Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 244 Lu Yan’s Challenge

Chu Hongye's eyes showed deep envy, and she was even more eager to practice the Four-pole Divine Sword to the peak.

A breakthrough in martial arts not only greatly increases the power, but also increases the speed of cultivation, which is really important.

Even though people like Chu Hongye who possess the potential of a king-grade true body are rare in the world, in terms of true potential, they are still not as good as an intellectual geek like Wang Tianyu.

"This place is too small and I can't use my sword. Let's go and fight in the wild."

Lu Yan suggested.

Chu Hongye nodded.

The two of them changed their clothes and disguised themselves, then left Mingwang City and came to an open area in the wild.

The sound of swords sounded, and two sword lights flew into the sky, engaging in a fierce confrontation.

Lu Yan used all his inner strength to the full twenty-one, and Chu Hongye also used all his inner strength, exerting his sword skills to the extreme.

Dang Dang!

Every dozen or so moves, the two would collide, and their sword energy would plow out sword marks on the ground.

Gradually, the power of Chu Hongye's sword became stronger and stronger, and the sword light was like a dragon, as if it was about to rise into the sky.

A moment later, Chu Hongye shouted softly, the sword light surged, and Lu Yan was forced back a hundred meters with one sword strike.

"Swordsmanship, breakthrough."

Lu Yan put away his sword and stood up.

How advanced his swordsmanship is, it can be seen at a glance that Chu Hongye finally broke through the shackles and cultivated the Four-pole Divine Sword to the pinnacle.

It is extremely difficult to practice a superb martial arts to its peak at this age.

It's not like everyone is a pervert like Wang Tianyu and Lu Yan.

The reason why some powerful people in the True Body Realm are able to practice superb martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one is because of their advanced cultivation and a lot of time.

In the true body state, life span is five hundred.

Some people have practiced for hundreds of years before they have mastered a superb martial arts to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one.

Chu Hongye's sword skills continued, the sword power became stronger and stronger, the sword light soared into the sky, and finally the sound of phoenixes and dragons roared.

After another moment, the sword light slowly subsided.

Chu Hongye stood with a sword in hand, a look of surprise on his face.

"Lu Yan, thank you for spending this time with me practicing swordplay, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to break through so quickly."

Chu Hongye smiled.

"I am a person who keeps my promises, and I will naturally do what I promise you."

Lu Yan smiled: "It seems that you can make a big leap in the Qianlong List this time."

"You have broken through to the fourth level, so you should take action. Even if you don't want to expose the twenty-one internal energy, you only need to use the sixteenth level, which is enough to enter the Hidden Dragon Ranking."

Chu Hongye said.

Lu Yan nodded.

Later, the two returned to Qianlong Camp.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the Hidden Dragon Ranking Challenge.

Lu Yan also saw Feng Yuanyi returning from a mission outside.

The challenge began, and a fierce battle took place on the battlefield.

Soon, more than a dozen games passed.

"Who wants to continue the challenge?"

On the battlefield, an old man shouted.


Lu Yan moved and appeared on the battlefield.

Many people were surprised when they saw Lu Yan clearly.

Lu Yan, actually want to challenge?

He had only been in Qianlong Camp for a few years, and it was only less than five years after he had fully calculated.

How big a breakthrough can there be in less than five years?

No matter how high Lu Yan's understanding is, comparable to Wang Tianyu, his cultivation is still not enough.

Xiang Chongyang also came to the scene and was quite surprised when he saw Lu Yan.

"Who are you challenging?"

On the battlefield, the old man in the true form asked.

"Number thirty-six on the Hidden Dragon List, Chu Qiao."

Lu Yan spoke.

Lu Yan's words made people even more surprised.

I originally thought that even if Lu Yan wanted to challenge, he would only challenge a few people ranked at the bottom of the Qianlong Ranking. Unexpectedly, Lu Yan directly jumped over a dozen people to challenge Chu Qiao, who was thirty-sixth.

Although the thirty and subsequent ones are all at the fifth level of the Grandmaster, the amount of internal energy they master is different.

Almost all of the thirty to forty people have mastered more than eight levels of internal energy, and some even have more than ten levels.

For example, Chu Qiao has mastered eight internal powers and eight divine fist styles, which is extremely domineering.

A burly figure stepped onto the battlefield. His arms were extremely long, almost reaching his knees, and the bones of his palms were extremely thick.


The old man announced.

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Qiao's burly figure pounced on Lu Yan like a giant bear.

He raised his fists and hit Lu Yan.

The strong wind roared, and the force of the fist compressed the air, forming a terrifying punch pressure that seemed to be able to crush everything.

Lu Yan remained motionless, but his palms had become as white as jade. When the opponent approached, he struck out with both palms continuously.


The fists and palms met, like mountains colliding. Overflowing with energy, the two figures retreated at the same time.

"What? In a head-to-head confrontation, Lu Yan actually blocked Chu Qiao's iron fist."

Many people were shocked.

"What a Lu Yan. His cultivation level has reached the fourth level of Grandmaster, and he has mastered not eleven but sixteen internal energies. Moreover, his palm skills have become one of human and martial arts."

"He was practicing the Cold God Palm that Chu Chenzhou used back then. Most likely, it was because he had mastered the Cold God Palm to the point where human and martial arts became one, that the amount of his internal energy increased dramatically."

There were many real masters at the scene, and even though they only exchanged one move, they could see the true nature of Lu Yan.

"Hiss, the ultimate martial arts that combines human and martial arts. Some people said before that this guy's understanding is comparable to Wang Tianyu. I thought it was an exaggeration. It seems that he is well-deserved."

Someone praised.

In the audience, Wang Tianyu's eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

Feng Yuanyi was stunned.

"This guy, when he first met me, he really hid his clumsiness."

Xiang Chongyang curled his lips slightly and showed a smile.

Chu Qiao showed a solemn look, the aura on his body became stronger, and the eight movements of the divine fist were running at full strength, and he attacked Lu Yan again.

Each move is more fierce than the last, and each move is more domineering than the last. Every punch can break mountains and rubble.

But Lu Yan always responded with Cold God Palm.

Chu Qiao's cultivation level is one level higher than his, and he has mastered eight internal energies. He only used sixteen internal energies. In the competition of internal energies, he was definitely at a disadvantage.

But the Cold God Palm, which combines human and martial arts, makes up for this gap.

After all, the opponent's boxing skills are extremely proficient.

There is a huge gap between reaching the pinnacle and reaching perfection.

The two sides faced each other head-on, constantly fighting, and soon exchanged more than fifty moves.

Gradually, Lu Yan began to gain the upper hand.

Because, as the two of them continued to fight, the cold gradually penetrated into Chu Qiao's body, causing his muscles to stiffen, his meridians to gradually become frozen, Qi and blood were not flowing smoothly, and the power of his boxing techniques gradually weakened.


On the sixtieth move, Lu Yan hit Chu Qiao's chest with his palm. Chu Qiao staggered back a dozen steps, half of his body covered in frost.

As the internal energy circulates, the body is filled with mist.

Lu Yan did not continue to take action.

This is not a life-and-death fight, it's just a competition. Until the point is reached, the other party will know how to choose.

Sure enough, Chu Qiao smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Lu is really a genius. I lost and am convinced."

After saying that, he turned around and walked off the fighting platform neatly.

"Lu Yan, we are currently ranked thirty-sixth. You have one more chance to challenge. In addition, you will have to accept challenges from others later on. Do you understand?"

On the battlefield, the old man said.

Lu Yan nodded.

"Go down and rest first. After you recover, you can continue the challenge."

The old man said.

Lu Yan cupped his fists and walked off the stage.

Feng Yuanyi immediately gave him a hug and said: "Lu Yan, you hide so deeply, I have been out on a mission for two years, and you have reached such a state. Hey, it seems that you will surpass me soon. "

"How about I challenge you next?"

Lu Yan smiled.

Feng Yuanyi was startled, waved his hands repeatedly, and said, "No, you and I, brothers, don't fight life or death."


Lu Yan smiled and took out a piece of dried martial arts food to restore his energy, but he began to think about whether to continue the challenge.

If you challenge again, you can only challenge the top thirty.

Otherwise, there is no big cross-domain ranking, and the rewards are the same, so it would be better not to fight.

Lu Yan values ​​rewards, not fame.

Among the top thirty, except for the two at the end, they are all at the sixth level of the Grandmaster.

As for the last two, one of them is Feng Yuanyi.

The sixth level of the Grandmaster, not to mention that he only showed sixteen internal powers, even if he showed all twenty-five internal powers, there was still a big difference.

A difference of two levels in cultivation is a nine-fold difference.

The worst person has mastered the seven inner powers.

He needs at least sixty-three internal energies to compete with his opponent in terms of internal energy.

Even if he exposed all his cards and faced off head-on, he would still be inferior to his opponent.

Of course, this is because of being on the battlefield.

If it were a life and death fight in the wild, Lu Yan would not be afraid of the opponent.

Using speed martial arts and physical training martial arts at the same time, coupled with Thunder Nine's archery skills, no matter how strong the opponent's inner strength is, they are still a living target, and they can be worn down to death.

"If we challenge again, the only choice is Dong Ke, who is ranked 30th."

Lu Yan thought.

For the 30th place, the reward will also increase significantly, reaching 30 merit points every month.

The information about Dong Ke emerged in his mind.

Dong Ke, the fifth-level master master, has an innate martial body, possesses the potential of a top-grade true body, and has mastered the inner energy reaching the thirteenth level.

In terms of internal strength, the gap is huge.

Moreover, the top martial arts that the other party majors in is also the body-refining martial arts 'Tiangang Red Dragon Body', and the path he takes is very similar to Mo Wenzhuo.

In a head-to-head confrontation, Lu Yan could only fight if he exposed the golden body of the divine dragon with twenty-five internal powers and human and martial arts.

But the other party has a weakness, that is, it is not flexible enough.

With his strong explosive power, he can run rampant, but not flexible. He can completely defeat the opponent by relying on his body skills and archery skills.

After making up his mind, Lu Yan silently recovered.

Challenge, continue.

Soon, a familiar figure landed on the battlefield.

It's Chu Hongye.

This time, Chu Hongye directly challenged a master ranked twenty-sixth.

Lu Yan was slightly shocked.

Chu Hongye is also at the fourth level of Grandmaster. Even if he has a breakthrough in swordsmanship, he cannot be the opponent of the master ranked twenty-sixth.

But as soon as he took action, Lu Yan discovered that Chu Hongye's cultivation had actually broken through and entered the fifth level of Grandmaster.

"After the breakthrough in swordsmanship, Chu Hongye worked hard and even achieved a breakthrough in cultivation."

Lu Yan said secretly.

During the sparring session a few days ago, Chu Hongye's cultivation was clearly still at the peak of the fourth level of Grandmaster.

Apparently it was just a breakthrough in the past few days.

With the potential of Chu Hongye's king-grade true body, it was not difficult to cross the first level. The two sides fought more than eighty moves, and the other party simply gave up.

Chu Hongye's ranking quickly jumped to twenty-sixth.

Night falls, and today's competition is over.

The next day, the challenge continued.

In the sixth game of the second day, Lu Yan once again stepped onto the battlefield.

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