Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 232 The Four Geniuses of Qianlong Camp

In the blink of an eye, it had been ten months since Lu Yan arrived at Qianlong Camp.

Lu Yan was walking on the road and found that there were many more people in Qianlong Camp.

Although there are 362 people in Qianlong Camp including Lu Yan, half of them who usually stay in Qianlong Camp are not there.

After joining Qianlong Camp for more than three years, there are no free martial arts pills provided. Even martial arts, the number provided has been greatly reduced.

If you want to get Takemaru and merit points, you have to take on various tasks.

There are two types of tasks, one is free task, you can choose at will.

One is a mandatory task, which is issued from above and cannot be refused.

There are two reasons for this move. One is that the Ming Palace has too many people to support, and it is impossible to provide unlimited free resources.

Second, you can be tempered by completing various tasks.

Otherwise, although the people in Qianlong camp are highly talented, without experience and training, they are just flowers in the greenhouse. They cannot withstand setbacks and wind and rain. Once they encounter danger, their mentality will collapse and they will not be able to exert their combat power.

Therefore, most of the people are outside on weekdays.

But in the past few days, there have been twice as many people coming and going as usual.

It seems that everyone from Qianlong Camp has returned.

"Brother Yi, why are you so busy lately?"

Lu Yan asked Feng Yuanyi.

He and Feng Yuanyi often interacted with each other and became quite familiar with each other. If there was anything he didn't understand, he would ask Feng Yuanyi.

"You're a martial arts idiot. You know how to practice all day long, but you don't know about such a big thing?"

Feng Yuanyi glanced at Lu Yan with disdain and said, "You should know that there are only fifty places on the Qianlong Ranking. As long as you are on the Qianlong Ranking, you will be rewarded with merit points every month, and once you are on the Qianlong Ranking, you will be rewarded with merit points." The rankings on the Hidden Dragon Ranking will not change within one year, and will only be re-ranked when the challenge is held in the second year.”

"In seven days, the annual Qianlong Ranking Challenge will begin. People on the Qianlong Ranking, no matter where they are or what tasks they are doing, must rush back to accept the challenge. If they really can't make it back, they should automatically quit. Hidden Dragon List, give up your spot to others.”

"I wonder what the rewards on the Hidden Dragon List are?"

Lu Yan asked curiously.

"Different rankings come with different rewards. The ranks from fifty to forty-one are on the same level, and ten merit points are awarded every month."

"Forty to thirty-one are on the same level. Twenty merit points will be awarded every month."

"Thirty to twenty-one is another level, with thirty merit points rewarded every month, while twenty to eleven can be rewarded with forty merit points every month."

"As for the top ten, there are several levels."

"For example, the tenth to seventh place will receive fifty merit points every month, and the sixth to fourth place will receive an additional twenty merit points each month, reaching seventy merit points."

"The top three are each different. The third place, one hundred points per month, the second place, one hundred and fifty merit points per month, and the first place, two hundred points per month."

Feng Yuanyi explained in great detail.

Lu Yan's eyes were fiery.

As long as you are on the Qianlong Ranking, you can get ten merit points per month at best, which is equivalent to ten level three martial pills and three hundred thousand taels of silver.

The front ones are richer.

The first place actually achieved an astonishing reward of two hundred merit points every month.

Sitting quietly for a year is two thousand four hundred.

How many will there be in ten, twenty, thirty years?

"Lu Yan, don't think about it for now. It's impossible for a second-level grandmaster to be on the Qianlong Ranking. Most of the Qianlong Rankings are people with fifth or sixth-level masters. Each of them has mastered multiple internal powers, or He is the one with the inner spirit.”

"But if you practice hard, once your cultivation level improves, it will be a sure thing to enter the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Moreover, your understanding is outstanding, and you will have a chance to hit the top ten in the future."

Lu Yan smiled.

He is self-aware.

With his second-level cultivation as a Grandmaster, even if he mastered twenty-one internal powers and used all kinds of martial arts without concealment, he might not be able to get on the Hidden Dragon List.

This is not another place, the people here are all perverts.

It is the gathering place for elites from the three states of the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years.

"Brother Yi, where do you rank?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Last year I ranked 33rd. I had just entered the fifth level of Grandmaster. It was extremely difficult to fight against those guys at the Sixth Level. When I entered the sixth level of Grandmaster, the top 20 would definitely be guaranteed. In the future, it would not be impossible to hit the top 10. possible."

Feng Yuanyi looked proud.

Lu Yan knew that this guy was not bragging, but was really proud of himself.

Because this guy is an inner god, his kidneys contain miracles, and he has the potential to become a top-grade true body.

"Coquettish Yi is bragging again?"

At this time, a voice came, and a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties but had a few strands of white hair on his temples came over.

The appearance of the middle-aged man is not very handsome, but he has a special charm.

His eyes were extremely deep and full of affection. In Lu Yan's words, this man had eyes as affectionate as those of a dog.

Feng Yuanyi's face suddenly fell down, and he said with a stern face: "Wang Tianyu, if you call me Feng Saoyi again, I will never be done with you."

"Okay, coquettish one."

The other person nodded.

Lu Yan's eyes moved.

Wang Tianyu.

This is a famous person, one of the most watched people in Qianlong Camp.

Because this person has a terrifyingly high level of understanding, he is said to have the highest level of understanding in the Ming Palace for three hundred years.

Some people compare Lu Yan with this person, but most people think that Lu Yan is not as good as Wang Tianyu.


Feng Yuanyi wished he could put his footprints on Wang Tianyu's face and burst out those eyes that were as affectionate as a dog's.

"Who is this?"

Wang Tianyu looked at Lu Yan.

Feng Yuanyi immediately became energetic and said: "He is Lu Yan, Wang Tianyu, your opponent is here, Lu Yan's understanding is extraordinary, and it will definitely surpass you. Hey, you, the one with the highest understanding among the 300 people in Prince Ming's Palace, want to Let it go.”

"It's just a false reputation for being the first in understanding for three hundred years."

Wang Tianyu pouted, nonchalantly, looked at Lu Yan curiously, and said, "I have heard of your name, and you have mastered the Nine Rings of Thunder in less than half a year. I am not as good as you. I admire you. How about we discuss martial arts together when we have time?"

"Where, where."

Lu Yan was modest.

He was really embarrassed.

His awesomeness comes from Taoism, while others are really awesome.

"Fengshaoyi, let's go."

Wang Tianyu waved his hands and strode away.

Feng Yuanyi was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

"Wang Tianyu is said to be the most enlightened person in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years. Is this true?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Although this man is hateful and gives random names to people, his understanding is extremely high. He has the highest understanding in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years. It is not an exaggeration. Do you know how long it will take for him to get started with a top martial arts? Well, in half a month, he can get started with a top-notch martial arts that he has never been exposed to before."

Feng Yuan is together.

Lu Yan took a breath.

He has a foundation in martial arts that integrates the Nine Tribulations Sword and the Divine Flood Dragon Golden Body. His martial arts vision is superhuman, but it took him three months to learn the Cold God's Palm.

It took almost four months to comprehend the Nine Rings of Thunder.

The gap is too big.

"I heard that Wang Tianyu has now mastered sixteen levels of internal energy, but most of his internal energy was developed through acquired martial arts. He has many second-rate martial arts and first-rate martial arts to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated. "

"There is even a top martial art that he has cultivated to the point where humans and martial arts become one. Now he is practicing a second martial arts. As long as the second martial arts that integrates humans and martial arts also cultivates to the realm where humans and martial arts become one, he will master the inner martial arts. Jin can exceed twenty levels immediately, and has the potential to become a king-level true form."

"So, like those who possess the potential of a king-level true body, he is also the target that other princes want to get rid of, so he will change his appearance every time he goes out."

Feng Yuanyi explained.

Lu Yan was secretly surprised, but also happy in his heart.

Zhuyu is in front, so if he later shows that he has practiced some kind of extreme martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one, and the amount of internal energy increases greatly, others should not be too surprised.

He wished that the Qianlong camp had as many geniuses as possible, and as evil as possible, so that he wouldn't have to hide them.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

On this day, heads were buzzing around the Qianlong Camp battle platform.

The number of people far exceeds 362.

The reason for this is that, in addition to the people from Qianlong Camp, it also attracted some masters from Prince Ming's personal guards, and even some top masters from the Royal Guards and Prince Ming's Army.

Lu Yan saw Xiang Chongyang in the crowd, talking and laughing with several other middle-aged men, most likely from the senior ranks of the Imperial Guard, or even the commander.

"These big shots don't come here just to watch ordinary people fight. There are only four people who can catch their eye."

Beside, Feng Yuanyi whispered.

"Oh? Which four people?"

Lu Yan was curious.

"Mo Wenzhuo, Shang Wuxiang, Chu Hongye, Wang Tianyu."

Feng Yuan's eyes were bright, and he named four names, and continued: "Mo Wenzhuo, with innate martial body, Qi and blood like an elephant, mastered twenty-four internal energies, and has the cultivation level of the sixth level of the Grandmaster. He is now ranked No. 1 on the Hidden Dragon Ranking." One, it has been firmly at the top of the Qianlong list for 20 years."

"Shang Wuxiang is a man with an inner spirit. He has a divine sword hidden in his lungs. He is blessed with swordsmanship. His inner strength is like that of a flying fairy from outside the sky. He is unrivaled in strength and invincible. He is also at the sixth level of Grandmaster. He is ranked second on the Hidden Dragon Ranking."

"But Shang Wushang is younger than Mo Wenzhuo. Many people believe that Shang Wushang has greater potential than Mo Wenzhuo. Sooner or later, he will pull Mo Wenzhuo from the number one spot."

"In the past five years, the two of them have fought each other every time, and without exception, they always ended with Shang Wusang's defeat, but he became stronger every time. The reason why so many big shots came, most of them came to see Shang Wusang and Shang Wusang. Mo Wenzhuo fought against each other, and they believe that Shang Wushang will definitely challenge Mo Wenzhuo again."

"Control the twenty-four internal energies, the sixth level of the master."

Lu Yan was secretly speechless.

A person like this could probably defeat him with just one move.

"There is also the third one, Chu Hongye, a descendant of Queen Ming. She is also an inner spirit. She has the potential of a king-level true body, but she is younger, only in her thirties. She just broke through the fourth level of Grandmaster. Last year, she almost reached the submersible level. Dragon Ranking, everyone wants to see if she can make it to the Hidden Dragon Ranking this year."

"The fourth one is Wang Tianyu. You also know that although he has only mastered sixteen internal powers, his understanding is too strong. As long as he can practice another top martial arts to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated, he will immediately be among the ranks of king-level true bodies. , has the potential to challenge Mo Wenzhuo and Shang Wuxiang in the future."

Feng Yuanyi continued to introduce.

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