Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 234 The peak showdown between the innate martial body and the inner god

By the afternoon, the showdown between the sixth level of Grandmasters had begun.

Lu Yan watched with great interest and gained a deeper understanding of the strength of these 'talents' in Qianlong Camp.

These people, on the outside, all have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

After reaching the sixth level of the Grandmaster, the combat power is even more astonishing. He can explode with all his strength and can be called a humanoid ferocious beast. One person is as good as an army.

One challenge after another, time flew by, and soon night fell.

Today's challenge ends here, everyone disperses.

The next day, continue.

In a blink of an eye, the third day came.

By the third day, the number of challengers gradually decreased.

"Wang Tianyu, why haven't you made any move? Are you not planning to take action this year?"

There were people talking around.

"Wang Tianyu hasn't made a move for two years. Could it be that he wants to wait until he has mastered the second best martial arts to combine human and martial arts before he makes a move, making an instant sensation and soaring into the sky?"

"It is very possible that his cultivation level has exceeded the sixth level of the Grandmaster. As long as the second supreme martial arts breaks through to the integration of human and martial arts, and the amount of internal energy increases to more than twenty levels, he will immediately be able to compete with Mo Wenzhuo Shang. Fight with each other, even overwhelm them, and reach the top of the Hidden Dragon Ranking."

Obviously, many people are very optimistic about Wang Tianyu.

However, as each challenge progressed, and in the end there were challenges from the top ten masters, Wang Tianyu did not take action. Everyone knew that Wang Tianyu would not take action again this year.

In addition, Chu Hongye has not challenged Chu Lingxuan for a second time since he defeated Chu Lingxuan.

Naturally, no one would challenge Chu Hongye.

"No one has come up to challenge yet?"

The old man asked loudly after a confrontation.

The scene was quiet, no one came to the battle stage anymore.

The old man asked several times, but no one came up. Apparently, all those who should challenge have finished.

"Mo Wenzhuo is here."

"Shang Wushang is here too."

I don't know who it was, exclaimed in surprise, everyone's spirits perked up, and their eyes caught the two young men.

One, wearing a purple robe, which is the standard robe of Prince Ming's personal guard, has a tall and strong figure, moves like a dragon and a tiger, has a breath like a dragon, and has piercing eyes that make people dare not look at him.

This person is the number one on the Hidden Dragon List, Mo Wenzhuo.

The other person has a slender figure, is wearing a blue robe, has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and is extremely handsome. In terms of appearance, he is comparable to Feng Yuanyi.

This person is the second in the Hidden Dragon Ranking, and he is a man of inner spirituality.

Inside the Qianlong Camp, you are not required to wear the standard robes of the Ming Prince's personal guards. You can also wear other clothes. This is not mandatory.

"Come on, these two are really going to fight."

"In the past few years, the two of them have fought every year, and this year is no exception."

"I wonder if Shang Wushang has made a major breakthrough and can knock Mo Wenzhuo off the top spot."

"It's hard to say. Not only does Mo Wenzhuo have an innate martial body, but his understanding is also good. Shang Wuxiang is making progress, and so is Mo Wenzhuo."

Many people were very interested. Even the personal guards of King Ming and the big shots in the Royal Guards of King Ming were also interested.


With a flash of figure, Shang Wushang stepped onto the fighting stage first.

"Mo Wenzhuo, come up and fight."

Shang Wushang spoke.

Mo Wenzhuo remained silent and took one step forward. He was already on the battlefield. His aura was full of ferocity, like a peerless ferocious beast.

The muscles of his body began to bulge, and his body rose sharply to about two and a half meters tall. His skin turned dark red, and red scales crawled out from the surface of his skin, covering his whole body. The flow on the surface of the body made Mo Wenzhuo's aura even more terrifying.

"The ultimate physical training martial arts, Tiangang Red Dragon Body."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

This was one of the eight top martial arts that Qianlongying took as an elective, and Lu Yan was extremely eager to learn it.

If it weren't for the 'Nine Rings of Thunder', a top-notch bow and arrow martial art, he would definitely have chosen this top-notch body-training martial art.

The Tiangang Red Dragon Body is similar to Zhao's Divine Dragon Body, but its power is many times more powerful than the Divine Dragon Body.


Shang Wushang's face was solemn, his sword was unsheathed behind his back, and the sword light shot into the sky.

The dazzling white sword light exudes a brilliance that makes it impossible to look at it.


Shang Wushang seemed to be in harmony with his sword, and the bright sword light struck at Mo Wenzhuo.


Mo Wenzhuo stepped on his feet, and the entire metal battle platform shook. His body rushed out and collided with the bright sword light.


A shocking roar erupted, and the sword light was almost defeated and dispersed. Countless rays of fine sword energy scattered, leaving small scratches on the metal battle platform.

Shang Wushang let out a long roar, and a light flashed on his chest, which was clearly a white sword shadow.

The sword shadow flew out and merged with Shang Wushang's sword. Shang Wushang's aura became strong, and the sword light that was about to collapse stabilized. The sword light became strong and struck down Mo Wenzhuo again.

Mo Wenzhuo kept swinging out his scaly fists, and the air was continuously compressed, forming a terrifying fist force, and he fought fiercely with Shang Wushang.

"Excellent boxing skills. It seems that Mo Wenzhuo mainly practices physical martial arts, but he also practices boxing skills."

Lu Yan thought to himself, seeing the clues.

This is the disadvantage of body-refining martial arts. If you only practice one body-refining martial arts, your strength will be strong enough and your defense power will be amazing enough, but you will often be unable to fully utilize your strength.

It must be coordinated with other offensive martial arts in order to fully display its terrifying power.

The two fought fast, their energy continuously compressed, and then exploded, some rushing out of the fighting stage.

Fortunately, there were many masters at the scene, many of whom were in the true form. With a wave of their hands, they were able to defeat these energies and avoid any accidental injuries.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged hundreds of moves, but there was still no winner.

"Shang Wushang's future achievements will probably be higher than Mo Wenzhuo's."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

Although his cultivation level is not high, he has several top-notch martial arts that combine human and martial arts, and his vision is as high as those of the top true bodies.

Mo Wenzhuo, who studied two top martial arts at the same time, finally dispersed his energy. He is not a perverted person like Wang Tianyu.

Shang Wuxiang only practices one sword technique, and it perfectly matches the attributes of the inner god. It is extremely pure. As time goes by, his martial arts attainments will surely be above Mo Wenzhuo's.

"Can these two people fight against the true body state?"

There were people muttering around.

"This point depends on what level of real bodies the real body realm has. Mo Wenzhuo and Shang Wushang both have the potential of king-level real bodies, and they are both at the peak of the sixth level of masters. If the real body realm only has low-grade real bodies, They must be able to fight, and even win."

"There is a world of difference between a grandmaster and his true form. To be able to fight against his true form at the level of a grandmaster is truly terrifying."

Many people talk about it, there are those who are envious, there are those who are in awe, of course, there are also those who are jealous, just to name a few.

The two fought fiercely for more than a hundred moves.


Mo Wenzhuo let out a low roar, like a dragon's roar. His body changed even more violently. His claws were like dragon claws, and there were even two protrusions on the top of his head, like dragon horns. His power was even more amazing, forcing Shang Wushang to retreat continuously. The sword light was also trembling, and its light was dim.

Suddenly, Shang Wushang roared loudly, opened his mouth and spit out a bright sword light, which hit the center of Mo Wenzhuo's eyebrows.

Mo Wenzhuo remained calm, obviously knowing Shang Wuxiang's moves very well. He smacked forward with both palms, caught the sword light, and then flicked it away.

At the same time, he launched several kicks to block Shang Wushang's attack, and then punched out with both fists.

After dozens of more moves, Shang Wushang retreated and waved his hands repeatedly: "Stop, no more fighting, I admit defeat. You will still be number one this year, and you will continue next year."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away, disappearing into the crowd in an instant.

Mo Wenzhuo's body quickly returned to normal, and he turned around and got off the fighting platform.

After the two left, no one challenged them.

This year's Hidden Dragon Ranking Challenge is over.

Soon, the rankings were announced.

There is almost no change in the top ten.

There are some changes in the last 40, but not much.

"Why don't you challenge?"

Lu Yan asked Feng Yuanyi.

"I'm not sure. This year, I haven't made any major breakthroughs in martial arts or cultivation. Even if it's a challenge, it's hard to make a big leap. It's better to save some effort."

Feng Yuanyi spread his hands, then patted Lu Yan on the shoulder and said: "Work hard, I hope to see you shine soon."

Lu Yan smiled.

The crowd dispersed and Lu Yan returned to his residence. The scene of the battle between Mo Wenzhuo and Shang Wushang flashed in his mind.

Of the two, one represents the pinnacle of the Inner God, and the other represents the pinnacle of the innate martial body, which is of great reference significance.

On the second day, Lu Yan came to the Hall of Merit and exchanged two pieces of immortal bones.

He still has six first-class speed martial arts, which have not yet reached the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one. He plans to use the immortal bones to improve the remaining first-class speed martial arts and fuse them into the ultimate speed martial arts.

According to previous experience, a fairy bone with twenty merit points can upgrade four first-class martial arts to the integration of human and martial arts. Therefore, Lu Yan spent thirty merit points from six first-class martial arts in exchange for a piece with twenty merit points. One piece with ten merit points.

As a result, Lu Yan still had 190 merit points in his account.

Back in the other courtyard, Lu Yantong taught books, devoured immortal bones, and improved his martial arts.

A few days later, the remaining six speed-type martial arts were all upgraded to the integration of human and martial arts, and the nine speed-type clones merged together to form one ultimate martial arts.

"It's too narrow here and you can't use it. Go out and try."

Lu Yan changed his clothes, left Mingwang City, and came to a mountain outside the city.


With a tap of his toes, he rushed out, covering hundreds of meters in an instant. His body was like a goose feather, as light as nothing, and he continued to slide forward.

After gliding for thousands of meters in one breath, Lu Yan slowly landed. Lu Yan stepped on the branches and leaves of a big tree with his toes. With the help of the elasticity of the branches and leaves, his body floated forward again. This time, the distance he glided was shorter, only three meters. More than a hundred meters away, it landed lightly again, then touched down on the branches and leaves again, and continued to float forward for hundreds of meters.

Lu Yan ran for more than ten miles at a stretch, and a lake appeared in front of him. Lu Yan kept speeding and rushed down the lake. His toes were just a little bit on the water. The lake swayed, spreading out circles of ripples around him, and his body He jumped up and slid forward, fell a hundred meters away, and stepped on it again.

"It's great, it's so great, hahaha."

The wind was rushing, the lake breeze was blowing, and Lu Yan was laughing happily.

The lake, which was several miles wide, jumped across and landed on the shore.

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