Agnes became tired and took excuse. Jairus took her home. During the way they both chatted about what happened. Although both were happy. But something was bothering Jairus. He wasn't all ears towards Agnes.

They reached the Ezekiel mansion, Jairus scooped Agnes in his strong arms and carried her in bridal style towards the back yard. Agnes kept on asking but he made excuses and kept on laughing.

His eyes never left her face and perhaps the evening also wanted them to____

Jairus gently let her down along the charcoal pathway while holding her by waist. Agnes was looking around and it was complete darkness. But she trusted him. Jairus clapped and____

A heart appeared on the ground. He faced Agnes on his knees and proposed her with a ring.

"My dear Agnes Regena will you do the honour of marrying this idiot and bossy billionaire ?"

She chuckled as warm tears kissed her cheeks.

"Yes !"

Her voice low___whisper.

It was unbelievable. The arrogant and notorious play boy of US was on his knees only for her.

"Yes yes Oh my goodness yes !"

She exclaimed with joy.

Jairus came closer and kissed upon her tears, inhaling her aura and then gently placed a kiss on her forehead. Agnes' heart throbbing fast she closed her eyes and let him do.

He slipped the diamond ring into her finger.

Though Agnes was tired but she captured the whole moment in her eyes and enjoyed it by heart.

Jairus took her further towards the dome shaped corner, decorated in white. Perfect to celebrate a romantic date.

Lights were beautifully arranged in glass bottles, roses were thrown along the pathway. Jairus stole a kiss while Agnes was looking around in amazement.

Both laughed and enjoyed the wonderful moment of their life. Jairus lifted her feet onto his shoes as she was tired.

( He is strong ! )

And swayed her along the rhythm of their heartbeats.   <3

( yeah yeah the ending scene of TWILIGHT SAGA )

"I love you both."

He said with dreamy eyes filled with love.

"We love you too honey."

Agnes chuckled. As Jairus pulled her closer & they both kissed passionately.


Agnes was asleep by now and Jairus came downstairs. Perhaps he was waiting for someone. Not for his father as he'd be coming home late___enjoying the party with friends and peeps.

A few minutes later the horn of car banged. And he immediately went out.

"Jairus my love I'm glad you're fine !"

Genevieve uttered __panting as she came up to him.

"Why are you here ?"

He was unmoved by her words and stood there with stern n cold expressions.

"I'm here to save you obviously because I care for you. Listen....."

She was moving her sight around.

"Save ?

Me ?

From what ?"

Jairus interrupted her.

"From her !"

She yelled this time.

"Jairus she isn't what you think she is. She's a liar. And she definitely will hurt you."

Genevieve was traveling worried & terrified all the way to US from Dubai so she didn't saw or listened the news which was casted all over the world.

"Why do you think that ?"

Mr. Thomas Martin already informed Jairus about his daughter when he found that she left Dubai. He was sure that she'd go to him.

"Jairus listen to me please she isn't a nice girl and she isn't a human for God's sake listen to me."

She was still insisting as they both quarreled outside the mansion in the ground.

"Isn't a human ?"

Obviously he knew that.

He frowned in a questioning tone.

"That bloody bit*h is a vampire Jairus !

She is a filthy bloodsucking vampire !"

She burst out in anger.

Jairus clenched his fists as she called Agnes names.

"A vampire ?

How can you say that ?"

He was in a mood to scare Genevieve off for___forever.

So played along her.

"She was here in human world a few years ago and tried those same tricks with my father. She was wooing him but he refused. And now she's playing with you. Why don't you understand Jairus. I can't let that bit*h steal my man !"

She was boiling in anger when Jairus was listening to her lowering his head.

Genevieve wanted an answer a quick reaction. But to her surprise Jairus was silently standing with his head lowered. She lifted his head in a panic and____

To her horror his eyes were glowing red. His canines grew into fangs. Hair covering his forehead, icey white he was looking like a devil !

Or a vampire !

Genevieve took a few steps back in horror. When he chuckled__an evil grin.

"Oh yeah. Then what tricks should I play with you my dear ?"

Jairus took a few steps towards her as she fell onto the grass.

Fear was in her eyes and visible in her voice. It was clear on her face that she's seen her death !

"Ss-stay away"

Jairus smirked as he placed a hand on her knees.

"Why dear ?

You wanted me nay ?

Why are you pushing me now ?"

Genevieve curled herself, her knees close to her chest and eyes shut. She was looking like a scared daddy's princess  !

"Nn-no. I dd-don't want you. Please spare my life."

Her voice was uneven as tears rolled down to her cheeks. Jairus never knew she'd be that delicate and easy. Genevieve was totally opposite to Agnes.

"Okey. I'll count up to 5. Disappear from here and from my life !

Otherwise I'll snap your head off !"

He yelled at her out loud__enough to scare her.

A shiver ran down her spine and she opened her eyes and gazed at his horrendous devilish look.


Jairus folded his arms, smirked and began to count. To his amusement Genevieve immediately ran towards the main gate.

To the way out of Ezekiel mansion she'd hear his loud giggle. She ran like a coward and didn't looked back, not even for once.

Jairus knew she wouldn't dare to come back now. So walked inside.

Walking up to the stairs he overlooked the mirror which Agnes placed along the stairs. She used to stare into the mirror all time ___not for her looks but the baby bump !

So she placed one there too.

Jairus stumbled upon the reflection. Indeed he was looking horrible. Frightened by his own vampiric looks he mustered up courage and waved. He became sure that no one else was here except him.

He strided towards his room taking a deep breath and calming himself. Agnes was sleeping soundly. He took off his shirt and slipped into the blanket. Hugged her from back and tried to sleep. With Agnes' touch his body became calm and blood pressure normal. His fangs returned to normal.

And the moon goddess showered her love upon them.   <3

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