Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 252 Arrow kills the real body

If the opponent didn't hit him to death with one palm, he would have a chance.

Using both legs, he jumped up and rushed towards the distance, using the Void Step to the extreme.

At this moment, the middle-aged man felt a huge wave of shock in his heart.

As soon as they fought, he found out that Lu Yan's true cultivation level was at the fourth level of Grandmaster.

But the fourth-level Grandmaster could actually fight him with a palm, only spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood and not being seriously injured. This was simply incredible.

There is a huge gap between the fourth level of Grandmaster and the real body level. Normally, he can kill this kind of character with just a snap of his fingers.

"With a terrifying innate martial body and extremely powerful martial arts, is this person a peerless genius from Prince Ming's Palace?"

The middle-aged man's thoughts suddenly changed, and his murderous intention became more intense.

In just such a moment of confusion, Lu Yan was already a thousand meters away.

"Want to leave?"

The middle-aged man used his legs to exert force, his true strength exploded, and he chased after Lu Yan.

But he soon discovered that he couldn't catch up with Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was just a master, but when he ran, he seemed as light as nothing and as fast as the wind. Sometimes he didn't even need to hit the ground to use force. He just stepped on the branches and leaves, and he could rush forward a hundred meters.

After chasing for more than ten miles, the distance between the two sides became wider and wider.

"He is definitely a top genius from Prince Ming's Palace. Don't chase after the enemy. If there are experts from Prince Ming's Palace to help him, you will be in trouble."

At this thought, the middle-aged man stopped and did not continue to pursue.

"No more pursuit?"

Lu Yan ran for a few more miles and found that the opponent was not chasing him, so he stopped, landed on a big tree, took out a martial pill and swallowed it, using his energy to heal his injuries.

Although he was not seriously injured by the palm just now, the muscles of his arm were also injured and needed to be healed as soon as possible.

Now, his body's recovery power is far beyond that of ordinary people. The energy of Wuwan is transformed, and with the circulation of Qi and blood, the arm muscles recover quickly.

"You hurt me, you can't let it go like this."

Lu Yan's eyes flashed coldly.

He was attacked for no reason and chased for more than ten miles, and he was filled with anger.

His speed is obviously higher than that of his opponent, which gives him enough confidence.

He was thinking about how he could regain his place.

Soon, Lu Yan had an idea.

His body moved like a ghost, heading back towards the original path.

When he returned to the battlefield just now, he had lost track of the opponent.

However, Lu Yan was not in a hurry and carefully surveyed the surrounding area.

The other party has not reached the state of flying across the sky, so it will definitely leave traces.

Not long after, Lu Yan saw a broken branch, which should have been broken when the other party stepped on the branch.

A hundred meters away from the broken branch, I saw another small broken branch.

Lu Yan concluded that the other party was heading west.

Lu Yan quickly followed.

Tens of miles later.

"I saw it."

Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

He saw the middle-aged man walking through the mountains and forests.

Lu Yan was behind the other party, so the other party didn't notice.

Lu Yan took advantage of the cover of the big tree and followed quietly.

Gradually night falls.

The other party jumped up a big tree and seemed to be planning to rest.

Lu Yan also jumped onto a big tree and stared ahead.

Several hours later, there was no movement ahead.

At this time, it was already late at night. Lu Yan slid down the big tree silently, crawled on the ground, and quietly approached the opponent with the help of the cover of the bushes.

Three miles, two miles, one mile, three hundred meters.

Soon, Lu Yan was only two hundred meters away from the opponent's big tree.

With his excellent eyesight, Lu Yan could vaguely see the middle-aged man leaning between the trees, closing his eyes to relax.

Lu Yan did not take action immediately, but continued to wait.

Sure enough, after a moment, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and glanced around.

Clearly, vigilance is very high.

After scanning around and finding nothing unusual, the middle-aged man continued to close his eyes and rest.

So, a few more hours passed.

Middle-aged men open their eyes less frequently.

Clearly, vigilance is declining.

"it's time."

Lu Yan took out the bow and arrow, bent it and set it up. The muscles in his body bulged, and twenty-five strands of internal energy continued to pour into the arrow.

He is gathering strength.

After more than ten breaths.

call out!

The arrow turned into a bolt of lightning and shot out, reaching a distance of two hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

When the arrow approached the middle-aged man, nine explosions were heard.

No matter how vigilant the middle-aged man is, no matter how sharp his reaction is, it is still a step too late.

At the critical moment, there was only time to burst out with real strength to resist.


The arrow collided with the middle-aged man's Zhenjin, making a harsh sound, but there was only a moment of stalemate before the arrow successfully penetrated the opponent's body-protecting Zhenjin and shot into the opponent's chest.

However, the True Body Realm does not leak out the true body and is really powerful. The arrow that Lu Yan shot with all his strength only penetrated two inches before being blocked by the opponent's muscles and bones.

The inner energy in the arrow exploded in his body, and was suppressed by the opponent's true energy. Only a bloody hole the size of a fist was blasted in his chest. A ray of energy spread to his heart, punching a hole in his heart. .

The middle-aged man vomited several mouthfuls of blood and looked pale.

Boo hoo hoo.

Lu Yan naturally knew that it was not that easy to kill a real person with one arrow.

So after shooting one arrow with all his strength, he opened the bow continuously, and five more arrows were shot out in an instant.

Of course, these five arrows are not charged and can only fire eight times.

But the power is also terrifying enough.

Five arrows drew different trajectories in the dark night and flew towards the middle-aged man.

"court death."

The middle-aged man roared angrily, his true energy exploded, and he swung out his palms in succession. The wind roared and knocked away four arrows. However, the fifth arrow was not blocked and shot on his back, clashing with the guard. A real and intense confrontation.

Although the existence of the true body realm has vitality far beyond that of ordinary people, there is still a huge gap compared with martial spirits.

Therefore, the heart injury, although not fatal, still had a great impact on him. It was difficult for him to use his full strength. His real strength was weakened by several percent, and it was difficult to block arrows.


The arrow broke through the real force and shot into the opponent's back muscles, blasting a bloody hole in the opponent's back.

With a jolt of real energy, the arrows shot into the body were knocked away.

"Caught you."

The middle-aged man shouted coldly and rushed towards Lu Yan.

But Lu Yan used Void Step to float to one side, and shot several more arrows in succession.

Ever since Lu Yan became a master of archery, he always carries fifty or sixty arrows with him when he goes out.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

All are eight-ring arrows.

The middle-aged man waved his palm wildly, and the wind of his palm was surging, as if he had placed a defensive shield around him. This time, all the arrows were knocked away.

But Lu Yan's eyes were cold and he kept moving. He changed his position and shot two arrows in succession.

The opponent could only continue to wave his palms to resist.

"Wave your hands like this, let's see how long you can hold on, or the grinding will grind you to death."

Lu Yan thought and continued to shoot two arrows.

The purpose of these two arrows, one strong and one weak, was to save internal energy, but the middle-aged man didn't know that and could only block it with all his strength.

After several rounds of this.

After all, the middle-aged man's heart was injured. After waving his palms with all his strength, the injury affecting his heart caused severe pain in his chest, and he became a little dizzy.

"The other party wants to drain my true strength. I can't stay for long, so I have to leave."

The middle-aged man ran away.

But Lu Yan was obviously faster than his opponent. He followed closely behind him, bending his bow and setting an arrow. His inner energy continued to pour in and he was accumulating strength.

The other party seemed to sense something was wrong, and turned around suddenly and rushed towards Lu Yan. A spear appeared out of thin air in his hand and was thrown towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan looked like a ghost. He dodged the spear and floated to one side.

"Storage treasure, Xumi Mustard Seed Bag."

Lu Yan's eyes lit up and were extremely hot.

The spear appeared out of thin air, and the opponent definitely had a bag of mustard seeds.

An ordinary true body state, but possessing a mustard bag of Xumi mustard seeds, this guy is not simple.

Can't let it go.

Lu Yan was still gathering strength.

The tip of the arrow is always locked on the opponent, but the figure keeps floating, keeping a certain distance from the opponent.

The middle-aged man felt a fatal crisis and shouted: "Brother, it was a misunderstanding. It was my fault for attacking you during the day. I can compensate you."

But Lu Yan remained unmoved and continued to accumulate strength.

"Damn. Damn"

The middle-aged man roared in his heart, furious with hatred, and burst out with all his strength, rushing towards Lu Yan.

It was impossible for him to escape now. He knew very well that once he escaped, giving his back to Lu Yan would be even more dangerous, so he could only fight for his life.

Lu Yan used Void Step to increase the distance between him and his opponent.


The middle-aged man vomited out another mouthful of blood as his heart was injured, and his face became even paler.

at this time

call out!

Lu Yan's arrow shot out and hit the middle-aged man's heart.

The arrow shot out nine times and arrived in an instant.

The middle-aged man clapped his palm with all his strength, and the wind howled against the arrow.

But the middle-aged man no longer had the strength he had in his prime, and it was difficult to stop him. The arrow broke through the palm of his hand and pierced his palm. The arrow kept shooting at his shoulder before it was stuck by the bone.


Several more arrows were shot out, and the middle-aged man was injured more and more. He was even more unable to resist. He could only barely avoid his heart, throat, eyebrows and other vital points.


An arrow penetrated the middle-aged man's knee.


The middle-aged man screamed and yelled: "I am from Qizhou Tianque Sect, and I know the big secret."


An arrow pierced the middle-aged man's throat, causing his words to stop abruptly, his eyes widening with anger, and he fell to the ground.

Just in case, Lu Yan shot another arrow, piercing the other person's heart and blowing it to pieces.

"The True Body Realm is really powerful. It took so much effort to launch a sneak attack. If it were a martial spirit in the True Body Realm, I would have no choice but to turn around and leave without any chance."

Lu Yan thought to himself, reflecting on the gains from this battle.

But he didn't stop, striding up to the middle-aged man, and groped in the other man's arms, but found nothing except a few martial arts tickets.

"Where's the mustard bag of Sumeru?"

Lu Yan muttered and continued searching, finally finding a palm-sized bag inside one of the other party's sleeves.

I don’t know what material the bag is made of, but it is soft and cold in the hand.

This must be the Sumeru Mustard Seed Bag, because there is nothing else.

He dodged and quickly ran away, running for more than five hundred miles before finding a remote place to stop.

He took out the small bag again and looked at it.

He opened the bag and looked inside, but the space inside the bag seemed to be distorted and nothing could be seen.

"How to use it?"

Lu Yan had a headache.

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