Jairus POV:

I told her many times that I love her, though I can't express my true feelings. I must say that I dearly love her and want her in my life. I was glad that she came to my company. But at first I feared that she must have a motive but no, she was simply finding the father of the child. I couldn't stop myself and revealed the truth. But I'm still afraid that she may freak out at the reality,as she doesn't know that I'm a vampire and most importantly with royal blood in my veins.

At first I only wanted the child not her. Because it's not easy for a royal blood to reproduce and when I found that she's pregnant I became overjoyed. But due to some mutations now royal blood can only reproduce with royal bloods. It was a miracle that a human girl got pregnant with my child. The child will be half human & half vampire as I'm too. By the time she stayed by my side don't know how but I fell in love with her. Now I want both her and my child. I want to accept her as my wife. That's why I called my father & the wedding will be held next week, a week before the pact will be sealed. Right now I'm waiting for my dad as I'm gonna tell her the secret.


A man in his fifties was sitting in the lounge, quite handsome despite being old. He possesses some kind of charm___sure his looks were of a businessman. Same glacial eyes like Jairus, black hair with grey strips in between, his temples were all grey, giving him a attractive but strict look.

Jairus came along with Agnes in the lounge holding her by shoulders. They both sat in the sofa in front of the man. He was sipping the coffee and was smiling at both. Jairus held her hand and introduced the old man.

"Agnes honey this is Michael Ezekiel, my father."

Agnes' eyes wide open. And she looked the man from head to toe.

"Whoa !

You mean THE Michael Ezekiel !"

Wonder was in her tone as she stressed on THE.

Mr. Michael laughed at her silly reaction.

"Haha what do you mean by THE ?"

Agnes became nervous, the tone of old man echoed in the room. No doubt why her aunt fell in love with this man. He was dominating__in a positive manner and yes quite manly.

"Actually sir, you're a.....a....I listened it in the news on tv !"

She spit out a lame sentence.

He laughed again and making her more tense.

"Well dear, you're funny. By the way call my dad or uncle, not sir. Okey."

Agnes looked at Jairus who was enjoying their chat leaning against the sofa with his hand tucked beneath the chin.

He shrugged his shoulders.

As she glared at him.

"Okey dad."

Simply she gave a silly smile.

Mr. Michael settled himself in the sofa in a cozy & comfortable position.

"Agnes dear we've a lot of things to discuss. As you're going to marry my son. Firstly tell me what do you think about the burning issue in our society regarding peace-pact ?"

Sure he was making a ground to reveal the secret.

"Actually sir it's a good thing. And it must happen. Vampires do deserve happiness and rights as humans does. According to me it's a good change."

"Good. So how do you see vampires ?"

He was moving close to the original point.

"Vampires___there are types in humans sir , good or bad. Same are vampires. We can't blame them for any bad incident occurring here. And it's silly to see them as blood sucking creatures when they haven't done anything like this. They are staying between humans from many years. They have mates n children here."

"Good. So Agnes what I'm going to tell you now. Listen it carefully and don't panic. I'm here just to tell you these. And to combine you both for__forever."

Agnes was all ears now.

"I'm listening. What is it ?"

"Agnes actually my son Jairus half human and half vampire blood."

Mr. Michael narrated the whole story.

".....blah blah blah....and I'm still waiting for his mother. And I've firm belief she'll return one day."

Agnes knew some bits of the story already. And now it was her time to say.

"Actually uncle I....."

She trailed off and brushed her hair in nervousness.

"I'm also a royal blood !"

"What ?"

They both said in unity.

"Ah !  Yeah."

Agnes smiled at their reaction.

"How's it possible ? Why didn't I sensed that ?"

Jairus was confused now.

"Actually when I met you___your transformation wasn't started. I was attracted to your human aura. But when I found that I'm pregnant my powers got drained and right now I'm more human-like. And the day my pregnancy was revealed your transformation began so your aura got sealed. And due to this half human child you wasn't able to sense my vampire blood."

She stated with eyes glued to the black carpet. As it was embarrassing to say such things in front of her father-in-law.

"Oh so everything is simple. You both are for each other. And I'm going to be a grandpa."

Mr. Ezekiel laughed as he felt relieved.

"Uumm...uncle I've something important to tell you."

"Yes dear. Sure I'm listening."

"Uncle.....Jairus' mother is my aunt."

"Whoa. And that's the big news. Bigger than mine."

Jairus was shocked now.

"So that means you're his cousin."

"Yeah. Aunt Remora and my mum are sisters. And that's how I'm a royal blood."

"Oh my goodness. I came here to shock you. But it is me who is in shock."

Mr. Michael teased her.

"So everything is settled now. No more confusions. What's the plan now ?"

"What do you mean by that, dad ?"

"Are you going to starve me ? I had that single cup of coffee."

He narrowed his eyes.

Jairus and Agnes looked at each other. Nothing eatable was at home as they both were excited and ate at the restaurant after shopping.

"Dad let's eat outside today."

Jairus suggested.

"Yeah. Don't bother my daughter-in-law these days. Take care of her okey."

He stood up and put on his coat. The couple followed the old man towards the door.

"By the way when you both are getting married ?"

Agnes blushed and Jairus was too caught off guard.

"Ah !  Next weekend dad, probably."

He nodded amusingly and went out. Jairus pulled Agnes closer and kissed her hungrily.

"You're full of secrets Mrs. Jairus. I want to study you now badly."

Was all he whispered in her ear. Agnes knew what he meant by 'study'.

:p  <3

"Are you both coming or I'd go alone. Don't keep an old man waiting,  you love birds."

Mr. Michael yelled from outside.

Agnes pushed Jairus and hurriedly went out. Her cheeks were burning red with embarrassment.

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