

"Can be exchanged for immortal bones."

Lu Yan was moved in his mind and asked, "What is the value of merit points? For example, how much is a merit point worth?"

"One merit point can be exchanged for a third-level martial pill, which can be exchanged for silver, which is about thirty thousand taels."

Feng Yuan is together.

Lu Yan was speechless.

One merit point is equivalent to thirty thousand taels of silver.

This is too valuable.

He felt more and more that when his cultivation reached a certain level, silver and gold became less and less valuable and turned into a bunch of numbers.

Take pills and take meals are the hard currency.

"However, if you just join the Qianlong Camp, there will be no merit points. Only by accepting tasks or making meritorious deeds will you be rewarded with merit points. Of course, if you can enter the top fifty on the Qianlong Ranking, you will be rewarded every month. There are merit point rewards.”

Feng Yuan is together.

"Qian Long Bang?" Lu Yan was confused.

"There is a list created by Qianlong Camp, and there will be a challenge competition every year. The strong ones are on the list, and the merit points given each month are different according to the ranking. The worst ones also need to be at the fourth level of Grandmaster to be on the list. This is still far away from you, and it won’t be too late to learn about it later.”

Feng Yuan is together.

"As long as there are merit points, can I go in and check them out?"

Lu Yan asked.

Xiang Chongyang said that he provided information about the immortal, and after joining the Ming King's personal guard, he would be rewarded with merit points.

He was curious whether the rewards had come out and how many merit points he had.

"Of course." Feng Yuan nodded.

"I gonna go see."

Lu Yan stepped into the Hall of Merit.

Feng Yuan was stunned, then smiled and followed in.

There are quite a few people in the Hall of Merit, a dozen of them, waiting to remember something.

Sitting on a counter was a middle-aged man who looked quite shrewd.

"Want to check your merit points? Take out the token."

Seeing Lu Yan approaching, the middle-aged man asked.

Lu Yan took out the token, and the middle-aged man took it and took a look at it and said, "It turns out to be the new innate martial artist. You have credited your merit points. Let me take a look."

The middle-aged man found an account book from a huge bookcase. On the cover of the account book were two large characters inlaid with gold: Lu Yan.

The middle-aged man opened the account book, took a look, and said, "You have three hundred merit points."

Feng Yuanyi opened his mouth in shock.

What great achievements did Lu Yan make? He actually had 300 merit points when he first entered Qianlong Camp.

Lu Yan himself was quite surprised.

This amount exceeded his expectations.

Three hundred merit points are equivalent to three hundred level three martial pills.

You know, they foiled the Spirit Sect's conspiracy in Lingdong, killed more than a dozen Spirit Sect masters, and only received a reward of 100 level 3 martial pills.

And he just provided some information about the immortal without taking any action, but he got 300 merit points.

"It can only be said that in front of such a behemoth as Prince Ming's Mansion, a dozen or so Grandmaster-level martial spirits are really not enough to look at, and they are not taken seriously. In other words, the value of immortals is too high."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

"Lu Yan, if you need to exchange merit points for anything, you can register first and pick it up tomorrow."

The middle-aged man said.

"Thank you, senior, no need for now."

Lu Yan shook his head.

What he wanted to redeem most was the immortal bones, but now that Feng Yuanyi was by his side, he still took his time.

After leaving the Hall of Merit, Feng Yuanyi took Lu Yan to the Wushi Building.

In the first three years, there were ten martial arts pills every month and twenty kilograms of third-level martial arts food every day. It was here.

Lu Yan checked in and received today's twenty kilograms of third-level martial arts food. As for the martial arts pills, they can be collected at any time within this month. Lu Yan was too lazy to wait and received them directly.

After that, Feng Yuanyi explained some details of the matter and left alone.

Lu Yan returned to No. 362 Villa, walked into the training room, put the martial arts and martial arts pills aside, and took out the secret book of the ultimate martial arts "Nine Rings of Thunder" to read.

Nine Rings of Thunder, top-level bow and arrow martial arts, is extremely strict on the use of internal energy when shooting arrows.

After the arrow is shot, the internal energy is attached to the arrow and can make a thunderous sound in mid-air.

With each blast, the arrow's speed and power increase.

The more sounds, the stronger the power.

There are nine thunderclaps, arrows are like thunder and lightning, killing enemies from ten miles away is like searching a bag to retrieve something.

Just a simple introduction made Lu Yan feel hot in his heart, which is why Lu Yan chose this martial arts without hesitation.

If the 'Nine Rings of Thunder' can be cultivated to the point where humans and weapons become one, Lu Yan's attack power will be astonishing.

Read the secret book carefully. After memorizing the contents of the secret book, open the divine intention and read it carefully.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yan had been in Qianlong Camp for ten days.

In the past ten days, except for going to the martial arts building to collect martial arts food every day, he almost never left home, focusing on meditating on the 'Nine Rings of Thunder'.

However, progress has been slow and obscure.

As for the martial arts of bow and arrow, he has little experience in it. He only has one first-class martial arts of bow and arrow and has practiced it to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one.

As for the Nine Rings of Thunder, the requirements for bow and arrow skills and power are extremely high.

"In the first three years, there will be tutors teaching every month. You can't miss it. Today is June 25th, and there are only a few days until the first day of the new year. On the first day of every month, a notice will be posted with the teaching date of each month written down. Come out and check it out in a few days.”

Lu Yan said secretly.

After rubbing his temples and feeling a little tired, Lu Yan stopped meditating on the 'Nine Rings of Thunder', took out a level three martial pill and swallowed it.

After entering the Grand Master, all major internal organs have been tempered, and the digestive ability has greatly increased. Twenty pounds of third-level martial arts food every day is actually not enough.

Therefore, every few days, Lu Yan would swallow a martial pill to practice.

When I was at the first level of Grandmaster, it took a whole day to refine a martial pill. Now, it only takes half a day to refine it.

After refining a martial pill, the inner strength was significantly enhanced.

"With my current refining ability, I can refine two martial pills every day. It would be great if I have a continuous supply of martial pills. I will be able to break through soon."

Lu Yan felt hot in his heart and had an urge to exchange all three hundred merit points into martial pills.

But after thinking about it, I still held back.

You can get martial pills for free every month. If you don’t have martial pills, you can use martial arts instead. It won’t cost you more time.

But the immortal bones are nowhere to be found.

It is most cost-effective to save merit points and exchange them for immortal bones to improve your martial arts level.

Resisting the impulse, after resting for a while, he continued to meditate on the 'Nine Rings of Thunder'.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was the first day of the new year.

The edge of the martial arts arena was crowded with people, all coming to see the notice.

There are eight superb martial arts. Every month, a mentor who has practiced to the point of integrating human and martial arts will arrange a day to teach and solve doubts.

Lu Yan took a look and saw that there were nine thunderbolts, scheduled for the sixth day of the lunar month.

Lu Yan went back and continued to practice with peace of mind.

The sixth day of the lunar month.

Lu Yan arrived at the martial arts arena early.

In the martial arts arena, there is a high platform.

Under the high platform, there are stone piers placed one after another.

Lu Yan found a stone pier and sat down.

People came one after another, but there were not many people. In the end, including Lu Yan, there were only eight people.

Today, only members who have joined Qianlong Camp within three years can come. In addition, bow and arrow martial arts are difficult to practice, and the speed of improvement is comparable to that of body-training martial arts, so there are fewer people to choose.

Those who have joined Qianlong Camp for more than three years do not mean that they have completely lost the opportunity to give guidance, but it is not once a month, but once every six months.

Soon, a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a long beard came to the high platform and sat down.

"I've met senior."

Everyone stood up and saluted.

This is the instructor, who can cultivate the ultimate martial arts to the point where human and martial arts are integrated. Even in the real body state, he is a master and no one dares to neglect him.


The middle-aged man waved his hand and told everyone to take a seat, and said: "There are new friends here today. Let me introduce myself. My name is Xiao Ye, and I am the deputy commander of Prince Ming's bodyguard. If you have any questions or questions, please feel free to ask them. , come one by one, I will answer them one by one."

Immediately, a young man stood up and asked about his doubts about cultivation.

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