Working as an actress she's the daughter of billionaire Jairus Ezekiel & Agnes Regena. Both her parents are royal blood vampires. Uri born half vampire & half human is living in the world where both the species are intermingled friendly.

Her vampiric powers n senses are sealed by her parents and her vampiric nature is suppressed a lot that she's almost human.

But wait !

Like her parents when she'll meet her mate her senses will become free. And her vampire nature will rise.

During a shoot for an add the redhead star meets a guy. Probably a spotboy & falls in love with him.

The milk beauty of advertising industry with glacial eyes falls for an ordinary boy.

But he is her mate as they both end up in bed after the successful promotion of her add. And after that night the guy disappears. Uri's senses are at it's peak and she tries to find that man.

But to her dismay he vanished don't know where to. And Uri is forced to marry a young billionaire.


A young billionaire and the only son of Xander Xavier, Blayze Xavier is a play boy. Enjoying his bachelor life and playing with girls, having many girlfriends and countless one-night stands. Still he's the heartthrob of girls.

Upon the request of his dearest friend he decides to invest in an advertising company. He meets Uri there the young stunning actress and falls in love with her at first sight.

The actress with raven hair, sea green eyes takes his heart and seeks his attention. ( yeah she changed her appearance )

She mistook him for a spot boy and Blayze let it happens. They both spends much time together and affection between them grows into love. After a party held for Uri in honour of her successful add they both ends up in bed.

The next day Blayze is called by his dad that his marriage has been fixed to the daughter of billionaire Jairus Ezekiel. Immediately he leaves for home. And meets with an accident. Which causes him severe injuries & a complete plastic surgery of his face.

After 4 months of recovery he tries to find that advertising girl but all in vain. As Uri was working under a disguise and a fake name. Hopelessly he agrees for the marriage upon the wish of his dad.

What will happen next ?

Blayze has changed after the surgery.

Uri is back to her original appearance & as well as her senses are awake now.

They're known-strangers

As well as mates now.


They hate each other.

As they both love someone else.

Both are.....

Running away from each other. In the HUNT OF THEIR LOVE.

And the tale goes on.

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