Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 286 Ten Thousand Years of Stone Liquid, Five Refinements of True Body

The overwhelming Ming King's army attacked Shengxuan Mountain like a tide.

In the sky of Shengxuan Mountain, there are five figures standing in the sky, their bodies shrouded in rich rays of light, like gods descending to earth.

One of them is Chu Long.

Although many of the top leaders of Shengxuan Sect have fled with their treasures, there are still some die-hards who are still resisting and controlling the few remaining souls to refine corpses to fight against Chu Long and King Ming's army.


Chu Long sacrificed the Baizhang Yuan Shen Dharma, and pressed the Shengxuan Mountain with his huge palm like a hill.

At the same time, the main body held a spear and thrust out a terrifying spear light.

It can be said that the skills and fighting methods practiced by Chu Long are exactly the same as those of King Ming, very similar.

At the same time, the other four masters of the Yuan Shen Realm in Prince Ming's Mansion also took action at the same time and launched a killing move.

Most of the wish pattern formation in Shengxuan Mountain had been destroyed by Chu Tianjiao, and with the few remaining Yuan Shen Refined Corpses, it was impossible to resist Chu Long and the others.

Chu Long was invincible in Zongheng. He waved his spear and blasted the soul-refining corpses one after another.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo did not take action, and they headed towards the east of Shengxuan Mountain.

Zhao Sirong told him that there were treasures one hundred and ninety miles east of the main palace of Shengxuan Sect. He was curious about what they were.

Traveling through Shengxuan Mountain.


Suddenly, two burly figures, carrying a violent wind, rushed towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

"It's corpse refining."

Lu Yan was startled, thinking he had encountered a corpse refining by the soul of Shengxuan Sect, but upon closer inspection, he found that it was not a corpse refining by the soul at all, but a corpse refining in the true body state.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo took action at the same time to attack a refined corpse.

With two collisions, the bodies of the two refined corpses flew backwards, and their arms, which were as strong as magic weapons, had been blown open by the two men.

Lu Yan flew to catch up, with the sword already in his hand. He slashed out with one strike, splitting a refined corpse into two halves, while Shen Yinuo also punched the refined corpse into two pieces.

Then, the two of them saw two disciples of Shengxuan Sect with blood-red eyes standing not far away.

The two of them were obviously shocked and turned around and ran away.

Shen Yinuo waved his hand, and two flying knives flew out, killing the two men.

The two continued eastward, and soon after, they were killed again by a sniper.

However, Sheng Xuanzong was currently the most powerful, but in his true form, he did not pose much of a threat to the two of them. He easily defeated their opponents. Soon, the two came to the location mentioned by Zhao Sirong, and they saw a cold pool as expected.

With two splashes, the two jumped into the cold pool.

The mouth of Hantan is not big, but the area below it suddenly becomes larger and quite open. The two of them walked along the side wall. Soon after, they saw a cave. The two of them swam into the cave and kept going forward for about a few meters. After a few miles, there was a cave diagonally above Lu Yan, but there was no pool.

The two of them went up and it was running so hard that their wet clothes were steamed dry in the blink of an eye.

The two walked into the cave.

The cave is not big, with stalactites hanging upside down like bamboo shoots.

In the center of the cave, there is a jade pot. You can see that there is half a pot of milky white liquid in the jade pot, exuding bursts of fragrance.

Tick ​​tock!

There happened to be a drop of milky white liquid dripping into the jade pot from a stalactite above.

"Is this ten thousand years of stone liquid?"

Shen Yinuo's eyes lit up, he walked to the jade pot, twitched his nose a few times, smiled, and said: "It should be ten thousand years of stone liquid."

"What does the ten thousand year stone liquid do?"

Lu Yan was curious.

"The innate purple energy is a rare treasure of heaven and earth, and the ten thousand year stone liquid is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth, even more precious than the innate purple energy."

"The conditions for the birth of ten thousand year stone liquid are extremely harsh. It can only be born in some special places and by chance. It is the essence of heaven and earth. Its effect is similar to the innate purple energy. Applying it to the whole body can promote the transformation of the true body."

"It will take at least several decades to accumulate this half a pot of ten thousand year stone liquid. Miss Sirong is so kind to you. I will tell you all about such a precious treasure."

Shen Yinuo said slightly sourly.

"The Ten Thousand Years Stone Liquid is so precious, why didn't Sirong take it with her when she left?"

Lu Yan pondered.

Two conclusions came to mind.

The first one is Ten Thousand Years Stone Liquid, which is only useful for the True Body Realm, but is useless for the Grandmaster Realm. Zhao Sirong cannot use it yet.

Secondly, Zhao Sirong knew that he was being targeted by many people and had no time to come here to get the Ten Thousand Years Stone Liquid.

According to Zhao Sirong, his master Huang Xuan should have discovered this place and told her about it later. Other than that, no other person knew about it.

If she comes here and is targeted, not only will she not be able to take away the Ten Thousand Years Stone Liquid, but this place will also be exposed.

"Yi Nuo, can these ten thousand-year stone liquid be enough for the two of us to break through?"

Lu Yan asked.

"It's hard to say. This is a gift from Miss Sirong. You can use it first. We will talk about it later."

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan nodded. With his relationship with Shen Yinuo, there was no need to be polite.

"This, can you just apply it on your body?"

"Well, just apply it evenly all over your body and then refine it with martial arts."

Shen Yinuo nodded.

After three strokes, five divided by two, he took off his clothes, sucked a small ball of ten thousand year stone liquid into the palm of his hand with real strength, and began to smear it all over his body.

Shen Yinuo's face turned slightly red, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know where to look.

"Yinuo, I can't apply it on my back, can you help me?"

Lu Yan shouted.

"Nonsense, you are already in the true body state and have full control over your physical body. How could you not be able to apply it?"

Shen Yinuo curled his lips. He didn't know what Lu Yan was thinking and wanted to take advantage of him.

"It really can't be applied, and I can't see the back. If it's unevenly applied, wouldn't it be a waste of precious treasures like the Ten Thousand Years Stone Liquid?"

Lu Yan didn't want to give up and kept working hard.


Shen Yinuo snorted a few times, hesitated for a while, and then walked over, sucked a ball of ten thousand year stone liquid, and smeared it on Lu Yan's back.

Feeling Yinuo's soft and warm palm, Lu Yan took a long breath of relief, and raised his head and chest at a certain point.

"Yi Nuo, a little below, yes."

Lu Yan gave instructions.


After a while, Shen Yinuo stopped.

"Yinuo, please help me apply it here too."

Lu Yan looked at the fifth limb.


Shen Yinuo's face turned red and he kicked Lu Yan dozens of meters away.

Lu Yan could only do it himself.

After applying it, Lu Yan began to use martial arts to refine it.

The ten thousand year stone liquid turned into strands of energy, seeping into the muscles from the pores of the body, and then into the bones and internal organs.

About half a day later, all the ten thousand year stone liquid smeared on the whole body was refined.

Lu Yan's true body has not transformed.

The amount you apply once is naturally not enough.

Lu Yan applied it a second time, then practiced martial arts and refined it.

After doing this seven times in a row, Lu Yan's body began to feel numb and numb, and then it became more and more intense, and finally turned into a tingling sensation.

Lu Yan experienced this feeling four times and knew that his true body was transforming.

This transformation was extremely rapid and was completed in just half a day.

The five true body refinements.

Lu Yan's true body and true energy became stronger and thicker, and the surface of his body was covered with a layer of dark mucus.

Lu Yan entered the pool and washed himself, feeling refreshed.

Looking at the jade pot, there was still a small half of the thousand-year stone liquid left, and Lu Yan had used more than half of it.

"Yi Nuo, you can use the remaining ten thousand year stone liquid."

Lu Yan said.

The remaining half-a-half-thousand-year-old stone liquid may not allow Shen Yinuo to complete his transformation, but it can still accumulate there, making it easier to transform later.

Shen Yinuo nodded without refusing.

"You turn around."

Shen Yinuo said with a slightly red face.

"Ah? It's not like I haven't seen it before, so why bother?"

Lu Yan argued hard.

"Turn around."

Shen Yinuo gritted his teeth and demanded strongly.

Lu Yan had no choice but to turn around, and then heard a rustling sound.

"Yinuo, you may have applied it unevenly. Do you want me to help?"

Lu Yan said.

"No, you think I am you."

Yinuo refused.

Sure enough, the remaining half of the ten thousand-year stone liquid did not allow Shen Yinuo to successfully transform and enter the fifth level of the true body.

But Shen Yinuo feels that it's not too far off. As long as he refines the weapons and accumulates them for a period of time, he can break through.

Afterwards, the two left the place.

It will take at least ten years to accumulate enough ten thousand year stone liquid.

At this time, the battle at Shengxuan Mountain had come to an end. Those who resisted were all killed and some surrendered.

The Shengxuan Sect, which had been passed down for thousands of years, was destroyed.

Unfortunately, most of the valuable treasures and resources were taken away. The Ming Palace searched the entire mountain but did not get many resources.

Of course, for the Ming Palace, the largest and most valuable resource is Shengxuan Mountain itself.

There is only one fourth-level bloodline in Prince Ming's Mansion.

Now, there are two.

A fourth-level bloodline can breed countless exotic beasts and provide countless martial arts and martial arts pills to Prince Ming's Mansion.

This is the most important wealth and the most important war resource.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo pretended to be late, met with Chu Long, and followed Chu Long to reorganize the territory of Shengxuan Sect.

The Ming Palace was vigorous and resolute, and Xuanzhou was nominally under the jurisdiction of the Ming Palace. The Ming Palace had great power, so there were few obstacles in the rectification. Needless to say, several high-level sects had already surrendered to the Ming Palace.

Those grandmaster-level clans, including Wuhou-level clans, also surrendered one after another and paid tribute.

In just over a month, Xuanzhou was basically stable.

After incorporating Sheng Xuanzong's martial army, the number of Ming Wang's army returned to 300,000.

After stabilizing, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo followed Chu Long back to Prince Ming's Mansion.

The Ming Palace left 50,000 troops to guard Xuanzhou.

The nearly 60,000 military troops incorporated into Shengxuan Sect followed Chu Long and returned to Mingzhou.

Chu Long informed that the Ming Palace was going to use troops against the Tianque Sect.

Naturally, the 60,000 troops of Shengxuanzong cannot stay in Xuanzhou, but will be used on the battlefield against Tianquezong.

In this battle, King Ming personally led an army of 200,000, with Chu Tianjiao as the vanguard, and attacked Qizhou in a mighty manner.

Chu Long was in charge of Mingwang City.

Naturally, Lu Yan did not participate in the war.

Three days after returning to Prince Ming's Mansion, Lu Yan returned to Qianlong Camp.

Chu Long told him that since his true form had been broken, he could no longer stay in Qianlong Camp.

He came back this time to go through the formalities and say goodbye.

Shen Yinuo was not from Qianlong Camp, so naturally he couldn't go with him and stayed in the inn temporarily.

"Lu Yan, have you broken through to your true form?"

When Feng Yuanyi learned the news, he was stunned, but then he burst into laughter.

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